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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. I don't think that people posting that they were going to wait for 'official' news before accepting that Drew was leaving was disrespectful. If anything I posted was disrespectful, I am sorry. I elected to wait for 'an official' release and than when things got silly, I had fun with it. Sorry if any feelings were hurt.
  2. You're absolutely right!! My 'holier than thou' sister, mother of three sons, said the same thing. My boys got boxes of the stuff as stocking stuffers and told I don't want you to use this but if your gonna do it, put this on!. My three nephews who were taught to wait, don't do it, don't even think about doing it until your married and sons of my 'holier than thou' sister and brother in law all got a girl pregnant before they were married. Guess those girls should have been smarter than my nephews. (Oh, and to date, I'm not a grandmother!!)
  3. I'm glad I only had sons!! (Otherwise, you're 'fixed' change in my post would get me in a lot of trouble!!)
  4. Cool. (Kinda scary how much that uniform looks like the Badgers.)
  5. (Girls who are smart have one in their wallet, too. )
  6. You really believe that???
  7. I don't get the Rough Riders name. Rooselvelt was here, what?, one long weekend? He owned property in ND that he didn't visit and the Rough Riders fought in Cuba. I gues we could be the Rough Riders and our logo could be a Cuban cigar... no, that would be too phallic. How about a fruit basket? No, too many fruit jokes. How about a Teddy Bear!? No one hates Teddy Bears. Better yet, we can BE the Teddy Bears!! (Pffftttt!!! )
  8. No, it's not a joke! Did you miss the press release on the 6AM news?
  9. Got the link>>heavy sigh!!!! Good luck, wish you the best and we're really gonna miss you!!! FABIAAAAANNNNN!!!!!
  10. Pretty stupid either way! I wish there was some way that we could turn that 'stupid gene' (my scientific word for it) off, that is turned on when puberty hits. You know, the one that results in the same answer to any question about bad behaviour. Question: Why did you ..... (miss curfew, smoke cigarettes, lose your lunch money, get drunk, smoke pot, etc). Stock answer to whatever 'it' is>>"I don't know." <<Stupid gene.
  11. An atheist school is entitled to use any name they want. Hacking into someones account, posing as that person, posting racially inflammatory remarks while posing as that person, changing someone's password, changing someone's email contact address, sending PM's while posing as someone else, stealing and posting personal messages from the 'hacked' person's account are not ok.
  12. Tundra brings to mind brown, dingy, flat, boring images. Sorry Doc.
  13. Not fighting!! I'm just not as quick as she is in calling dibs on the good stuff!!
  14. NO!! My choice is the UNIVERSITY OF NORTH DAKOTA FIGHTING SIOUX. When and if the name changes, it will be a University decision, not the NC$$s. To change it now, would be admitting to the world that we are hostile and abusive. Bull doo doo!!!!!!
  15. has anyone checked with the S & M faction!? They may object. Well, only the S, the M may like it but aren't allowed to complain.
  16. True, but I miss out on the ambiance of the arena. I'll be a good sport and only vitch behind your back.
  17. Damn!!!! I get the olympic sheet.
  18. We knew players were suspended but no details. Reading the article is disturbing. I hope we don't start bashing either the accuser or the players. I personally don't know anymore details than those I read in this article. That's not enough information for me to believe one side over the other. I just hope justice prevails for whoever the victim(s) is/are in this situation. What I do know is that lives are going to be ruined either way.
  19. I believe that an earlier post said Drew of the only one of the first 15 picked that wasn't on an NHL team> Kessel must have been picked later.
  20. My older son lives in Mpls and just started skating again a few weeks ago. He's been playing with whoever but I know he would like to play with a 'set group'. Are you only looking for 'good' players or will some one who is 'relearning' the game fit in. My younger son lives in GF but visits his bro often and would like to play when he's visiting. He's played non-stop for almost 20 years (he's almost 24 and yes he's tired ).
  21. Dang! And here I thought Zach was coming back!! Shoot!!
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