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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. So, bypass the a trial by jury and go with the judge as the judge deciding factor.
  2. There were a couple of Matt's who told me they were coming back for their senior years and then they broke my heart! I hope Jonathan and who ever gets him believe that he does need that extra year to grow in the man he needs to be before heading to the NHL. With his skill, talent and work ethic, this is one young man that is likely going to bypass the AHL and go directly to the NHL.
  3. How dare you post facts!! What someone told someone else is much more credible!
  4. It's going to be interesting to see which way we do go, Federal or State. UND is a state institution and the NC$$ is not a Federal institution but if anti-trust is going to be part of the lawsuit, it could go Federal. I want it to go where it's going to have the biggest impact on the NC$$ when we win the case! That probably means Federal.
  5. I don't believe the NC$$ would help anyone in this situation. But to think that their lack of 'extra' help is due to the nickname issue would be only wishful thinking on the part of our lawyers.
  6. Ecellent articles written by our own journalist in residence!! http://www.uscho.com/news/id,12631/Charles...ameWarrior.html http://www.uscho.com/news/id,12630/Intervi...meSolution.html
  7. I've thought about and decided the 'Nifty' sounds to peachy keen for a football trophy. I go back to my original vote, the Nickle.
  8. While the owners actions are old news, the fact that he is FINALLY going to be charged with the crime he committed is good news. While I haven't thought of it since last winter, it seemed at that time as if he was going to get away with breaking the law. Ask any bar owner in Grand Forks, Fargo, etc. how long it would take for the city/state to charge them with knowingly serving alcohol to minors?! Looks like the kids may be getting off scot free though. I found the following from Howard University interesting. It looks like it could be pretty easy to unknowingly break some of the NC$$ rules. I guess we better be pretty careful what we as fans do for/with our athletes. http://www.howard.edu/advancement/athletics/ncaa.html
  9. Ok, thanks. I can take my kevlar vest off now.
  10. The cape might be an asset. Those 'ladies' are know to charge a fluttering one so you might want to take it off and hold it to the side, matador style, when trolling for 'ladies' in Bisonville.
  11. I wish that fellow members would quit with the 'liberal' finger pointing. I'm a bleeding heart liberal and so are many other SS.com members. As many of you know, there may be others who feel as strongly as I do about the name/logo and hostile/abusive issue but there aren't many who feel stronger. That goes for the other 'liberal' SS.com members. This idiot journalist whiny, 'I need attention' staff person on the StarTrib, obviously knows enough about the NC$$'s edict to write a bunch of partially correct, mostly wrong, hate driven trash but not enough to address any facts. If he had written an article based on facts rather than character assassination, I would have respected his right to express them. Instead he writes drivel that isn't worth what it collects lining the bottom of a bird cage.
  12. Hey, instead of that old stuff, why don't you tell us what it's like working in a 'hostile and abusive' environment down there in Bisonville? Are ya dating much? I'm sure those ladies require a larger 'wine 'em and dine 'em' budget than your used to spending.
  13. Not to stop anyone from discussing this if they want but this topic has been discussed ad nauseaum in at least two (3-4?) other threads. It always ends up season ticket holders against students. Pretty much the same identical posts in all the threads. No resolution here, just a bunch of pissed off members. I've had my say before and will stay out of this one.
  14. I remember that the team was playing for a little girl with cancer. I believe she is a friend of one of the players. The commentators mentioned it throughout the series but I don't remember the details.
  15. Bill Brudvik, candidate for State's Attorney, goes on record to say that the Attorney General's office should not be involved in the UND vs NCAA lawsuit. He says its a UND issue and that it will be too time consuming for the SA to take on. He doesn't think that Stenejhm has the time to take on the case. Stenejhm says the States Attorney's office is the only one that can represent the state in lawsuits. Brudvik does support the name and logo.
  16. http://www.goenglish.com/ThePotCallingTheKettleBlack.asp
  17. Nope, these cloudy cataract filled eyes can't see anything more than six inches in front of me. It's all Braille from here on out! Com'er Dirty, let me show you how it's done!
  18. The "Fiddy" sounds sissy! I vote for the "Nickel".
  19. All I'll say to that is that when asked direct questions by my sons about my 'good ol' days', I lie.
  20. November 25th, against Colorado College. Saturday after Thanksgiving. Only six more for the big suite. Sioux-cia - Yes Siouxmama & Mr. Siouxmama - Yes & Yes ftnsiouxhockey & 1 - Yes & Yes Siouxman & Mrs. Siouxman - Yes & Yes HeidiSioux62 - Yes 82SiouxGuy - Yes Siouxnami & Siouxzy - Yes & Yes redwing77 - Maybe Norge & Mrs. Norge - Maybe & Maybe SiouxTupa - Yes HockeyMom & Mr. HockeyMom - Yes & Yes YaneA - Yes Ba Ba Canoosh - Yes Sioux Hockey Fanatic & 1 - Maybe & Maybe DougM - Maybe 16 Yes + 6 Maybe
  21. The date is November 25th, Saturday after Thanksgiving against Colorado College. I'll put DougM on the maybe list!
  22. Hey thanks for the 'rest of the story'. I've been to many a game that has been a snoozer, sounds like fun. Too bad the guys ended up in jail for the night.
  23. 'The Back Office' Dingy bar, big tough palooka standing in front of door marked 'Office'. His palm is greased with a 'C' note and you gain entry to the 'back office'>>a smokey, dim lighted room. There's a bunch of guys around a table playing cards, a pile of Jackson's in the middle of the table, .32 Smith & Wessons at the ready, tired, looking, skinny dames lounging around in the back ground, chain smoking and drinkin' watered down whiskey in dirty glasses, Louis Armstrong playing in the background and a lookout at the back door. 'The Back Office' later tonight on TNT.
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