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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Quit dredging up posts from days ago!! AND sir, this is a family forum, so I would suggest you edit your post!!! What SiouxMeNow, posted is pretty PG compared to your post. As someone who has gotten in a bit of trouble with our Admin, I'm not throwing stones but I can tell you that your complaint will have more credence if you didn't lace it with profanity and the post you're complaining about wasn't three days old! You're on a SIOUX sports forum (I know it's hard to tell when you look at the number of Bison posters vs Sioux posters in the DI threads. ), so ya gotta know that you're going to get some flack from the opposition.
  2. Brandon was traded to the 'Hawks last spring. I saw him play against the Oilers in April. Greene was a healthy scratch for that game.
  3. Thankfully, my place of business is closed today and I have some time on my hands. The following are the only posts re Philippe before your 'locals prefer Lammy' post. Goon>> fightingbooya>>
  4. What?? The only mention of Philippe in this thread has been to hope he's ready to step up to the plate. I believe it was you who posted that you hope he will become more consistent. Can you point to any posts that support your statement that there is 'a lot of resentment that he isn't the number one goalie on the team'? As fans, we all know that the best goalie was in net this past season. Philippe has the potential and the talent to be number one this coming season. If another one of our goalies proves himself to be better during practice and in the opinion of the coaches, the best goalie will be in net. If Jordan leaves us, good luck and God speed. I would love to see him stay his senior year but he shouldn't listen to me, I'm just a selfish ol' bag!
  5. UND has had D1 hockey since forever. Why doesn't that count for something?
  6. What are they looking for? Stadiums, capacity, ..
  7. Is the invite a shoe in? What could prevent NDSU getting the invite?
  8. Karl---5'7" 150# Jordan --- 5'11" 190#
  9. Some how it doesn't seem enough!
  10. College athletes, professional athletes, entertainers, politicians, and everyone else in the public eye are all somehow suppose to be better than the 'rest of us'. Why? Because the 'rest of us' tend to hold them to a higher/different standard than we have for ourselves. Somehow the old adage, 'He puts his pants on one leg at a time just like me', does not apply. Not fair but certainly the way it is.
  11. BRAVO!!! I sent my comment to the article. In my attempt to copy and paste it here, I somehow lost it. But everyone here knows how I feel about the name and logo issue already.
  12. Not a good message being sent to the other schools from the Board. It will be interesting to see what their (schools) response will be. Also, how difficult is it going to be to hire another Chancellor? The new job description will have to read, 'Policies, procedures, rules and regulations are to be enforced equally to all institutions, unless, of course, they don't want to follow them.'
  13. Sioux-cia


    I wasn't at the Wi game but remember the Archie incident. What an animal!!! We sure did love our goon!!
  14. I may be wrong but since the United Center/Blackhawks are not members of the NC$$, the display of the Indian logo by the Blackhawks will not be a problem. The NC$$ does not have a problem with the name Pontiac and its Indian feather logo and does not consider them hostile or abusive. That can only be because GM is not a member of the NC$$.
  15. Our hockey team used to wear that same Indian head on our jerseys. Towes will be joining Bochenski another of 'our boys' as a 'Hawk.
  16. Google is your friend, too. http://www.med.UND.nodak.edu/depts/rural/news/040504.html
  17. Re-reading the petition letter that IowaBison posted, I remember thinking the first time I read it, 'Where's the proof?' The university has over three dozen American Indian programs, over 400 American Indian students, has graduated 25% of the countries American Indian physicians, etc., etc., etc., >>> Proof that the University of North Dakota is not a 'hostile or abusive' environment for American Indians or other minorities. Where's the proof in this statement, .? In the midst of all this and besides all this 'controversy', the University and state American Indian tribes have continued to work together developing new programs such as an American Indian Elder health program. None of this has come to a screeching halt.
  18. You sound like someone with buyers remorse! "I know I signed the contract but I didn't mean it! I want to change it but they won't talk to me. I didn't want to continue to pay them the agreed amount and since they wouldn't take my calls that meant I didn't have to pay them. Why are you reposessing my house?!? It's not a valid contract!! They won't talk to me about changing it so it isn't worth the paper it's written on! The former owners of the house agree with me!! It's not a valid contract." About conditions, there are no deadlines written into the resolution regarding when they should be completed. Since the U and the Tribe are discussing things out of the public eye, I believe the deficiencies are being addressed and will be in place. It's up to the tribe to decide if the contract is invalid, not the NC$$, not Longie and not you. They have not done so. You are beating a dead horse and I agree with you, you are sounding like an a$$.
  19. That's because you're not in Jr High..... (You're not are you?)
  20. Who in the heck is the NC$$ to demand that the Spirit Lake tribe answer it's questions or even to respond to them? "Yes sir, the fact that we have not withdrawn our resolution to not oppose the use of the Fighting Sioux name by the University of North Dakota , means we have not withdrawn our resolution to not oppose the use of the Fighting Sioux name. No sir, our non response to your question regarding the use of the Fighting Sioux name by the University of North Dakota does not override our resolution to not oppose the use of the Fighting Sioux name by the University of North Dakota. Our resolution to not oppose the use of the Fighting Sioux name by the University of North Dakota has not been rescinded and stands as written. You appear to be having trouble understanding that we have not rescinded our resolution to not oppose the use of the Fighting Sioux name by the University of North Dakota. Would you like us to provide you with a translator, sir?" Geeze!!!
  21. Is that a D1 powder puff football huddle?
  22. Peanut butter toast is it's favorite.
  23. I think it's time our Administrator took a close look at ATL...'s posts. Looks like someone should be on time out!!!
  24. ...which was just last May. Now as for me, I'm older than dirt but still enjoy my share of eye-candy!!!!
  25. Ah, sweet memories!! http://siouxsports.com/forums/lofiversion/....php/t1470.html
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