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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. He's at the game. If it's any consolation, I'm in Arizona.
  2. Game worn 1976-1977 Chicago Blackhawks Bobby Orr jersey - starting bid $10,000.00. Think I'll stick to my Fighting Sioux hockey jerseys, for now.......
  3. Hmmmm, salt water would be very good for what ails me. Maybe I'll join you!!
  4. FYI http://www.vfw.org/index.cfm?fa=news.newsDtl&did=3184 I know the first resolution was passed quickly through the House and Senate. I hope the new one does as well.
  5. I'll be in Arizona, glued to my laptop with a bottle of Motrin, a bottle of water and a box of Kleenex . GO SIOOOOOOUX!!!!!!
  6. This article is more than a week old but interesting because the authors/publication are Name/Logo change supporters. http://smedindy.deadspin.com/sports/hockey...feel-216721.php
  7. Some fans got great deals last year as I know there were some $200. jerseys. None of the ones I was fortunate to get went for less than $600. I was glad I have all the Prp jerseys I wanted because one of them last year went for $2000.!!!! NO, not me!!
  8. Thanks for the update. Keep 'em coming, we do appreciate it!!
  9. The money goes back into the UND athletics programs. Jerseys can range from $200. to $2000.+ The jerseys you've listed are going to go for ALOT!!!
  10. Wow, good for her. While I hate for these people to get any air time at least they will not be at Chris's funeral and assault the mourners with their obscenities. I hope she reneges on her promise and forgets to turn on her mic. Oh wait, that would be fuel for another law suit
  11. Name and Logo supporters are told to support the change and work with the Name Change Supporters. Did we ever get a straight answer to the many times asked question, "When UND wins the lawsuit, will the name change supporters accept the outcome and work with UND to make any changes that will make the name and logo more acceptable to those few who oppose it?" I already know the answer but would still be interested in an answer that is not prefaced with all the same rhetoric that is a non-answer. A simple Yes or No will suffice. IMHO, the use of Native American name and logo for athletic teams is because the majority (as had been shown by polls ad nauseaum) of Native Americans do not perceive them to be hostile or abusive. They are proud of the athletes who are represented by these names and logos by ANYONE. How many times does it need saying?? The minority of a minority (a few Native Americans who presume to speak for all Native Americans), no one, has the right to 'not be offended'!! The majority of Native Americans who have been polled by independent repected poll agencies are NOT opposed to Native American name and logo use for athletic teams. It's been stated because someone looks different, the name and logo is used to throw out racial slurs. And, if they name and logo are changed, then when a racial slur is hurled they will know that it is because they are a Native American, not a sports fan. That kind of convoluted 'reasoning' makes no sense to me. A racial slur is a racial slur and the hurler is not going to be deterred because there is no name or logo to hide behind Native Americans aren't the only minority group who look different and are subject to racism. My older son has had long hair his entire life. His hair is still long, down to mid back. He is dark and surprisingly looks a lot like the Fighting Sioux logo. Is he hiding behind 'they're all racist, that's why I can't, I don't, no one will let me, yada yada yada.' No. He has a VERY healthy self esteem and accepts responsibility for his own actions and if someone attempts to put him down they are unsuccessful. I am proud to say that both my sons, brown, Hispanic looking boys, have healthy self esteems. They are comfortable in any any group, black, white, brown, red, yellow, etc. Why? Because while they were raised to have pride in where they come from, they were also taught that we are all God's creatures regardless of color. I pity the children who are raised in hate of other cultures, who are raised to believe the world is against them, who have parents who in the name of their race are racist. Well, enough ....., for now.
  12. I think they were four for a buck at the dollar store last time Siouxmama stocked up!! *Glad she's in the Arizona desert.*
  13. This people are evil, drawing whatever they can from the suffering of others, parasites of the worst kind!! As much as we want to hurt them, we can't because as previously stated that is what they want. I also hope that the media can get the info out to help the mourners without giving these sub-humans as little press as possible. I saw the same interview as HockeyMom as they are all from the same family.
  14. I agree, it would be great to have hundreds/thousands of community people at the funeral home. I hope it can be done without giving the devils spawn any on-air or newpaper coverage. That's what those slime live for...
  15. Thanks PCM. Say, how is it you never spill beer on your lap top during the Coach's show?
  16. I emailed them back, thanking them for being there and got a nice reply from Elise Kinstler. Then I read their site and now can't stop bawling. I wish I still rode bike, I'd be there for every one of them....
  17. Thanks, 82SiouxGuy! I only looked for the email address. I'm glad they'll be there!
  18. Are you kidding!!!! Of course we're interested! Thanks in advance. I hope your players have a full recovery and the attackers are convicted of assault and battery which is the crime they committed.
  19. I agree with you about wanting to hurt these devil spawn but that would disrupt the funeral. They would love that to happen. I hope no one attacks them only for this reason. Go there with a friend and shield the families view of them as best you can.
  20. My daughter in-law is a doctorate student at UMtc. I'm gonna call them and tell them to enter, enter, enter. When she wins, they'll think she's a Goofer fan until she shows up in her green wig, game worn Fighting Sioux hockey jersey and wearing a necklace of Goldie with a noose around his neck. She's a Haverford (Pa) grad and is now a Fighting Sioux fan(atic)!!!
  21. Thanks for the linky ScottM. I emailed them, sent them the Herald link and asked for any help they can provide for this greiving family. Maybe if some other members also emailed them, they may be able to help even if only in in a small way. They are experienced and can help organize the volunteers so they can be most effective in protecting Chris's family and friends. contact@patriotguard.org
  22. There is a motorcycle group from many different locals that usually comes to these events and line up in such a way as to protect the mourners from these radicals. I know it's cold up there but I wonder if they have been contacted? A line of bodies will work just as well. These scumbags should be arrested. Congress did pass a law this year limiting how close these fanatics can come to the church and mourners. I hope the local PD enforces it. Sorry I can't be there to help. RIP Chris.
  23. You don't have to hide. I did it and will do it again. We wait in line for two hours, no way in he!! are you gonna walk in the door in front of me!! I believe there was scattered applause when I told those people to get in the back of the line. Oh and before anyone asks they were 'white' people, so no racism involved!!!
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