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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. I've tried to avoid responding to you directly but your continuous statement that someone, I believe you are referring to me, is threatening you and others (GK?) begs the question! Please cite any threats or threatening manner that I have done to threaten you or GK (dumbpeople?). My posts stating I believe I know who you are and that I believe you are friends of GKs are made because I believe that you and dumbpeople are posting his views since he is banned from the site. I'm not afraid to have people know I am on this forum or anywhere. As I've already posted, most SS.com members already know who I am because I've posted the my name and personal information and/or because we have met. Having someone who is I believe is a coward threaten me does not phase me or change my public stand on the Fighting Sioux name and logo.
  2. kateskate's pictures also don't show the #8.
  3. I think they thought they had but I agree with your statement.
  4. I am harassing GK. Interesting. undsportsfan compares my posting public information posted on GKs PUBLIC MySpace, regarding Native American students thanking the State's Attorney General for his work, information that is significant to SS.com members, and that is harassment. OK Oh, and undsportsfan and dumbpeople, you can pass on to GK that his tactics are beyond hilarious especially given the nationality of his children. It is Sioux tradition that the maternal side is dominant, correct? (I'm already in trouble for posting my profession opinion about him, so I won't do it again.) I'm not intimidated, afraid, or hiding. I will continue to voice my support for the Fighting Sioux name and logo, and post information relevant to that issue as well as my opinions of such. I'm a fiesty beaner!! I never give up, give in, or shut up!!!
  5. It would be so nice to say that racism has been 'cured' by some sort of action. Never going to happen. In the past 24 hours, a Native American , a Lakota Sioux, has started referrintg to me and my son as 'beaners'. Hmmm, but that's ok because he's Native American and my son and I are supporters of the Fighting Sioux name and logo. Does it bother me, am I hurt, is my life affected by his racism, am I sitting here in tears? Nope. I find it hilarious that someone claiming everyone else is a racist, displays his racism so publically. Is changing the name and logo going to make this Lakota Sioux not a racist. No. If anyone wants me to 'prove' my claim, PM me and I will provide you with the proof. This is not a 'I heard that...', 'someone said that...', 'I know I read it somewhere...' claim.
  6. dumbpeople is spouting the same senseless rhetoric that GK starting posting shortly after he became a member here. Baseless accusation, referring to non-documented racist events, insulting SS.com members etc. I don't believe dumb is GK but I do believe that GK is her mentor. I find this really sad because in GK's last posts and actions have led me to truly believe he is mentally ill. Name Change advocates believe strongly in changing the name. Name Supporters believe strongly in keeping the name. The name change issue has been discussed on this forum for years. Some Name Changers come here to 'give a their point of view' as if we have never considered them or heard them before they bring them to this forum. When we don't agree with them, we're racists, we're attacking them, etc. RW77 hit it right on the nail head in his post.
  7. I checked my pictures and the only visible numbers are double digits. I've emailed Kateskate and asked her to check her mom's pictures to see if the person with #8 is visible.
  8. OMG!! What kind of animals would do something like that? Regardless of what happened before the attack, it was over when they all left. To come back armed as they were is premeditation and they belong in jail for a long time.
  9. I do miss the Sioux/Bison rivalry and hope we do it again, soon!
  10. Unlike many of you, who I admit are more tolerant and trusting than I, since her first post, I have taken the 'back against the wall' stance re. undsportsfan. I believe she came here with an agenda already in place. She is not as forthright as I am yet manages to insult posters in an underhanded manner. Then she dares post that she doesn't call people names, etc. There's more than one way to insult someone and she has managed it. When she said the claims about Gary LaPointe were heresay, that did it for me. Jim even posted how we know that Gary LaPointe is GrahamKracker. She ignored his post. Given this ONE thing, I have no respect for her or her position. Her earlier posts were worded in such a way as to imply that she didn't know Gary (November 17). Yet she asks me to back off because he's 'taking care of his family'. Hmmm, if she doesn't know him how does she know what he is doing. Is this someone who tells the truth? IMHO, no. I have no respect for anyone I believe to be a liar. Gary LaPointe's MySpace account is public. No hacking needed to read it. No, I did not go searching for it but read it I will. Post information such as three Indian students thanked Wayne for his work, yes, I will. It is posted publically already. This is information that is very interesting to SS.com members and directly related to this thread. Based on what I read in LaPointe's MySpace, IMHO, dumbperson and undsportsfan are friends of his. Given that, I believe they are fullfilling his agenda by posting here. I don't know what undsportsfan is referring to when she mentions concern about her family being attacked. How is she or her family being attacked? We don't agree with her? Is she related to Gary LaPointe? That would explain alot. Gary LaPointe's agenda when he hacked into my account and his subsequent actions were vile. He wanted me to be viewed as one of the most racist people any SS.com member or reader has ever encountered. Many of you knew who I was because I didn't and don't have the need to hide behind a user name. What he did was as evil as if he had put a burning cross on my neighbor's lawn and left a note saying, 'From Jozee McIntosh.' undsportsfan wants me to get over this. Ha, ain't gonna happen. Do I hate Native Americans? No. If I did I wouldn't have just extended my stay here on the Navajo Nation an additional three months. It certainly isn't for the money that I'm doing this. I have to ask, what are dumbpeople, undsportsfan and Gary LaPointe doing for 'their people'? Their bitchin' about racist Grand Forks and UND and posting their oppositions to the Fighting Sioux name and logo on SS.com and other forums. Who, I ask, is doing more for 'their people'? I have as my laptop screen saver a picture of Andrew Kozek wearing his FF Championship t-shirt with the Sioux logo on it, TJ Oshie wearing his Warroad t-shirt with a picture of an Indian Chief on it, Mike Prpich wearing a cap with the Sioux logo on it and me wearing a BIG grin. We have our arms around each other. I have opened my laptop at work on a few different occasions. Like most people, my fellow workers want to know who the boys are. I tell them they are UND Fighting Sioux hockey players. Do you know what we talk about then? THE ATHLETES, WCHA hockey and football; not the Sioux name or logo!!!!!! This community is very proud of it's athletes and athletic programs. The staff in the ER (90% + Navajo) were mildly interested in UND hockey and more interested in our football program. Hmmm, hostile and abusive??? So, as far as I'm concerned, undsportsfan can ditch the 'holier than thou' bullshat 'cause I ain't buying it.
  11. Great pictures PCM. Let me know if there's any sort of 'help' drive for those poor kids. Bad time, finals, Christmas, etc.
  12. I, on the other hand, wanted to go up there and wear my Sioux jersey EVERYWHERE!!! When we went to AK, I took a few extra Sioux jerseys with me. My son's girlfriend is going to grad school in Palmer and several of her friends came to the Friday game and wore the jerseys. I could do that in Dartmouth. BUT, I too don't want them getting my money.
  13. I guess I'm still confused as to why this was posted.... I like Buning. I like to see him on the side lines pumping up the crowd, doing push ups, etc. I like his mingling with the masses and his wife mingling with the masses as well. My son enjoyed seeing Mrs. Buning having a good time at the FF last March. If a 24 yr old can say that about a, uhm, slightly older person, than you know they have to be ok. I don't know and don't want to know the politics involved here. I'm really not sure what this thread is about but, you know me, I just have to get my 2 cents into everything.
  14. Wooooo Whooooo!!!!!!!!!! As soon as my Sioux jersey is mailed to me, I'm gonna go see Prp play hockey!!!!!
  15. http://www.grandforksherald.com/articles/i...0c96600553d743f Does anyone know if these kids are taking donations? I have some furniture I don't use in my garage that they can have; love seat, chairs, computer desk, and blankets and stuff. They're obviously not new but they are useable (that's why I haven't gotten rid of it).
  16. Sure took you long enough to dig yourself out of the pile of crap your always slinging about.
  17. His account hasn't been deleted just those comments that I posted earlier. The posts about the rally and the three Indian students who thanked Wayne for his work.
  18. At the most he should have gotten kicked out of school for using the University's internet network to do his dirty deed. Oh, and I stand corrected. Gary is the only one who can delete comments from his MySpace account. I guess he doesn't want anyone to know there were Native American's who support the fight against the NC$$.
  19. I was just visiting GK's myspace (you know that old Indian saying about keeping your enemies close..). Offensive Chick aka Sexy Pistols has removed her posts about the "INDIANS" who thanked Wayne for his work. She also removed her post telling 'G' to make his myspace private because people were posting stuff from there on SS.com and added 'TALK ABOUT HACKERS'. I guess if it's gone it was never posted. Right, Offensive Chick aka Sexy Pistols, dumbpeople? -- Removed by moderator --
  20. Poor baby. Clear liquids, rest and no dairy products until it stops. *oh, oh, am I being a racist against dairy farmers now?*
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