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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. WOOOOO WHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Sioux won and I got to watch it on webcast!!!!!!!!!! I'm not gonna go back and read any posts about this game because as far as I'm concerned the guys played great. The goals were all beautiful, the PK is working and Robbie Bina is the MAN!!!!!!!!! See ya later.
  2. Thanks. I'll just keep trying. I have a new computer problem. Every time I click on a link my original site closes!!! So it's gonna be a miracle if I'm one of the first hundred, if it is webcast.
  3. When will the web cast start? Just before the game or....?
  4. http://media.www.dakotastudent.com/media/s...gepublisher.com
  5. I have lots of 'hostile and abusive' ideas!!!!!
  6. I read the DS 'editorial' last night and was going to write a comment. But after considerable thought, I realized that sometimes stupid just can't be helped.
  7. Because I'm a total homer and this is a SIOUX sports forum, I gotta say, It's ok for Goon but not for you.
  8. Uhmm, aren't you the one who started with the 'asshole fans' examples? Anyway, thanks for the support!! And I agree we are very luck to have the Ralph in which to watch our favorite teams to hate play our favorite team to love!! Nothing makes for a good game than a good rivalry.
  9. Exactly! Yet, an African American can call or refer to another African American the 'N' word and it's ok. But if you or I did it we'd get nailed big time. A Native American can call or refer to another Native American as 'Skin' and its ok. But you nor I had better do it unless we're spoiling for a fight. A Mexican American does not call or refer to another Mexican American as a 'Spic' in the same manner as African Americans use the 'N' word or Native Americans use the word 'Skin'. It just isn't 'received' in the same way. I don't get it.
  10. Invite iceberg over for dinner and a movie.......
  11. Such a homely boy but he's ours and we love him just the same!!!
  12. I'm being misunderstood!! Some African-Americans call each other the "N" word in a friendly way("Hey, N..., how's it going.) and some Native Americans call each other Skin in a friendly way (Hey Skin, wasshup?). I have never heard a Mexican American or Mexican call another one of the above listed derogratory words to Mexican Americans words when speaking to a friend. If one of my relatives had someone (Mexican or Mexican American or any other race) greet him with a "Hey, Spic, how's it hanging?", that person would be laid out cold!!! I know that racism exists in ALL races and ethnic groups. Sorry for the confusion re my first statement.
  13. Geez Louise!!! You take at face value the 'hostility and abuse' the Fighting Sioux name and logo are causing thousands of Americans without any evidence other than the 'someone told me, I heard that, I know someone who....' but when given a link to what I posted you don't believe it. That's the problem I see with the Name Change crowd! Believe unfounded facts and ignore FACTS!! Let's try this again shall we. I have the time. I'm on the Navajo Nation reservation with no television, no cell phone and am just sitting resting my feet for a bit before starting supper. Click on link http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...iendID=29754418 Scroll down about half a page, on the far left you will see 'G's Friends Comments', scroll down to the 4th and 5th comments dated November 9,2006, 12:32 and 12:33p. The poster is 'Offensive Chick' (Hostile and Abusive must already have been taken). She (he?) posts first Next post, Just the facts, ma'm.
  14. At the 2006 Final Five, a couple of Gopher fans in our hotel tried to pick a fight with my younger son because he was wearing a Goldy doll around his neck. Well Goldy did happen to have a noose around his neck but that's no reason for the Goofs to want to committ suicide. My son could have taken both of them out with one hand tied behind his back and that is NOT a mother's inflated statement. Idiots in all fan bases.
  15. And they are posted where? Why weren't the photo's provided to the NC$$ by the same Name Change group that gave them the decades old 'evidence? Mayhap they don't exist? Same old stuff, "Someone told me; I know I read it somewhere; I know someone who saw it;" blah blah blah.
  16. Yep, you post on line, it will be read. You want to be 'private' don't have a MySpace site. I don't. Not knowing who the person is that posted that on Gary LaPointe's MySpace site, I can't answer your question as to who the Native Americans who spoke to Wayne are. Why don't you ask Gary next time you speak to him?
  17. Being of Mexican descent, I would never call another person of Mexican descent, a 'Spic or Greaser or Beaner, Wetback, etc.' I personally have never heard another Mexican or person of Mexican descent call another any of those names in jest either.
  18. Don't know where to post this so will do it here. Just before I came 'home' for lunch, one of the ER aides, a Navajo lady about 50, was teasing the ER nurse, a Caucasion lady about 40. I came in when they were laughing, the Navajo aide, turned to me and said, 'She's married to a Skin.' I said, 'HUH!' I knew what she meant, I was just surprised. She said, 'She's married to an Apache. You know, we say Skin like black people say the other word.' I just nodded.
  19. I agree with you. Although, 'stylized' merchandising is noted at most if not all tourist traps on reservations.
  20. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...iendID=29754418 Sorry I was mistaken. It was three NA's not five. I'm old and my memory is failing me....
  21. Since I don't have cable, dish, satellite, etc. and my internet is working fine now (fingers crossed), I've spent lot's of time on line. I came across a MySpace account (*GK, cough, GP, cough*) and some one posted a message to him. It referred to five Native American UND students who went up to Wayne Stenjhm and thanked him for the work he was doing re. the NC$$ lawsuit. This person called them a disgrace to their race, one of them had the initials CP, and said Wayne used their comments in court later that afternoon. I'm sure who ever CP is that his/her life is made miserable by the the name change group.
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