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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Webcast up!!! Wooooooo Whooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Webcast isn't up yet. I hope it's because it's still early and not because it won't be on! Anyway, tonight I'm drinking!!! Cork is popped!!! LET'S GO SIOUX, KICK SOME BADger BUTT TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. WHAT THE HELL DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING?!?!?!?! Have you ever been on any sort of athletic team? How many players on ANY team are all 'good friends'? Geeze Louise, get back on topic and leave their personal lives out of this. I've met many of the players and can tell you they are all of different personalites and, obviously, ages. Just because they don't hang out together doesn't mean BULLSHAT!! The 'magic' that we want to see on the ice doesn't happen because the entire team is in love with one another, know each others inner secrets, and can tell you everyone's favorite color. Get back on track and stop trying to speculate or invent problems within the team that aren't there. Gawd, I hate it when this type of tripe is posted!!!!
  4. Ok, after removing the rose tinted glasses, having slept on it and with clear thought and as little emotion as possible, I have come to the following conclusion. Other than Ryan Duncan and Robbie Bina, the 2006-2007 Fighting Sioux Hockey team sucks. I still love them, still cheer for them, still wear our colors and know that without a doubt we have the most talented individual hockey players in the WCHA, our team still sucks. Here's hoping they start playing up to their potential every period of every game as a team.
  5. Need a little pick me up? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnRfpcc3LZA
  6. Keep on doing what your doing and one is going in!!!!
  7. Lotta time left to get the job done. Guys are being much more agressive
  8. Yeah, our defense is lacking. I wish we had someone from the 'old school' to teach them how to be MEAN!!!!
  9. But as health care professionals everyone there knows about this incureable disease I have.
  10. I don't know, that last goal didn't look like Philippe's fault. But then again I only have a 15 inch screen on this lap top.
  11. Now I really am going to pop that cork!!
  12. I wonder what I'm doing in that ER 50 hours a week???
  13. Damn, I knew I forgot something!! I even bought a cork screw. Picture should be better by the end of the 3rd......
  14. I am, and I don't know how to either.
  15. ROBBIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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