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Everything posted by mksioux

  1. Some quotes from Phil Harmeson about the reversal on Florida State:
  2. Crap. Does this mean if my dish is pointing toward Galaxy 3C, I now have to find somebody to come out and re-position my dish? Is it still KU?
  3. Some interesting quotes in this story: Other schools set to appeal Indian names From the President of the National Congress of American Indians:
  4. I tend to agree with you, but at least one UND official is encouraged by the news.
  5. An interesting quote from the USA Today story.: If that's true, I suspect Utah will be the second school off the list. It seems abundantly clear to me (not so much with the more optimistic posters) that tribal support is going to be the deciding factor on whether a school gets off the list. With UND - the support of the Spirit Lake tribe seems pretty lukewarm and there is unambiguous opposition from the leadership of the other tribes within the Sioux nation. It's too bad that UND, the athletic department, and the alumni association didn't do a better job fostering a relationship with the local tribes before the activists got to them first and convinced their leadership to be ashamed of the nickname. That may very well end up being UND's fatal mistake in the nickname war.
  6. This is not surprising in the least. The criteria for the appeal was narrowly-tailored to get FSU off the list. Whatever heat the NCAA takes from the activists for backtracking on FSU is not going to be nearly as hot as the heat they would have taken from FSU, FSU's alumni, FSU's lawyers, and Florida's politicians. My theory is that all non-namesake nicknames (Braves, etc.) will stay on the list and all namesake nicknames with an objecting namesake tribe (like UND) will stay on the list. Only those schools with namesake nicknames with full support from the namesake tribe(s) will get an exemption. I suspect there will not be many more exemptions and UND will not be one of them. I hope I am wrong, but I doubt it.
  7. That is a pretty fair characterization. Based on every poll I've read relating to the subject, I suspect support of the Fighting Sioux nickname comes from all over the political map - Republicans, Democrats, independents, and moderates. I happen to personally know quite a few Democrats that strongly support the Fighting Sioux nickname. It's probably easier to generalize it this way: VAST MAJORITY say don't change it. FRINGE MINORITY say change it.
  8. This issue is about much more than a nickname. It's a battle in the culture war, which many of us feel very strongly about. It's about letting the activist voice of the fringe minority silence the collective voice of the majority. Rolling over would validate all that is wrong about victim/identity politics and political correctness.
  9. I fully agree with ScottM. North Dakota's elected officials need to LOUDLY weigh-in. The Herald had a tepid rebuke from Hoeven, but I've heard nothing from Conrad, Dorgan, or Pomeroy. At a minimum, those guys should be communicating with the legislators from Florida and putting together a strategy. Although success is far from certain in either forum, I believe our fortunes are better in the legislative arena rather than the judicial arena. EVERYONE on this board who supports the nickname should send a short and respectful email urging them to act to preserve the Fighting Sioux nickname and logo. And they should also send an email to their friends who feel the same urging them to send an email as well. The other side has already mastered the art of activism. We need to get off our butts and let the collective voice of the silent majority be heard. (Someone else feel free to post better and more user friendly links) DORGAN senator@dorgan.senate.gov CONRAD POMEROY (apparently you must be N.D. resident to contact him) HOEVEN governor@state.nd.us
  10. HOSTILE AND ABUSIVE in plain block letters on a plain jersey
  11. I agree. There's no need for stuff like H Sioux O or Sioux Dog, etc. It's an unoriginal and cheesy idea (with any nickname) and it just gives ammunition to the other side.
  12. It looks like the NCAA might have major egg on its face over the Oklahoma Seminoles deal. Sounds like the NCAA talked to one person and concluded that the Oklahoma Seminoles condemned the nickname as a whole. Or maybe they placed too much emphasis on those "minority reports" submitted to the NCAA by the activitsts.
  13. http://www.usatoday.com/sports/college/200...ot-appeal_x.htm It sounds like Brand wants FSU off the NCAA's back and is almost urging them to propose a narrow amendment that carves FSU out rather than going after the ruling as a whole. It sounds like FSU might get out of this, in part, because of their rapid and aggressive response.
  14. I am very curious how this appeal process works. Does it go back to the Executive Committee and the same people that made the decision in the first place, or does it go to a different group, or the larger body as a whole? Anyone have any insight?
  15. He means national championship in the broader sense, meaning the entire championship tournament, not just the last game. This decision definitely extends to regionals and all other NCAA sanctioned tournament games.
  16. Why on Earth is Fox 9:00 news talking about a possible replacement nickname? We still haven't received any word from UND officials since the "We don't know what he!! is going on and need to digest it" statement they released last Friday. How could anybody with any authority whatsoever be talking about a replacement name already?
  17. You're right, I forgot about PETA and the Packers. http://www.sportslawnews.com/archive/Artic...PETAPackers.htm Keep in mind that you're never going to get 100% of any group to agree on anything, so that's not very realistic. Furhter, I have a suspicion that at least one of the newbies posting under a Gopher handle is just a poser from BRIDGES and not a real Gopher fan. I still think most Gopher and Bison fans are able to look past the rivalry and disagree with the NCAA's latest directive.
  18. To the best of my knowledge, the only nickname PETA has publicly gone after is the Gamecocks from South Carolina. But if they ever go after Gophers or Bison, I'd support our rivals 100%.
  19. My disdain for political correctness greatly exceeds any dislike I have for UND's rivals. I hope there are a lot of Gopher and Bison fans that feel the same way. Thanks for the support Chandler23!
  20. Wisconsin hockey games have been dry since they moved on campus to the Kohl Center.
  21. Do you honestly think anyone is going to respect you more for whining about nicknames and how they "offend" you? The recent actions by the NCAA may show that your whining may lead to condescending pity from white elitists, but it won't lead to true respect from anybody.
  22. Not being able to host post-season games IS a big deal. Particularly for the football team. The Alerus Center was a big part of recent playoff success.
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