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Everything posted by bincitysioux

  1. He was at Wisconsin-Milwaukee before SDSU. Bio
  2. On-campus interviews, public forums scheduled next week for two baseball candidates
  3. Nov. 22 vs. Bemidji St. Nov. 26 vs. Upper Iowa Dec. 30 vs. UM-Crookston TBA vs. University of Mary TBA vs. Seattle TBA vs. South Dakota TBA vs. SIU-Edwardsville TBA @ Seattle TBA @ South Dakota TBA @ SIU-Edwardsville TBA @ UW-Green Bay TBA @ Northern Colorado
  4. The volleyball team will play in a tournament hosted by Towson. Other participants are Lehigh and Maryland. I think they'll play all three teams.
  5. The soccer team will also play AT Weber St. and AT Mary this fall.
  6. The Great West website has finally been updated to include UND and USD.
  7. Hats off to Roebuck and company for putting that schedule together! I'd say that is a hell of a good schedule for a team in its first year of transition and in non-counter status. I can't believe they got two MAC schools to come to GF this season. Also glad to see Houston Baptist jump on board with the home-and-home agreement, and to a see a tourney played at the end of the season amongst the transitionals.
  8. RT will be named athletic director at Mary in Bismarck. Thomas to be New U-Mary AD
  9. I'm thinking that the area of volleyball scheduling is a place where having an athletic director for the past 7-8 months would have been helpful. Or a head coach that had some sort of DI connections, but that is for an entirely different discussion. Here are a handful of this year's opponents: vs. Bemidji St. vs. UM-Crookston @ Jamestown College vs. Mayville @ Carleton College @ Valley City St. @ Dickinson St. vs. South Dakota @ Dakota Weslyan vs. Dickinson St. vs. Valley City St. @ South Dakota I fully expected to see many DAC and NSIC teams on the schedule, but what's with all of the away games against the NAIA's? If you ask me, there is no reason why it shouldn't look more like the Soccer schedule, with the DII's at home and some decent DI's on the road.
  10. The 2008 schedule for Soccer is shaping up quite nicely, and is actually looking pretty decent for a 1st year transitional schedule. Several DI road games and NSIC home games. Aug. 19 vs Bemidji St. Aug. 22 vs Augustana Aug. 26 vs Wayne St. Sept. 2 vs Northern St. Sept. 7 @ Concordia-St. Paul Sept. 28 @ Northern Iowa Oct. 3 @ Montana Oct. 19 @ Drake Oct. 21 @ Creighton TBA vs South Dakota TBA @ South Dakota
  11. I think they may have a little bit better chance than that for the Big Sky. The A.D.'s of the Big Sky are unhappy with having just 9 teams, although ideal for football, it is a headache for travel for all the other sports. I listened to a radio interview of Doug Fullerton this winter where he mentioned that they have at least discussed the possibility of adding a non-football member in order to balance things out. And we all know the Big Sky's thirst for adding small schools from huge markets. I'd think that DU is right up their alley. I think that the Big Sky along with the WAC would be the two most likely possiblities. Agree about the WCC. Denver probably wants in that conference the most, but Seattle will be eligible by the time Denver has to leave the Sunbelt, and I'm of the opinion that the biggest reason the WCC refused to add Seattle last fall was because of their transitional status and that they will revisit the issue once SU nears the end of the transition. Here's a related question: Would Louisiana Tech try to leave the WAC for the spot vacated by Denver in the Sunbelt?
  12. Nov. 26 vs. Upper Iowa Dec. 30 vs. UM-Crookston TBA vs. University of Mary TBA vs. Seattle TBA vs. South Dakota TBA vs. SIU-Edwardsville TBA @ Seattle TBA @ South Dakota TBA @ SIU-Edwardsville TBA @ UW-Green Bay TBA @ Northern Colorado
  13. TBA @ Montana St. 12-2-08 vs. Jamestown College 1-13-09 vs. UM-Crookston TBA @ South Dakota TBA @ SIU-Edwardsville TBA @ Seattle University TBA vs. South Dakota TBA vs. SIU-Edwardsville TBA vs. Seattle University
  14. It is a tough loss indeed, Chappel has alot of talent. But really, although disappointed, I also realize that as far as the football program goes, Josh Murray is potentially nearly as big of an impact player as Chappel is. Having two running backs of that caliber is a nice. You must really make the rounds! I find it hard to believe that of the 400+ student-athletes that attend UND that MOST of them put academics on the back-burner. Like you said, you go to school with all of them. So you would know. Out of 13,000+ students you have close knowledge of how seriously 400 or so of those students take their academics. You're doing better than me, because in my four years of living on campus at UND I only knew one student athlete closely. Like I said you must make the rounds!
  15. Heard U of Mary's coach on the radio today and he said that Mary will be playing UND in Grand Forks this season, and will probably continue to play them throughout the transition. Dec. 30 UM-Crookston TBA University of Mary TBA Seattle TBA South Dakota TBA SIU-Edwardsville TBA @ Seattle TBA @ South Dakota TBA @ SIU-Edwardsville TBA @ UW-Green Bay TBA @ Northern Colorado
  16. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I believe baseball at UND has 1 scholarship.
  17. Wow, I listed 9 games (UWGB and UNC are tentative) and some of you are throwing the team under the bus! South Dakota, Seattle, and SIU-Edwardsville will be the best home games of the season, for sure. I thought last year's schedule was a pretty darn good DII schedule. A big upgrade over what Glas had put together in his last few years. And just being able to Seattle and SIU-E, to makes the schedule better. Oh wait, I get it............since this is our first year of DI, some of you were expecting Duke, UCLA, and Michigan to come to the Betty, right?
  18. If I were A.D. I'd cut the sport, and divert the resources to women's programs like volleyball, soccer, and tennis. I love baseball, but there's no chance for sustained success in college baseball in this region. I'll bet Sicatoka can tell us right off the top of his head how many games we lost due to weather this season.
  19. Coach Jones said on the radio this week that the schedule could be released within two weeks. I won't get my hopes up, because we've heard that before and were left to wait for several months. Here is what I have heard so far, no big news: Dec. 30 UM-Crookston TBA Seattle TBA South Dakota TBA SIU-Edwardsville TBA @ Seattle TBA @ South Dakota TBA @ SIU-Edwardsville TBA @ UW-Green Bay TBA @ Northern Colorado
  20. The biggest problem with Hennan's station and with Radio F-M's 740 station is how much they both power down at night. You can hear them in Dickinson during the day, but not in Casselton at night. That is why KFGO and WDAY are so popular, you can always hear them. To me, the ideal situation would be for Leighton to be the flagship, and then for them to work with a few other different stations like Lake Region Radio Works, the Ingstads of the Jamestown area, and whomever would be left out in Fargo, either WDAY, Radio F-M, or SMAHH. I like Clear Channels network, but Leighton does a much better job of "non-game" coverage now, and they don't have any formal relationship with the school. Clear Channel devotes a whopping hour and a half a week during the school year to covering the "non-game" stuff. WDAY and Radio F-M spend about two hours a day year round covering the school in Fargo.
  21. The radio contracts expire at the end of June, IIRC. FWIW, so does NDSU's deal with WDAY. Leighton Broadcasting will definately put in a bid for UND sports. I would not be surprised if Radio Fargo-Moorhead put in a bid, and gets the rights for NDSU. If that happens, that would put WDAY in the position of possibly being interested in bidding on UND broadcasts. Then there is Scott Hennan's new station. I'm sure he would have an interest if it were possible. It will be interesting to follow how this all goes. 2 years ago, Leighton offered nearly double what Clear Channel did, money-wise, but lost out because of Clear Channel's vast network. CC's network isn't as big as it was two years ago now, though. So that could tip the scales in favor of Leighton if they made a similar offer. For the last 10-15 years, it has always been Clear Channel and Leighton showing interest in UND broadcasts, the aggressiveness of Radio F-M in the Fargo market could, in the end, steer two more stations to want the Sioux rights in WDAY and Hennan's new outfit.
  22. As far as I know, neither has DuJuan Flowers. You all seem to be pretty high on him though, so what gives ? Mertens has oodles of talent, even I can see that. Apparently so did a couple Big Sky schools and a Summit school.
  23. No argument there. But the word on my street is that Saul was also very high on May and Mertens.
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