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Everything posted by Woden

  1. This has been my biggest pet peeve with the Sioux since Tibesar left. Kelling is not willing to bring pressure at all. Tibesar used to bring it whenever from wherever. Kelling might bring one backer even on third and long. This "D" is predicated on getting some pressure. If we are going to play coverage we might as well go to a 4-3. What's the point of a 3-4 if you are just going to play base cover 2 and 3?
  2. Just to let everyone know, there is going to be a huge announcement in the next couple of days dealing with our current administration. Be ready for some NDSU fans to come on this board and give a lot of grief on the state of UND. Might want to stay away for awhile unless you want to argue with some Bison fans. My opinion- what's happening is ultimately best for UND.
  3. Are you really this naive or are you just playing dumb? The numbers given are for strength of schedule regardless of division. If UND had scheduled Ohio State, Michigan, USC, Arkansas, Notre Dame, Florida, Wisconsin, LSU, Rutgers, and Cal this year they would be #1 in this ranking system. They would be 0-10, but would also be number one here. This is not a system that ranks how good teams are regardless of division. The point being made is that even though NDSU swears this is "the hardest schedule in the history of football," this rating system has their schedule pretty similiar to that of UND's.
  4. Why do you waste your time on a lowly DII board again? Never can figure you guys out. Talk about how you don't need UND yet you come back here time after time. You are definitely not the only one concerned with how many fans showed up for the playoff game. But with everything going on and everyone knowing it would be a blowout, as well as having to pay for tickets this time, no one really wanted to come. But on second thought, what is NDSU's average attendance for playoff games at the Fargodome? That would be a good way to make a comparison. That would be apples to apples. Let me know how many show up for playoff games in the Fargodome. If you average more, I'll concede the victory to you. I don't really have the time to go searching, so if you could come up with that answer I'd be grateful. Also, what was NDSU's attendance the last few years of DII? I definitely remember there being about 6,000 fans at a home game in 2002. UND is starting to see a lot of that slippage as well as no one wants to see SE MN State Technical College for the Mentally Challenged come to town year after year. Whether the competition is increasingly greater or only marginally (totally different argument), NDSU's schedule is much more interesting for a casual fan than is UND's. The diehards will always be there, the goal is to draw Joe Schmo in from a couple of hours away to the game. NDSU's games this year did a better job of doing that than did UND's, I will not argue that. As far as leading the way is concerned, I never said that we are not following NDSU to DIAA. I will also concede that point. My point about leading the way was aimed at UND being a leader in the GF's community by bringing in a new era. Make this a town where young people will come, and eventually hopefully stay as the University pushes GF to a higher level. The problem is, you as a poster have very little originality when it comes to arguing against Sioux fans. You basically have the three NDSU responses down, which are- 1. The Sioux are following the Bison (which to an extent I agree with, so let's get over it) 2. The Sioux would get crushed if they played the world's most difficult schedule like the Bison do (see CSP for proof) 3. Any little quip you can come up with that in no way responds to the actual points made. So, instead of arguing intelligently, you say one or all of these statements, thinking that you have won. The problem is, you make yourself look like an idiot. I've said in before and I'll say it again, both NDSU and UND have plans in the works for their own on-campus stadiums that would seat somewhere in the 30,000 people area. They both have set IA as their ultimate goal within the next 15 years. You can choose to believe me or not, I'm really not concerned with your opinion of me. Also, please respond to dlsiouxfans statements on the budget. You were the one wondering where UND would get money since it was in a BUDGET DEFECIT (not debt). Now that they came out in the black and NDSU had to scramble to get even, what are your thoughts? You kind of quieted down on that whole issue, huh?
  5. Have a little Denny Green in you there Walrus? "They were who we thought they were." It amazes me knowing how in the know you are with Sioux athletics that you don't have a little more knowledge on the plan for this university. And I don't mean that with any type of disrespect towards you. I just know that you have a good working relationship with some people here at the university. Let's talk a little on the future of the university- Your whole post talks of how we need GF to grow. We need better jobs. We need to keep our young kids here. Some questions for you. Who should be the leader trying to establish a better community? Should the university sit and wait until something is done, or should it be out in front, leading the way? Should we say "We are who we are," or say "We can be something better."? That is the question posed for both Kupchella and Bunning. Bunning has finally come in and said that this university can be something better than what it has been. Kupchella has finally seen the light, and I for one agree. You are missing the ultimate goal of this program, and like I said earlier, with your inside knowledge you should have a better grasp of this. The comparisons you make with DI schools such as Maine as far as attendance are concerned have no merit, for that is not the goal of this program. IAA is a stepping stone for where this program wants to be. The end goal is for THE Fighting Sioux to play in the Mecca of college sports, IA football. The end goal is for THE Fighting Sioux to be playing in their new on-campus stadium (ever wonder what the new skywalk across Columbia is going to connect to?) And in all honesty, I feel it is in the best interest for this school to strive to be something great. If you believe GF could never achieve this status, I offer up Boise State and Troy University. Both were one time DII members who have made the leap all the way up. Boise State, as everyone knows, has been very successful. They are averaging about 30,000 fans per a game. Granted, they have a city with a populationg of around 160,000, which could account for their ability to draw crowds, but how aout Troy? They are located in Troy, Alabama, with a population of 14,000. Somehow they are drawing in on average over 20,000 fans per a game. We need to quit thinking we are who we are and be a little proactive. Why not make this university into what it can be? We are the ones with a Med school. We are the ones with a law school. We are the ones with a world renowned aerospace school. Who else in this state can say that? The time has come for this university to become what it can be and lead the city of Grand Forks out of the dark ages it has resided since the Red River Carts quit hauling goods. I know I for one would help in contributions to make this possible, and I think there are plenty more out there that feel the same way I do. My wrists hurt and I'm going to watch some football. Later.
  6. Wow, good read. Thank you Patty Lambert, even if you never read this, I thank you.
  7. I'm starting to think the same thing.
  8. You figured that out too, huh? It's pretty obvious. He/she won't respond to intelligent posts, but just looks for any type of sentence he/she can twist to make us seem hostile and abusive. Glad I'm not the only one to see what this poster is up to.
  9. I'm not sure what animosity you speak of. I've grown up and lived in ND my entire life. There is nothing in GF that is any different than the rest of the state. I'm not sure where you grew up so maybe you are new to the people of this area and don't understand them. In the example of an experience you had, you say the professor was treating you differently, and you think that is unfair. I say that is a professor trying to respect you until he/she fully understands you. This is how most people are raised to behave around people they do not know. I would not use the N word around any african-american under any context unless I knew that person and he understood that I meant nothing derogatory from it. I also would not discuss slavery with him/her unless I knew it was a topic that he/she was willing to discuss. It is called common courtesy, and I believe is the right way to act around people we don't know. Also, when you go around looking for animosity, it is very easy to find. As the saying goes, "Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% what you make of it." If I were Pro-Choice, and went to an abortion clinic to fight against the pro-life crowd, I would probably come away thinking that the pro-life people are a bunch of hate-filled, hostile and abusive people, when in all reality, they just have strong opinions about a certain issue. I guaruntee I could go have a coffee with most of these people and I would find that they are all pretty decent people that I could be friends with. This is where LaPointe faltered. He believed that you were either against the nickname or otherwise a hostile, abusive, racist, stupid, worthless hick of a person. And this is what got him into trouble. Just as in the above scenario, most of us for the nickname are not bad people. We respect what Lapointe had to say, but just don't agree with him. I would also venture to say his in your face approach to getting the name changed created many of the "hostile" encounters he says he experienced here. If I throw paint on someone wearing fur to prove a point, I expect that person to come back at me, either physically or with words. LaPointe didn't see it this way. He thought he could behave in any way possible, and those that retaliated were in the wrong. The end doesn't always justify the means...which leads me to my next point- LaPointe=GrahamKracker. GrahamKracker=guilty of Identity Theft. Using simple math, if A=B, and B=C, then A=C. I won't take it any farther than that out of respect for the other posters here and not knowing their wishes on the subject. Knowing he is guilty of such a crime, it is hard to respect the man in any way, shape, or form since he lost all respect from us posters that know what he did. Once again, end doesn't always justify the means. That's about all I have to say. Later.
  10. Gothmog- I think you are missing the point. Just because people picked MN to win doesn't mean they were cheering for the gophers. The poll asked who we thought would win, and most picked MN (and were right). That doesn't mean we weren't cheering on the Bison for one day in our lives. I actually predicted a Bison win over on bisonville, but I knew it was more likely that MN would win. I cheered for the Bison all day. So before you start thinking we are all jumping on some bandwagon, know that that was a one time occurrence of sioux fans cheering on the bison.
  11. I have a feeling that young, up and coming coach may be coach Bohl of NDSU. It would not surprise to see him there next season. Take over a Big-10 team, raise his earning by about $1.9 million. What else would he want?
  12. Your missing the whole point of my post. No one wants SDSU! I don't care if they've been DI for four score and seven years, with their current financial situation and athletic performances, they have nothing to bring to the table. I didn't mean it as a pro-UND post, which you obviously took it as. Truthfully, USD-NDSU probably looks better to conferences than SDSU-NDSU. If you want proof of how dire SDSU's financial situation is, at one point in time they were unable to pay to send film of football games to other schools, which is required by conference by-laws. I don't know what it really matters being 4-5 years behind anyways. Yeah, the post-season restrictions aren't very kind, but after seeing that Northeastern team that came into NDSU, I've decided the Fargo South Bruins could move up and win some IAA games. Seriously, that was a joke of a college football team, and if you think otherwise, than so be it, you won't change my mind. Just like NDSU was coming out of DII, UND will be a top 25 program immediately in IAA.
  13. I've said it before and I'll say it again. SDSU is the step-child no one wants, and has pulled NDSU down with respect to finding a conference. No one wants them. They are in financial ruin right now and it appears there is no way out. NDSU/UND are the most attractive pair for any conference.
  14. The practice facility is high on the list of priorities right now. As soon as the money is there, it gets built. As far as an outdoor track is concerned, being as the current one is never used by the track program anyways, they will have to make due with the one being built in the new facility and only have an indoor track. Besides, Memorial will be there until the new stadium is built. The practice facility will go where the old REA is right now, so Memorial will remain for at least the next 10 years.
  15. Well, I wouldn't say I know if I didn't. These are the plans. Whether they come to life or not is still yet to be seen. These are not events that are going to take 2-3 years. We are talking a 10-15 year plan here. Don't worry, NDSU has plans for an on-campus (before you say the FargoDome is on campus, let me clarify, an institution owned stadium) stadium as well. I know you probably think that's ridiculous, but I know the plans exist. It's too much of a money maker for the schools to not at least look into building a stadium. Plus, both schools are eyeing IA as a final destination, and improvements must be made to both facilities if this is going to happen. As far as the skywalk being built to connect to another parking ramp, that just doesn't make sense. The parking lot the skywalk ends at (the one north of Memorial for those who don't know) was an option for a parking ramp, and would have made much more sense, since it is bigger and would have greatly increased parking facilities. But that area is being left alone for the future stadium. Believe me or not, we will eventually find out.
  16. OK, why the skyway? Doesn't it seem a little excessive and have no point except to add money to the construction? One step at a time my friend. Trust me.
  17. I believe (*Edit: I Know) plans for a future football facility are in the works. One that would bring money to the University and not require the University to pay to play there. Before anyone says that's ridiculous, consider this: -With all of the options for placing a parking ramp on campus, why was the lot in front of Swanson, one of the smallest and farthest away solutions, chosen? -Also, why was the skyway across Columbia included in the plans, since it offers no parking improvements, which was the original problem? Here's the short story on this fellas. Plans are in the works for an on-campus stadium to be built basically where memorial is at right now. The old REA and memorial will be taken down, with a practice facility and parking taking over those spots. The Skyway currently under construction will go directly into the new stadium, which will be built over 2nd Ave. With an on-campus stadium, UND will be able to earn more money from its second sport, which will help fund the rest of the programs. Before you say it's ridiculous, ask yourself if you ever thought a little school in Boise, Idaho could pull it off. And before you go saying Boise State is a much bigger school, look at the enrollment numbers- Boise State (18,266) http://enrollmentservices.boisestate.edu/E...ajosSP03-05.pdf UND (13,187) http://go.UND.edu/ Let the discussion begin. Edit: If found this to be a little interesting. http://enrollmentservices.boisestate.edu/E...Trends99-04.pdf Boise State has seen about a 2% growth in enrollment every year since the IA move in '96. The best I can tell, they had around 15,00 students at that time. Here's some more interesting information on BSU, which I feel is pertinent to this discussion, found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boise_State_University 1970 Joined the Big Sky Conference (Division II) for men's athletics * Bronco Stadium opens with a capacity of 14,500 and Astroturf field 1974 Bronco Stadium adds upper deck to east side: 20,000 capacity. 1978 Big Sky Conference moves to Division I-AA. 1996 Majority of school's athletic programs move to Big West Conference (Wrestling remains in Pac 10). * Moved to NCAA Division I-A. * Bronco Stadium capacity expanded to 30,000
  18. BisonMav-I'm not sure why you don't think there could be a championship game. Why not just schedule it for the last day of the regular season? There would be no conflict with playoffs then. The only negative I see in this is that some teams won't have a game that final week, so they will play one less game than others. I don't know, just thinking what could be.
  19. Not trying to flame here, but looking for information. With the Mid-Con not having football, and the GWFC a little unstable since most of the teams are looking to get into other conferences, wouldn't it be best for both SU's to join the Big Sky if given the opportunity? I mean, they would then have a conference that allowed all of the sports to be in. Also, has anyone given thought to the idea that if UND, USD, and UNO (or possibly one of the MN NCC schools) all go DI, the Big Sky could split into an East-West thing with the two winners playing each other for the overall championship? Because if I'm not mistaken, there are currently 9 teams in the Big Sky, and if you added NDSU, SDSU, UND, USD, and UNO (or other) you would have 14 teams. Split that up into two divisions with the five pre-mentioned and the two Montana schools being in the East and travel would not be an issue. Six guarunteed conference games with the possibility of Seven. Schedule four non-conference and your all set. Sounds good to me! Give Fullerton a call.
  20. The problem with crew is that it costs an astronimical amount of money to have, and doesn't bring in very much. The costs come from the boats, as well as storing the boats. From what I've heard, the buildings to store these boats are in the millions to construct. Also, imagine the cost of transporting these boats. I'm pretty sure you won't see 15-20,000 people at a rowing contest, so it is time for crew to go. Crew had its moment in time, as is obvious by it having been started back in the 1860's, but just because something has been done for over 100 years doesn't mean it should still be done. Polo used to be big to, but times change and so do peoples' tastes. And is bad is New Jersey is doing financially (recent closure of Atlantic City as an example), I can see why some cuts had to be made in giving. I don't think you will see either of the ND schools cut any programs due to a minimum amount, which I believe to be 16, to be in Division I.
  21. Woden

    Lennon & DI

    Well, explain to me what you mean by the post below then. Yes, you didn't say impossible, so you can accuse me of putting words in your mouth, but the intent is basically the same. Is there a difference if I said, "Recruits from Nebraska will never come to GF," or "It will be impossible to get recruits from Nebraska to come to GF?" You've basically said in your post that no player that's good enough to play DI would choose to come to GF. I then pointed out that a very good player (Mike Brower) chose to come to Fargo from Nebraska, so UND should at least have a shot with some of these players. You either now have to admit that you were wrong, and quality players will come to ND from Nebraska, or you have to say that Mike Brower is worthless and that is why NDSU got him. You keep bringing up all these other posts about Montana and what not. I have not mentioned any of them, only your quote on Nebraska. You have continually beat around the bush trying not to admit that you were wrong. Please answer my questions and respond to my post instead of going off on a tangent about how we need to go further south for more speed. I don't care about all that.
  22. Woden

    Lennon & DI

    Just responding to this one D1. Unless you're gonna say you didn't post that now. Showed that NDSU has successfully gone into Nebraska (Mike Brower), and I feel UND could do the same. Go ahead and try to argue other points, but don't play stupid when someone shows your own ignorance.
  23. Woden

    Lennon & DI

    Have to look at why I wrote what I did. D1 in Fargo stated that quality D1 players would never come up to GF from a state such as Nebraska. I was just pointing to the fact that NDSU was able to pull a quality player out of Nebraska's backyard, which D1 in Fargo thinks is impossible. I too believe there are a lot of quality players locally. Just pointing out an error in his assessment, which happen pretty frequently.
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