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sioux rube

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Everything posted by sioux rube

  1. So what are the chances of getting through on the phone Thursday morning at 10 to get tickets for the goofer series?No way I will be around a computer at that time.
  2. I just had my 25th anniversary of my 21st.You are all wet behind the ears yet.
  3. Now that would be fun.Nice job.
  4. My heart just skipped a couple of beats.Not funny but then a sigh of relief.
  5. Smaller rink at the old RALPH made for more noise and it seemed there were more crazy students attending back then to.Hey I'm a season ticket holder and I know first hand how quiet the Ralph can be and the old RALPH was much louder than the new version.
  6. That's because those 6,000 fans came to watch hockey and not socialize.The old RALPH rocked.
  7. I know one thing my scheduler for my pee-wee team I coach better not send us out to the western part of the state the 7th and 8th of Dec. or I will be totally pissed.
  8. Thanks.Sorry I should of went through the threads before I posted this.My bad.
  9. Has next years schedule come out yet?Would like to know when the goofs come to town so I can make plans now.Thanks.
  10. sioux rube

    BC / MSU

    Exactly.He played very shelfishly last nite and seemed to be playing for the name on the back of his jersey and the name on the front.
  11. sioux rube

    BC / MSU

    Thought the same thing PCM.That Kennedy kid can play and I'm thinking Boyle would like this one back as he played terrible.Is it October yet?
  12. Congrats to Ryan.A well deserved honor for a classy kid.Now here's hopin he sticks around another year.
  13. Great post WPoS.I totally agree.
  14. Let me at him first would ya.
  15. Let's hope after Sat. he doesn't step foot on that sheet of ice for at least another year.
  16. You are on your 9th beer already.We will let you know how the game turns out tonite.Hell at that rate you won't make it through the Maine/Mich St. game.
  17. In other words the KISS OF DEATH for BC.
  18. Puffy answered my e-mail this morning on the air and picked BC to win.Ah the kiss of death from the Puffster.
  19. Hey Lou that was moons ago.This is a totally different team right now as is your BC team.This is going to be a thriller with the SIOUX winning 4-2 with an empty netter.
  20. I was a casual SIOUX fan up until I got season tickets when the new RALPH was built.Now I bleed green.By far my favorite sports team college or pro.#8 is coming back to the great state of NoDak baby.
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