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Everything posted by GeauxSioux

  1. Not sure what this means, but it sounds important.
  2. Yeah, the guy in row 6 left Louisiana at 4 in the morning, got to Pensacola at 8:00 and waited until 3:00 to get in and get his seat. When I walked in at 4:30, he asked if I was somebody. I said no, I am a nobody. I just know someone. He said he was a nobody too. We all had fun. https://www.pnj.com/story/news/2020/10/23/donald-trump-pensacola-president-urges-panhandle-voter/6007713002/
  3. We were in row 5. My brother works for the RNC.
  4. Got to see Trump in Pensacola last night, along with Gov DeSantis and Rep. Gaetz. Great rally. Had a blast.
  5. Nothing is over
  6. Asymptomatic spread of coronavirus is ‘very rare,’ WHO says I am shocked, shocked I say.
  7. In my post above where I point to traffic being blocked, that is a bridge that when blocked, diverts traffic to a 60-90 minute detour depending on traffic. The protesters have been blocking 17th Avenue a few days in the past week and is low impact, as there are other options to get around. It is also a rallying point as Graffiti Bridge has been used to include their message. I had no problem with that. They knew what they were doing trying to expand their protest to include blocking the bridge. I do have a problem with that.
  8. This kind of civil disobedience? Police investigating after protester carried across Pensacola Bay Bridge on vehicle's hood Sorry, you don’t have the right to block traffic and disrupt peoples lives. By the way the bridge is 3 miles long. The cloudiness is the fringe of Cristobal.
  9. In a rush to discredit Trump the media went wall to wall with coverage on the medical experts reports saying HCQ was dangerous. The two major studies that were done have now retracted their findings. How much wall to wall coverage will this get? https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=250&v=Gnq7MQMLcVU&feature=emb_logo
  10. I think I heard lawyers were going to pay for it.
  11. So what you are saying is all 100 lives matter, so.... "All lives matter".
  12. As Sica is fond of saying.... follow the Benjamins.
  13. My boss is forever saying “don’t know, don’t guess”. It only makes things worse. Look at what it has done to our economy.
  14. Piece regarding CDC recommendations for schools. Kids and Teachers Are Going to Need Therapy if Schools Follow the CDC's Recommendations for Classrooms Source from CDC Glad we homeschool our kids.
  15. DI Sports Casualties Cuts to date...
  16. There should be zero reason to shame those who don’t wear one, as well.
  17. A while back Trump caught hell for saying something about disinfectants being used internally. It struck me this morning, as I was doing my vitamins with a water/apple cider vinegar chaser, that I was kind of doing what Trump was talking about.
  18. I had an inspection yesterday at a nearby base. The inspection was outside. I walk up with no mask and was told by the GC that everyone had to wear a mask. I asked, "why", the inspection is outside, breezy, sunny, etc... He said that base General wanted it that way. The General saw a contractor not wearing a mask and removed him from the base for three years. I walk up to the area that I was to inspect and everyone there had on masks, except for the Government employee. I had to laugh.
  19. Escambia, Santa Rosa vacation rentals get OK to reopen heading into Memorial Day weekend Phase I of Florida's re-open plan allowed for the hotels and resorts to open, but did not allow for vacation rentals to open. The Gov. is now allowing rentals on a county by county basis, as long as you have a plan in place. The plans for the two counties of metro Pensacola are below. More or less keeping the risk as low as possible.....If you got problems at home, don't bring them here.
  20. I find that I agree with him on most things that aren't Sioux vs Bison. Different sides of the same "nickel".
  21. I have a problem with bailing out states that were already in financial trouble before this began. Illinois for one has been in financial trouble for years, a lot of it having to do with their pension system. This is not a red state vs. blue state issue.
  22. I can one up you on that. I was walking out of Publix about a month ago and I saw a guy in the parking lot walking toward the door with long pants, hooded sweatshirt, gloves and safety goggles. All you could see was eyes through the goggles. Even funnier is that I knew the guy. I walked toward him with a big smile on my face. He felt like he had to tell me who he was, because of how he was protected, but I could tell.
  23. After the Boston marathon bombing I watched people vacating their own houses with their hands in the air, being ordered about and led around by law enforcement, while they were searching for the bombers. I shook my head and commented that a dangerous precedent was being set.
  24. When this whole thing began, we were told that the US medical community couldn’t handle the number of cases that would occur and that we had to shut everything down to flatten the curve. Clearly that was an over reaction, as we set up temporary medical facilities that went largely unused. It just seems to me we used a chain saw to a problem that could have been resolved with pruning shears. There been over-reach by public officials to take away rights and liberties, because they thought they could get away with it. I am hopeful that will be reversed.
  25. Coronavirus droplets caused by talking remain in the air for 8-14 minutes, new study says Man, if I am to listen to what all of the learned experts are telling me to do, I may as well just go sit in my house and prepare to die, because one way or another that virus is going to find me.
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