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Posts posted by GeauxSioux

  1. I don't think there will be any conference invites for the UxDs until they are a year or two from eligibility. I would think that there would need to be some teams leaving the MidCon or the Gateway to open up a spot for the UxDs, but who knows where that will be in 5 years. The conference affilliations seem to always have some turmoil and change going on.

    The big problem for the UxDs is that an ineligible school does not help a conference maintain the minimum number for an autobid.....

    A wise man once asked "What are the long-term goals and strategies of the various conferences ...?" Would you rather have a school for 3-4 years that does fit for the autobid or get a solid stable school that doesn't qualify at the present, but would be a future anchor for the conference. Keeping in mind of course that you don't presently need to have them qualify and you are just protecting your future.

  2. Rather than starting a McMurry thread, I'll just drop this one in here.

    United Methodist agency applauds decision to drop athletic name

    "The usage of the name 'Indians' for this purpose is offensive to many Native Americans because it reduces them to mere stereotypical symbols with little or no regard for the sanctity and complexity of native peoples' identity and character," said Suanne Ware-Diaz, staff representative for Native American constituency concerns for the commission.

    "Even worse, such team names have often led to disrespectful and degrading practices by non-native people, such as donning Native American attire and displaying sacred Native symbols and articles inappropriately," she said.

    Even though I'm an FSU fan, who do you think this last part is directed at? And which school gets the waiver?

  3. Very true. Had this not happened, do you still think UND/USD would have a 90-95% chance at a conference home after they are officially DI with the SU's in the mix?

    The Mid-Con and Gateway have been open and straight forward about their intentions. If a conference was going to offer a school membership, do you really think there would be secret meetings and no public information? My $0.02- I hope there's some movement in the Mid Con in the next few years because 4 Dakota schools would make a solid core.

    Didn't the invitation from the Horizon to Valpo come out of nowhere?

  4. We'll see in a couple of months... maybe. If one the SEC teams is unfortunate enough to get matched up with the Irish in a bowl game, I have supreme confidence that Notre Dame will emerge victorious.

    I may make a friendly wager with you, if indeed an SEC team is paired with Notre Dame in a bowl game. Depending on which team it is of course. I think that Auburn or Florida would take Notre Dame out.

  5. In my opinion, it is wrong for any institution to use the name and image of a group of people if the members of that group have made it clear that they don't want them used in that manner. Regardless of the outcome of this legal case, the NCAA is at least trying to do the right thing, and I applaud them for it.

    In the end this case is about morality and nothing else. In our free society it can be very difficult to force one group of people to stop mistreating another group. People will cling to the letter of the law even when they know that, in doing so, they are perpetuating an injustice. In those cases shame is quite often the best approach to take.

    SHAME ON YOU UND, you're wrong and you know it!

    How many memebers of that group would have to object to the use for the institution to change? If the majority of the group wanted to keep it or didn't care one way or the other and the "offended ones" were in the minority of the group would it still be morally wrong in your mind?

  6. Ole Miss Rebels

    Old article, but still poignant.

    Colonel not exactly a longtime tradition

    "Personally," Gates continues, "I'd rather have no mascot in Atlanta for the SEC championship game than have Colonel Rebel in Shreveport for the Independence Bowl."

    Many, many others, including so many letter writers to this newspaper, disagree. They say they prefer tradition to political correctness. They believe if Colonel Rebel dies this year, the nickname Rebels may soon follow.

  7. Not that I went looking for negative print on UNC, but it seems the Denver media is taking their turn beating on UNC.

    Denver Post

    And what of the state's Division I-AA program?

    In Greeley, the University of Northern Colorado's transition from Division II has been awash in disgrace. The murder charge against punter Mitch Cozad, while perhaps a legal reach, and the misbehavior of other football players led to a Sunday meeting of coaches and players with a displeased UNC president Kay Norton.

    Granted, it's risky to link the off-the-field conduct problems with the Bears' move from Division II football to Division I-AA. Yet it remains unfortunate that Norton couldn't turn the clocks back a few years in the athletic department Sunday morning and reverse the decision to be in Division I for all sports after NCAA rules forced schools to make a choice.

    In football, where the Bears won consecutive Division II national championships in 1996 and 1997, the program still isn't close to reaching the Division I-AA scholarship limit of 65, and UNC is the Big Sky Conference's doormat. There is no reason to believe that can change anytime soon.

    This is the season to forget.

  8. Mother Jones lists their source as a 2001 article written in Salon. Obviously there is no mention of an NCAA ban in the Salon article.

    Puck Politics

    I know it would be a sad world to have everyone always agree with my point of view on all issues, but articles like this make me wonder if these people are even on the same planet that I live on.

  9. Geez, you gotta be kidding. My point is obviously correct - I'm sure you know that.

    BTW - Here's a scientific poll that yields considerably different results:


    Interesting poll results. Do you happen to have the poll questions? Was North Dakota on the list of potential rivals on this poll? Or was it a list of Big Ten schools?

    Geez, you gotta be kidding. My point is obviously correct - I'm sure you know that.

    Which point is obviously correct? I do agree that any poll can be skewed. Which questions were asked and how they are asked are the usual methods of shaping a poll. My point is someone at ESPN thought highly enough of the UND vs. Minn rivalry to include it as a poll question and somehow that answer got 23.5% of the response.

    As long as I was on the site, I went over the North Dakota page. As a Bison fan you couldn't have liked that one. Big front page picture of the Sioux hockey team winning the national championship. You gotta like the poll question about favorite college team. Sioux hockey wins again.


  10. I thought that no one outside of Grand Forks cared about hockey, according to most at Bisonville. You have an employee at ESPN, that is a rabid hockey fan and quite possibly a Sioux hockey fan, creating a poll in which he wanted to skew the results to make UND look good. You would have an easier time convincing me that one person accounted for 23.5% of the voting. :glare:

  11. That "someone" could have been a rabid hockey fan, or even a rapid UND hockey fan, for all you know. That's precisely why unscientific polls are meaningless.

    Are you saying that one person voted often enough to account for 23.5% of the votes on that poll question??

    Again, the person writing the poll must have thought highly enough of the rivalry to include it as a poll question. This wasn't a write in poll.

  12. You do understand that the pool you sited is not a scientific survey and its results are statistically meaningless.

    The poll may be unscientific and the data skewed, but it is relevent that UND vs Minnesota hockey was put on as a poll question and obviously someone thinks that there is quite a rivalry for there to have gotten the votes that it did. You can't say that every vote for UND vs UM was meaningless.

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