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Posts posted by GeauxSioux

  1. And sometimes you have no choice but to follow the law and keep information confidential, which appears to be the case here.

    Thanks for the help PCM, I meant to say to "lawfully protect individuals". I blame fatigue for the omission of the word. :silly:

  2. Could the request for LOA have come from his wife? If that were the case, it would quiet a certain Bison fan, who claims UND is lying. I don't think too many people would call Harmeson a liar for saying that Buning requested a LOA if it actually came from his wife.

    Sometimes there are things that are better left confidential, to protect individuals (Buning).

  3. Tourists Flocking from Canada

    "For football games we`ll be getting tickets and packaging them with guest rooms and we`ve got some arrangement at Engelstad arena to do the same, and for almost any other event in town," says Ledohowski.

    And Alerus Commission officials have already been meeting with Canad officials about turning the complex into a marketing force to be reckoned with.

    Good news for GF!

  4. For an open-air stadium: $62 mill for a 30,000 seats. For a retractable roof: double that?

    If a stadium could be built to somehow block the wind (somewhat) and install radiant heat flooring in the stands a retractable roof wouldn't be needed.

  5. Thanks for the link. Besides the new presidents house and alumni center...

    The foundation also unveiled plans for a $1.3 million addition to the School of Engineering and Mines' Harrington Hall. The roughly 7,000 square-foot addition is being funded by alumni Larry Jodsaas and will be known as the Jodsaas Center.

    The Jodsaas Center will function similar to a center for entrepreneurship within the engineering school, said James Galloway, a design architect with JLG Architects, which is managing the project.

  6. Game Notes.

    The second-ranked Fighting Sioux football team (3-0, 1-0 NCC) faces its first NCC road test of the season when UND travels to Western Washington for the first time on Saturday.

    There is link to a PDF of the game notes on the Game Notes page.


    Sioux 35

    WWU 14

  7. Administrator: check.

    "Face-man" or fundraiser: check.

    The right decision is the one that's right for UND Athletics as an entity. I hope Ralston and Brekke would come to the same, right answer together (without having to go to the VP level).

    I agree with your assessment on the two people and hope that they can work together in the interim. My problem is that I'm a black and white type person and when you get two people trying to run things sometimes things turn out gray. I know that the world is gray, I just have a hard time accepting it. :silly:

  8. Ralston and Brekke have been named co-acting a.d.'s. link.

    And the waters get muddier. Nothing against either of these two people, but how do you have "co-acting a.d.'s". Someone ultimately has to be making decisions. Is that Harmeson?

  9. Ryan Chappell was named offensive player of the week earlier this week for the NCC. He has now been named offensive co-player of the week for D2.

    Chappell earns national honors, UND ranked No. 2

    North Dakota sophomore running back Ryan Chappell, who rushed for a school-record 306 yards in Saturday's 35-28 North Central Conference win, has been named the national offensive co-player of the week by D2Football.com.

    Chappell, who also scored a pair of touchdowns in the victory over the Wildcats, carried the ball a career-high 28 times in smashing the previous record of 282 rushing yards, held by Phillip Moore for the past nine years. Chappell, a Grand Forks, N.D., native, finished with a career-high 328 all-purpose yards.

  10. President search profile on its way to state board

    UND's Presidential Search Committee approved its final draft of the search profile that will be used to advertise for UND's next president at a meeting Monday morning.

    During the past two weeks, the search committee received input on the final draft from faculty, students, alumni and community members over the course of 18 public forums.

    The committee also removed the final sentence of a profile subsection describing the controversy over UND's Fighting Sioux team nickname and the ongoing lawsuit over that nickname with the NCAA.

    That sentence follows a separate sentence that explains the State Board of Higher Education retains final authority over the nickname's future. The removed sentence states UND's next president “will have the opportunity to use the Board's resolution of these issues as a way to bring together people whose differences have distracted from the shared commitment to the success of the University and the wellbeing of its students.”

    Critics argued the sentence could be read to imply nickname opponents had distracted from the school's success.

    LeBel said the input gathered during the profile forums will continue to guide committee members as they contact applicants and winnow the list of candidates. He said the committee will continue to gather public input as it plans campus visits for the final three to six candidates.

  11. Could this be a glimpse of the long awaited master plan?

    UND Alumni Association to plan building projects

    The UND Alumni Association will outline plans for new building projects at a 5 p.m. meeting today at the J. Lloyd Stone Alumni Center.

    Alumni Association Executive Vice President Tim O'Keefe declined to discuss those projects in advance of the meeting, saying through a spokesperson that he hoped to tell the full story all at once.

  12. I for one think that they should get someone with North Dakota ties to fill the top jobs. After all the AD's (let alone the President's) job is as much political as anything else. Starting by knowing the landscape has to be a good thing.

    Of course you don't hire someone that can't do the job. But if you have someone in house that can do the job give it to him. Better the one you know than the one you don't.

    I didn't think Buning was a bad choice and I have no idea of why it didn't work out. (If that is the reason why there's a leave of absence.) I never talked to the guy one on one but I heard him speak a number of times and I was frankly impressed.

    I would imagine he'd come off well in a job interview situation. I don't know much about his competition on whether he was the best.

    I think the AD job hasn't been filled with an ideal candidate for a long time. I don't think Thomas or Gino were good administrators. (But they were good coaches.) Wanless was a good administrator but a lousy people guy. Carl Miller was slightly before my time and I don't know of who was before him.

    So best of luck to everyone.

    Carl did a decent job at UND and was actually the one who started UND thinking that football should be played inside.

    I believe Len Marti was the AD previous to Miller. Len was the AD for 18 years and was a well respected man.

    If indeed Buning is gone, someone has been thinking of this possibility and a short list of candidates must be in someone's vest pocket at the ready. Besides Bollinger who would be on the shortlist?

  13. I'm a little surprised that nobody has commented on this part of the Herald article:

    This makes a little more sense now. With the all the rumblings going on Harmeson didn't report a fire even though there was plenty of smoke.

    Edit: The pun regarding the reference to fire was unintended.

  14. Enrollment surpasses goals

    I guess it's all in how you count the numbers.... :sad:

    UND's enrollment has passed the 12,500 for the fifth time in the school's history, and is up this year.

    The university's final third week enrollment is 12,559 according to the registrar's office.

    However the third week number does not include many of the students that UND serves throughout the semester. Typically UND will enroll an additional 2,000 degree-seeking students.

    UND is now ahead of NDSU by 32 students (12,527) for third week enrollment numbers.

    The number also does not include the students trained by the John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences through partnerships; across the United States or other countries.

    Also, the school serves an additional 10,500 people that are involved in workshops, conferences and similar other learning opportunities.

    Overall the university will serve around 26,000 people this year.

    Among increases in overall enrollment, the graduate school grew to 1,985 students, which is 500 students more than in 2000-01 school term.

    Also, the Law School received 700 applications for only 70 available spots, which is notable since nationally law school applications were down over six percent.

    The Medical School and Physical Therapy have also regularly received more applicants than the university can serve.

    Some schools did see decreases, however. The John D. Odegard Aerospace Science and the College of Education and Mines saw a decrease in enrollment, and overall the university was down 275 students from the 2006 fall semester.

  15. The Herald article has been expanded to include more information, including...

    How Buning and his staff met budget has rubbed some the wrong way. He is an occasional target on message boards. Some of those anonymous writers insisted Buning had been placed on probation.
    I wonder which message board they are talking about. :sad:
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