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Everything posted by GeauxSioux

  1. The need for offensive line has clearly been met. Wow, those are some good sized guys. I wonder who else is coming, as it sounded like this list is not yet complete.
  2. Kelley says he's excited about moving forward, but won't commit to UND just yet Doesn't Dr. Kelley know that today is national signing day?
  3. Not that this is directly related to UND's search for a new athletic director, but I find it interesting that Wanless is applying for a job at Eastern Illinois as AD. Former Iowa State AD among EIU finalists
  4. Maybe we will have a president this week afterall...Motion to interview more candidates for UND president fails
  5. I just watched a WDAZ news report online from what I'm assuming was last night. In the story they had Paulsen on the phone saying that he wishes that the search committee had forwarded more than one name to the SBoHE. How can you be on the committee and distance yourself from the action of that committee? If there was a concern wouldn't you have voiced it prior to the end result? It wasn't as if it wasn't known publicly that the committee was only going to forward names of people that met the 3/4 threshold. I don't think this will be completed by Tuesday.
  6. Thanks for the link to the video Big#75. He looks like a man among boys. A couple of observations. He always seems to push his man at least 10 yards down the field and he doesn't stop until the whistle. Many times it seemed like the opposing player didn't even want to engage him. Impressive.
  7. Wow, what a goal. Looks like Bobby Orr flying through the air in front of the net.
  8. Petition calls for top three president candidates and yet they did.
  9. I got to hear it. It seemed like the whole overtime TH was excited. You could almost feel like the Sioux would score.
  10. The Sioux are Not Fooled I'll take the 4 points and the utterly disastrous season for the Golden Gophers for $1000 Alex.
  11. Overall, I believe the committee did a good job. I was pulling for Bruce Smith to get the job, but obviously that didn't work out. I go back to my post here where Kelley was the obvious choice of the committee. Why leave it to the SBoHE to pick someone else, such as Long who only got 9 votes of 16? The whole argument as to whether there was a group voting as a bloc doesn't hold water with me. Looking at who was on the committee, I just can't see it happening. I don't believe that they would be up to such shenanigans. Kelley was one of only two of the candidates initially to get the 3/4 straw vote and was the only one to get the 3/4's vote of the final five candidates. Looks like the committee was being consistent I am hopeful that the SBoHE confirms him next week and Dr. Kelley accepts the position. moving the University of North Dakota forward. Edit: Oops, I didn't see The Sicatoka's analysis prior to posting.
  12. Nice piece on Kenny Watkins. Welcome to the Fighting Sioux family Mr. Watkins. Watkins to fight as Sioux
  13. Thanks Big#75. We look forward to seeing him at North Dakota, the "better ND". Who is Notre Dame?
  14. GeauxSioux


    The only message board that I view on it is SiouxSports and it works great. The Blackberry has a map function, which is nice. I use it occasionally, since I don't have GPS. I think that you can add GPS to the Blackerry for $10/month. The 8830 also allows you to open attachments to emails such as PDF and JPG files.
  15. GeauxSioux


    It depends what you are using it for. I spend a lot of time in meetings, which I feel very unproductive. Being able to communicate via email during a meeting is a plus. The browser comes in handy looking up information. Once I was stuck in traffic on I-10, not moving for 40 minutes, on the way to Louisiana a couple of months ago and was able to pull up SiouxSports.com and follow the game from people posting. The only minus is also a plus, you are in constant contact. I have an 8830 and love it.
  16. I first read Tony's post with a jaundiced eye, but I actually think that he is being sincere. I know that there are a lot of NDSU folks that don't care much for Kupchella and are looking forward to someone new. I could be wrong. It isn't even 9:00 and I've already been wrong about 5 times.
  17. NASA names teams for student launch initiative
  18. Not so fast my friend.... Is there an An outside challenger?
  19. If the committee had followed the SBoHE requirement of submitting 3 names, we would have had Kelley with 15 of 16 votes Smith with 10 of 16 votes and Long with 9 of 16 votes. submitted to the SHoHE to choose from. from The Walrus post. If the SBoHE had gone with Long we would have a president who only got support from a little over half of the committee. As it stands now we will have a man with nearly unanimous support. I can live with that.
  20. Kelley green. His name fits the school colors.
  21. I think everyone is willing to give him a chance. The Walrus, UND92,96 and I all wished him Good Luck and TRex is an NDSU guy. You may be right that the committee wanted to make sure that the guy that they thought was best was the next president, rather than leaving it to the the SBoHE. I read where he got the nod from 15 of the 16 members. If no else received 12, I would say that he is their choice.
  22. I guess the committee was looking for an outsider. Only Kelley and Long got 3/4's of the committees support during the straw vote of original candidates and only Kelley survived with the committee's rule of 3/4 support. I, too, feel bad for both Smith and Elbert, as I felt either of them would have been a good president. Good luck Dr. Kelley.
  23. Kelley is UND search committee's sole presidential finalist Hmmm, I wonder who they will pick.
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