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Local Boy

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Everything posted by Local Boy

  1. If you like that, you'll love Shelby Lynne's new one, "Just a Little Lovin'". It's all Dusty Springfield covers. I Onlly Want to Be With You and The Look of Love are awesome. There is nothin' not to love about Shelby.
  2. Local Boy


    I had a Pearl. The keyboard frustrated me. Now I have the Curve, I really like it. I wish it had video capture, though. I've grown to love Blacberry's product line. As crazy as this sounds, think of them as a small boutique company. They make one product and do it well. Other devices are one of many in a big manufacturer's line. I don't know the tech terms but, Blackberry's email is some sort of true email device where you receive emails instantaneously. Whereas, other devices are programmed to reach out to the mail server every 10-15 minutes. This reaching out also robs battery life. I've had Windows-based devices. In my opinion, Blackberry's blow them away. I believe I.T. network guys prefer them also. I could be wrong.
  3. Anybody care to speculate what an autographed stick from the '87 team is worth?
  4. Disorderly conduct. Anyone care to share the details of the incident?
  5. So what do you think? Renovation of memorial stadium. Possibly making it indoors or what? Maybe connect it to the parking tamp (reason for bridge to nowhere) and add TONS of seating or what?
  6. Does this column remind anyone else of these scenes from Napoleon Dynamite? You'll love this.... http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/ndsound
  7. The River Queen block is now the Elite Brownstones. Gilly's is one block towards DeMers, same side of the street. Here's a 30 year old reference for you, back then, the building was the home of Ruetells and The Body Shop (formerly best selection of Angelflight pants in town!).
  8. I know what you mean Sicatoka. I was going to end my post with... "Thank god Friday is 4/20 and we can all kick back, smoke a fatty, and get along". But, I didn't want to drop a drug reference. Too late now, I guess.
  9. OMG! What is going on with the 3rd week of April and school violence? I just turned on the news and close to 10 schools are on lock down and/or evacuated because of bomb threats and gun issues.
  10. I like your idea, however wouldn't you run into much larger problems with the Federal government? Back when the drinking age was 18 in some states and 21 in others, didn't they (Fed govmn't) basically tell all of the states that were still at 18 that they had to move the drinking age to 21 or they would get major funding cuts? Someone who knows more than me on the subject may have more/better info.
  11. Time to sign Dean and show Mr. Berning the door (again).
  12. 36 more pages of responses.
  13. If Grand Forks had built that water park, these boys would have been frolicing in Splish Splash Lagoon or having some real fun on The Pirates Plunge, instead of drinkin' in a double-wide across the street from a scrap yard.
  14. Maybe this will shed some light on the issue... "Judy's" is an Old-English word that, loosely translated means, "Phi Delt Underage Drinking Establishment".
  15. 20 pages of comments and very little mention of Judy's? WDAZ, no mention of the penalties that the establishment may face? Why? This is a very simple story... Unqualified bar operator uses underage popular students to attract business. They get their foot in the door, girls follow, word gets out that they serve minors. Sales grow from selling to minors. Does that cover it? BTW...the risk to the public is very substantial. Serve an individual with a life-time earning potential in the MILLIONS. They drive, get whacked, now...how "responsible" was that ploy to sell "two-fers"? Alcohol is a highly regualted biz. There's an investigatiove process, in the pre-licensing stage, to keep the clowns out that don't understand the obligations, and responsibilities of dispensing alcohol. The industry is supposed to be operated by a collective group of individuals that "get it". It smacks of desperation when a municipality allows these clowns to operate in the matter of Judy's, and many other operators in town. Now, there's propsed legislation to regulate the industry even more. I'm talking about the price-based promotions being debated now in the N.D. Legislature. Nice going boys...you brought it on yourselves. It makes it very hard to refute the proposed legislation, when you have players like this. The problem is wide-spread, and across the board. Even the lagest off-sale seller in town, that (supposedly) advertises responsibility, boasts "Nickle Bottle Sales". I guess, my "governement hands off" POV, needs to be strongly reconsidered. Why? Because of the clowns in the biz. Perhaps we can compromise, let them low-ball their liquor, but force them to wear a red nose and the big floppy shoes. That's regulatory legislation I could get behind.
  16. This is speculation but, it sounds like Robbie went off on the old...."Do you know who we are?....Do you know who they are?". Not a good thing to do with Johnny Law. Throw the book at Judy's. They're felling all cool, and #$%, because the hockey team drinks there. The booze industry is heavily regulated with many legit problems. If you can't cover these simple, no-brainer, operational decisions, you need to get slammed back into line. The severity of the puishment will depend on their history of past offenses, if there is any. Minors having a few, nothing new. Licensed establishments with this flagrant of a violation...way outside the lines.
  17. Rumor has it that John Doe was scheduled to be here for the performance, but it just didn't work out. Instead, we have to settle for a 2X GRAMMY WINNER and world-renowned goddess of the classical music genre. ;-) The opener, Adam Levy, is the leader of The Honeydogs. He's amazing also. This will be a special event for The Empire, and Grand Forks. I'd go get a ticket soon. I know I did. The only way to obtain more shows in town is to support events like this.
  18. I'd like to see more developments that will positively effect population growth. I'm not a big "Build It and They Will Come" guy. Good news though!
  19. Where I live, "Cougars" has an entirely different meaning.
  20. I saw in The Herald today that tickets are on-sale now at Ticketmaster for Tom's show the 27th. Buy them at The Fritz and save the service charges. On a side note, performing with Tom is classical violinist Hilary Hahn. Hilary is a 2x Grammy winner that could probably sell out the Fritz on her own. Opening the show is Adam Levy from the great Mpls band, The Honeydogs. This sholud be an amazing evening of music. Congrats on your success Tom!
  21. Bummer. No one has any info about what happened to The Winnipeg Team? It was an amazing thing for Grand Forks Park Board hockey. Every year, a 13 year old all-star team from Grand Forks would play a game against a top club team from Wpg. The games would alternate between Grand Forks and the Winnipeg Arena. There was even a cup that was passed back and forth to the champion. Grand Forks youth players that played up there, were blessed with the experience of playing in front of 5-8,000 people in The Winnipeg Arena. The winning team would hoist the cup and do a victory lap around the arena. The cool thing was the pep-talk between the 2nd and 3rd periods.... "You are NOT playing for 'Grand Forks', you are representing THE UNITED SATES OF AMERICA. Get out there and play your best...you worked hard to get here. Now, GO GET 'EM!" AWESOME! Red, White, and Blue uniforms...the whole deal!!! Whatever happened? Also, at this time in Grand Forks hockey, we practiced outside and didn't play any road games. Maybe that contributed to why it was such a special thing at the time.
  22. Oops...Winnipeg. Some typos are okay. Just wanted to correct that one. Love that place!
  23. Whatever happened to the 13 year old all-star team commonly known as The Winnipeg Team? Is there a website with the info? When was it discontinued? Why? What was the overall record? Where's the cup/trophy? Just curious. Thanks in advance.
  24. Tom just finished a tour of Europe. You can check him out here... tombrosseau.com myspace.com/tombrosseau I heard from a friend that he'll be performing in town soon. Congrats on the success Tom!
  25. What?
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