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Taz Boy

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Everything posted by Taz Boy

  1. What if we made the flames look like feathers? taz
  2. I now understand your point. It is still difficult for me to see this as a significant legal win for UND. Getting to use it only for the regular hockey season is OK, but it absolutely needs to be post-season compliant for revenue/recruiting. Not sure if the former is even an option, but I agree it is still technically a concession by the NCAA. In truth, I do not see how the original policy could have possibly been enforced in that manner. In other words, elimination of all logos/imagery in the REA (i.e. destroying the building) OR discontinue it's use completely as being a requirement for hosting ANY post-season NCAA event in any sport in any venue. Even prior to the lawsuit, I had always thought if UND dropped the nickname and logo, there would be a financially reasonable solution to the REA through arbitration/discussions given the reality of the situation. Rather than a "best practice" understanding, the settlement now formalizes these as specific requirements which can be used as a pass/fail conditions for declaring "non-compliance" at any point later on. In this case, being somewhat "arbitrary" might have been more beneficial to UND. One more quick point on this... To me, a big victory in the settlement would have been more along the lines of leaving the REA alone-- no alterations required except for a new ice logo. But, I'm a dreamer...
  3. To me, that's been a given all along, and so is not at all a concession from the NCAA. They said early in their policy statement that this sanction applied only to post-season NCAA tournament play. If the REA is not elligible for post season NCAA play, then it becomes a recruiting liability.
  4. Leave the NCAA and go pro. And, not nancy-pants AHL. N-H-L. Beating the Wild in Grand Forks wouldn't be too tough, given how they usually play in their pre-season games up there. I'd like to see Ovechkin try one of his sick moves against The Oshie, fueled by a hostile and abusive crowd of Fighting Sioux fans in the rapid confines of the REA. Better yet, the return of Toews and the Blackhawks vs. the Sioux. Old logo vs new. And, who wouldn't want to see Finley pounding Pronger into the dasher with the Italian Moon ad on it? When the 'Canes come in, we let them win because, hey, it's Commie. Go Pro, Sioux!
  5. Please, dear Lord, not "Cavalry". That, with all due respect, blows. Just be North Dakota. No nickname (if that is indeed possible given the language in the agreement) and use the University logo with the flame or just "North Dakota" along a diagonal.
  6. My concern is more of the "be careful what you ask for" variety. I see a lot of punitive/restrictive language in the settlement that I wonder is part of the original policy impacting other schools. It's like, "OK, you want clarification on the policy, here it is. Now, violate anything in here and your back on the list." Restrictions on licensing/sale of "Fighting Sioux" and the Brien logo are now clearly in place. Details of the REA acceptable/unacceptable imagery are outlined like no other facility. Mandatory new nickname and logo selection with deadline. The thought that the REA was "saved" from the jackhammers is maddening. I could not have imagined a course of action that would have empowered the NCAA to dictate facilities' construction and decor. Also consider this statement from 2i: "The NCAA believes, as a general proposition, that the use of Native American names and imagery can create a hostile or abusive environment in collegiate athletics. However, the NCAA did not make any other findings about the environment on UND's campus." (emphasis added) What does that mean, exactly? What findings were made that are not in the "other" category? All things considered, good riddance to the meddlings of the NCAA in our naming process. They shouldn't have interfered to start with, and I think the settlement effectively highlights that. taz
  7. In my opinion, too much was spent already to get the settlement we are now discussing. I blame the NCAA for that. So, am I glad a settlement was reached that gets the NCAA out of NoDak for a while? You bet. But, I think reasonable people can argue whether or not the terms of the settlement are favorable or unfavorable to UND. For example, there is no settlement that would have fully satisfied Taz Boy without requiring the NCAA to take out a full page add in every major metro newspaper with the following 48pt text: "We, the NCAA Executive Committee, were wrong. Wrong to label UND's campus as being hostile and abusive to Native Americans without a shred of evidence. Wrong to lobby members of regional tribes to support similar accusations. Wrong to spend time on nicknames. Wrong to have small animal fetishes. Wrong to allow Minnesota to have a D-I football team. Wrong to be lead by muffinheaded ninnys. Wrong, wrong, WRONG." Not sure what negotiating tactic I would have used to get that one in there. But, what the hey. I also don't like the detailed itemization of "what can stay, what can go" for the REA. To me, it's none of the NCAA's bidnaz what the hell is in that building. Shall we now have officials from the NCAA scrub ALL major venues in collegiate athletics for even a hint of "images commonly associated with Native American culture"? What if UND wins a regional game in the REA as host, and then hours later is declared imagery "unclean" and therefore ineligible for tournament play because the opposing team's equipment manager stumbled across a North Dakota State Seal hanging in the storage room? Much better for me would be to simply agree to removing the logo from the ice and main arena signage (electronic or otherwise). The requirement that UND adopts a new nickname and logo, or goes back on "the list", is concerning as well. Sure, the UND community may very likely pick a new name. But, we shouldn't agree that we have to. Is this a requirement of the other schools dropping their nicknames? The big picture I think for many folks is that the NCAA implemented a policy that is fundamentally wrong, and they did so in a manner that violated their own processes. The law suit which would have proven this allowed them time to go back and dot "i's" and cross "t's" to make it conform. Sure, they spent some money to defend themselves, but other than that, no penalties/reversals/policy changes of significance. The NCAA machine rolls on unscathed. Meanwhile, UND is on the brink of losing their beloved nickname-- with only a 3yr stay of execution. Certainly, the financial aspects make this settlement a welcome relief. But, the details read more like a white-glove lecture on approved behavior by the NCAA. Hard to take, that's all. taz
  8. Some items in the "settlement" that make my stomach churn... Myles Brand's signature 2a Namesake Exemption can be repealed by NCAA at any time 2b A shame that the NCAA has to agree in writing to not meddle in external affairs 2d requires UND to adopt a new nickname and logo, not just drop the old. Why? 2f is just plain scary. How can you keep NA imagery/culture from getting into any building, in NORTH DAKOTA?! 2i is weak. Last paragraph is especially diluted, concealing the "no evidence" fact. 2j greatly restricts UND from licensing/selling nickname/logo. No chance for third party T-shirts! I admit, I'm more disgusted after reading this agreement. Still, it removes the NCAA from the equation for 3 years, and for that we should all be thankful. The issue is now back where it should be, in the hands of the University and the namesake tribes. Either party can axe the name, but both are needed to keep it. I'd like to see a vote from all members of the Sioux Nation, not their leaders spewing off about getting treated nicely at a hockey game. In any case, let's hope for a quick resolution and move on. taz
  9. But, my Mommy and Daddy also think the Bison suck! taz
  10. I think the leaked information is incomplete, and therefore an assessment of whether or not the settlement as described is "good" or "bad" is difficult. I'm guessing that a 3-yr cooling off period indicates that the NCAA policy on nicknames remains pretty much unchanged. Therefore, it must be agreed that the policy was enacted without violation to bylaws or procedures-- with perhaps the only concession by the NCAA being the timeline for compliance was too aggressive, financially punitive. I'm sure the "hostile and abusive" language will also be rescinded, replaced by something else that is essentially the same thing. Oh well, let's wait for the whole package and see what's there. taz
  11. Eeesh. Any Senators involved in that, perhaps?
  12. I had the same effect on the 'herd today, I guess. Yeah, so I cheered for them a bit. So what? It's NoDak! Even the Animal Husbandry majors have to have a good time, no?
  13. Sheesh. I come back liquored up from a post-game after a convincing Bison win over the Goofer and all I read is boo-hoo poopieness on the forum. C'mon guys. It's your Sioux! taz edit... Oh, wait... goals are making folks happy now...
  14. Global Warming stops Sioux from revenge! If only we had Kyoto! Nice stick salute BC.
  15. A non-hockey fan has to tune into this and wonder what in the k-rap is going on. Oooh. It's that stewardess chick again telling me how to use a remote. Nice.
  16. Muse looking fairly sharp. Need to break the seal here.
  17. That one made Taz Boy giggle. If any of you are bored, there's plenty of porn on the web. Really.
  18. Ice looks soupy, slow. Nice Greene story. These guys are funny. Great save by Lammy! taz digs Sioux hockey
  19. CR@P! Wife and I are going tonight, but the game just got a whole lot less interesting. Might have to head on over to the Windy City sometime to watch him play. taz digs Toews
  20. Huh? I guess this would make sense to someone with a degree in animal husbandry or livestock hygiene. Despite my disgust for all things Bison, I will of course be cheering them on against the lowly Goofer. It is, after all, a North Dakotan institution. Embarrassing as that may be, we must stick up for our own brethren. taz
  21. What better example than this to show why tribal "support" is irrelevant to nickname usage. Wonder what sort of conversations took place during those two days? In the end, the issue still remains with the NCAA. I think it's pretty much a given the nickname will be dropped at some point in the future. But, the NCAA must lose in court first. Go get 'em, boys. taz will always be a Sioux fan
  22. That an 11,000+ seat arena can fill up to near capacity for a collegiate non-conference ice hockey game against an unranked opponent during the holiday break with inclement weather in a population center just under 50,000 is an amazing testament to the Sioux fan base. It is unparalleled in loyalty and support in college hockey. Comparing to other arenas that reside in much larger population centers with significantly higher school enrollments (UM-TC, UW-M) is irrelevant. Sioux fans and the REA are the real deal, baybay. taz
  23. This is the only part Taz Boy understood. Imagine live blogging NCAA sponsored Women's Synchronized Swimming: Stanford Cardinal Trio takes to the water for their free routine... Lovely swimwear... colorful patterns... They are now lined up, and the music is starting... they must have speakers under water, no? That was kinda cool... I bet from straight above that made a neat picture... maybe a flower or something... hmmmm... not sure I get... that... move... [long delay] 8adkeq12874;adsnda w erkiq lqweriq9fluhcn;........................ [long delay] Sorry... chicks are still treading water... smiling... waving... Now kicking upside down... now splashing... It's almost done, I think... Done... nope. Uhm. Yep... Done. Score: 44.97 for total of 89.64. Next up, the Aquamaids of Santa Clara... ...
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