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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. Best goalie ever. Now he's got Tate Maris.....ohhh boy.
  2. Expected a period of let down after Goldy. Now pick your heads up and play hockey.
  3. Do not make Leclerc look like an all American again. Great weekend for Gersich to really break out with all the space at the world arena. Have to be a confident group with how they have played the last three games. Go get six points.
  4. Methinks Goldy really misses coach Potulney managing their power play. If he has success at Northern Mich you will really hear some hollering to see him take over in dinkytown. Their power play kind of had that back door play strategy in mind, but when UND took it away they had zero strategy and fell back to the old umbrella cross ice one timer and pray approach. Not having their best player really hurt it on Saturday.
  5. Put me in the "thought the gophers would be better" category. With all those draft picks and high skill guys. I thought they'd score at least 5 this weekend. Maybe UND's d core is better than I think. Long season though, and they have a tremendous goaltender. Credit to Mike Guentzel for their play in their own end. Blocking shots and great gap control.
  6. Normally Bubs will stop and say a word or two to opposing coach. Tonight was a quick handshake with very little eye contact.
  7. Nice blow by handshake by the head coaches....nothing to say.
  8. Allow two goals all weekend. Well done d corps.
  9. Throw a punch, you best be ready to dance.....
  10. Our goalie has the horse shoe in his breezers tonight. Glad Minnesota gets it for once in the series.
  11. Trevor Olson just caught a gopher player on a back check...... What the hell is going on out there???
  12. Love to see someone challenge him. And Lucia to cry about it and call it unhealthy.
  13. Roll four, don't take penalties, get to 10 goals.
  14. Call me old fashioned but I wouldn't have minded Pogo getting up and taking a shot back at Sadek there. It must be the Hak in me.... Smart play to take it and give the team the PP.
  15. Gersich-Jones-Adams A guy can dream right....
  16. Jones is the best center on the team. How Ohio State let him go.....
  17. Nice to see Minnesota's goalie not steal hockey game.
  18. Because our guy didn't go into the boards I thought it wasn't a five. It's 100 percent officials discretion, you are correct sir.
  19. That's a penalty, but not a five. Now Minnesota gets to dive all over the place and our guys will get a five at some point in time. Should have been a two for CFB which is allowed. Next penalty is on us. Likely during this PP.
  20. Agreed. Gophs got pushed around last night. I expect them to be better.
  21. I'm not the only jerk that will never buy his kids fighting hawks stuff.....can someone tell my wife this?
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