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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. 1-0 USA after one period. Bueller??? Bueller???
  2. This is on Don Adam...(surprise). You've got at least three teams now with officiating issues when they are in Denver. And nothing will be done... (surprise).
  3. The former goalie in me understands. I was always first off first on during games.....ALWAYS (crazy goalie disease) The Canuck goalie needs to do a better job of not letting the whole world know his superstitions though...
  4. I’ve had a rough week grammatically. I’m not sure which was worse, my spelling or team USA’s back checking?
  5. Just watched the game highlights and my ohh my did Sweden expose what Finland exposed a few games ago on Woll. 6-1 Canada...the route is on.
  6. 4-1 Canada and that'll do it for the Czechs.
  7. Enlighten me please?? 3-1 Canada after a big Canadian dive leads to a power play goal.
  8. Not impressed with our goaltending this tournament. They've been okay, but nothing close to world class. Bronze and the Czechs here we come.
  9. Semifinal day from Buffalo. One matchup is a layup, the other will be a coin toss. Canada vs. Czech Republic......unless the Czech goalie has another horse shoe in his breezers or a leprechaun sitting on his net this one gets out of hand. 6-1 Canada. USA vs. Sweden......this can go either way. Team defense is the key to me. Both teams are good with the puck, but when they are in their own end they both leave a bit to be desired. With 18,000 screaming New Yorkers reigning USA chants down at the Swedes I’ll take the USA 4-3. Big day for Belarus as they get booted if they lose to Denmark.
  10. I'm for whatever site gets butts in the seats. I'd like to see St. Paul get a turn. I completely understand that you aren't going to get a big crowd for Sweden vs. Belarus, or Russia vs. Denmark when it's in North America, but when the States is playing Russia in an 18,000 seat rink is it too much to ask for 15,000 people to be there?
  11. Buffalo can’t host again. Bad weather or not you can’t have an empty arena when the host nation is on the ice. I’d rather see it hosted in Canada when it’s in North America so there is actual atmosphere for these kids. Tomorrows afternoon semi vs. Sweden I’ll predict 6,000 people in the rink.
  12. Wait.....there were USA chants? Was it the same game we were watching?
  13. This team has moments where they are untouchable and moments where they can't break the puck out. Probably Woll's best game of the tournament.
  14. Russia player takes a shot at the camera person......makes sense.
  15. Bob drawing up d zone coverage for dummies.....
  16. He needs to coach the d men at the next WJC.
  17. We are so God awful in our own end.... Left wing, the right d man is yours.....
  18. What an atmosphere right now.....crowd really into it....
  19. Penalty on the USA.....great start to period 3.
  20. I thought it was him right away too, before they showed it was 8.
  21. Saw that coming......And he beat our best defenseman.
  22. Terrible start to period 3......stop and start in your end.....
  23. Letting Russia hang around. Keep your sticks down and get a gritty goal.
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