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Whoa! You guys are way ahead of me! I've had to tone down a couple of my ideas because Security has to approve the signs before I bring them to you guys. The head of security approved all the signs I made for the Gopher game (even the double entendre ones), so I'm not sure where the line will be drawn. I've only come up with a couple ideas and want to see more from you all. Here's what I have in addition to a few that we didn't use last week. For penalty box : "PLAYS WITH DAHL'S team" "RUB THEIR NOSES IN IT" (hand pushing down the head of a Husky puppy into a brown pile or a yellow puddle) [not sure that would get past security] Pretty sure this one's a no-go but I think it's funny: [Addressed to Husky player singled out for harassment] "Lick 'em if you got 'em" "CHOKER COLLARS available in SLIM REGULAR HUSKY" [originally, this was going to be a scatological reference with piles o' poo increasing in size] "#1, Meet #2" [Matt Greene smack down illustration] "Losing: Ain't it a female dog?" [illustrated with contrasting pictures] "Dog House [either NHC or a real doghouse, not much difference] Our House [pic of Taj Ma-hockey]" "St. Cloud: The Patron Saint of Political Correctness" [or Hypocrisy] Echoing last week's Crappie/Crappy sign: [picture of ear of corn] CROP [picture of St. Cloud logo] CRAP "Huskies: Come. Play. Lose." Don't have the wording down quite yet but illustrated with a few Milkbones stopped by a brick wall in front of Sioux net]: "No Dog Biscuits in Our Basket"
The signs at the game were tremendous (and not just the ones I made)! I made a Potulnys sign, too. It said, "Potulnys: Call Now! 1-800-JOIN-UND (Tutors Are Standing By)." I also made one that said, "Irmen: Yes, your credits transfer--UND Admissions" which fit in perfectly with the thought bubble the Ralph superimposed over Danny's head while he was in the box that said, "Wonder if my credits transfer to UND?" The "Wanted for Treason" sign one was great but the pictures of the brothers were too small to be recognized. That's a common sign-making problem. Unless the Ralph cooperates and shows the signs on the Dak, most people in the arena can't see them. There were several signs in the student section upper bowl that I couldn't read from the corner of the lower bowl. But the ones that were made visible by being shown on the Dak were great. Imagination & humor can't be beat. However, here's a heads up for furture sign-makers. Friday night, the head of security took me & the 22 signs I brought into the arena aside and went through every single one to see if they were acceptable or not. So, when you read the soon-to-be-posted St. Cloud signs thread and think they're both tame and lame, just remember that I have to be able to get them past security. The head of security told me that he had to approve each sign because complaints were made about the signs from the Yale series. I couldn't believe it: don't these people have cable, watch "Will & Grace" or ever listen to a Jay Leno monlogue?
This is my last (I promise) idea: "Who You Gonna Call? GOPH-BUSTERS A. Schneider, M. Greene, M. Jones, M. Smaby, Proprietors 'We Ain't Afraid of No Gophs!'" Illustrated with a Gophers Prohibited symbol--red circle with slash through Goldie
Forecheck: I will bring tonight's batch of signs to you for distribution tonight once I see you in your seat. If Northstar arrives earlier, I'll bring him the penalty box batch. A second, but smaller, set will be delivered to you tomorrow. Can you collect any recyclable signs after tonight's game for use tomorrow? Thanks.
NEEDED: Enthusiastic Sioux fans to hoist signs at Gopher games. If you're willing, e-mail me at yaneusa@netscape.net with seat number and estimated time of arrival at arena.
The signs, including this one, are black lettering on white poster board. Most fonts are 500 or 600-point. I've been told that has made them readable across ice. The drawback is, I can't use a very long message.
Yes, Fedorov, I will be pasting up that one tonight. I aim to please.
Northstar: I have a lot of penalty box signs for you. I'm trying to make them two-sided for convenience. Do you want me to give them all to you tomorrow night or would you rather I split up the delivery? What time will you get to the arena?
Flickertails are like Gophers, which is reason enough for UND to have dropped THAT nickname.
Someone suggested something like this : "Lu, lu, Lu-chia Lu, lu, Lu-chia" which sounds like the Chia Pet theme. Add some musical notes above the syllables. You could also turn a head-shot picture of Lucia into a planter by drawing little leaves where his mullet ought to be. This parodies the Chia Heads variety of Chia Pet. Google "chia pet" to find their official site if you don't know what I'm talking about.
If anyone going to the PA & Dubay broadcast tomorrow morning would like to take one of our signs with them (and promises to bring it to the game, as well), I can hook you up. E-mail me at: yaneusa@netscape.net.
Minnesota: The SAD State of Gopher Hockey Gophers: So far, sub-par Pawlenty to Lucia: "Secede from The State of Hockey (You're bummin' us out)" [stylized Minnesota M]-ediocre
Okay. I'll get the sign to her. Maybe she'll get her face on TV or the Daktronic.
dunker: how early will your friends be there? I'll be there about 6:15, 6:30 on Friday and can bring them a sign. How about: "We are the Chump-i-ons" ?
I was listening as well. The only disappointing thing was that the Brothers are going to be signing autographs DURING the game when real hockey fans will be in their seats booing the Gophers. I'll have several Hansons/Slap Shot related signs for Saturday night. That reminds me, forecheck & redwing: Do you want me to bring all the signs to you Friday or do you want me to split them up into two deliveries, one for each game?
Coteau: As far as I know, I'm not the king of anything. Thanks for your vote. And I've already made that one, BTW.
That's funny, or priceless, you might say. However, would you please post that in the idea thread so I can more readily identify votes in this thread? Thanks.
The Minnesota idea thread is getting a bit long. Lots of good ideas are being offered. But I need to know which signs you guys want made for the Gopher series. So far, I have made the ones which received "votes" on the idea thread. But, I decided that we needed a place just for the votes so I'd know what I'm supposed to be doing. This is the place. Read the idea thread--then come here and vote for your favorites. So far, I've made: Couldn't carry Zach's jock (or fill it) Have you seen this rodent? Will clutch & grab for championship Hangs with harmless squirrel/friendly rabbit Crappie/Crappy Irmen: credits will transfer Hanson Bros. Streak Ends Diction for Dummies Looking for this? And, by popular demand, I'm going to do "I got 2:00 for hooking; Mom got 5 years" and return Heidi Fleiss to the anonymity she deserves. Vote early; vote often
Thanks, Northstar. When I got home, I re-wound the tape & heard comments about you & the Tools and I'm with Stupid sign. "The guy behind the penalty box is at it again..." Sweeney said. Figures he wouldn't understand the Beckett reference but the people sitting in front on me got it. Thanks, everybody, who made a suggestion.
The polls will remain open through the week so you can still vote for the sign you'd like to see in the arena. Forecheck & redwing: If I bring the signs to you again during warmups on Friday, will you find them good homes? Someone willing to hold them up at an appropriate time and bring them back the next night? Can we get the guy behind the penalty box to cooperate again with the thought bubbles and caption signs? Redwing: Do you still have the "That call sucks" sign?
No, I haven't made the ones you listed yet so go ahead. "7 > 5" is what comes to most people's minds about the difference in the number of championships. Or you could change it to " 5 < 7"
undhockey5: No, I don't mind at all if you want to make those signs. I have already printed the Crappie/Crappy one and others on my initial list that have gotten at least one "vote" here. Given my sign-making experience, my only suggestion to you would be to use large enough print (between 500 and 600-point type--lettering about 5 or 6 inches tall-- can be seen across ice).
This has been very productive. It's true: Two heads are better than one but they sure stretch out a turtleneck. If you haven't yet voted for your favorite (vote by quoting or cutting & pasting, just like in Florida), please do so in the next hour so the kids and I can get started tonight.
yes, we should show our tender side, in Herb's memory. Something like "Hockey Night in Heaven"
Re: The Treasonous Three. We could have their pictures with the phrase, "DEPORTED as UNDESIRABLE" superimposed.