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Everything posted by YaneA
Actually, NorthStar, I did. After the security guard (female) looked askance at the Banners/Manners one, she took the Cheerleaders and Separated at Birth ones outside for a second opinion. She came back with a male guard who said they were both fine and apologized for the scrutiny. They also wanted to see the rally hats but stopped me about halfway through the inventory, once they were sure that they were clean as a whistle. My take on innuendo is this: if you don't get it, you can't be offended, and if you do get it, who are you kidding if you claim offense? And, BTW, what do you think Thomas & Kupchella mean about being creative and inventive without being profane if the signs we've come up with (none of which contain a swear word) aren't fitting that bill?
I despair of finding a consensus on the specifics of what's appropriate and what isn't. Someone call George Carlin and ask him to come up with "The 7 Dirty Words You Can't Say at the Ralph." NorthDakotaHockey hates "home of the Sioux" at the end of the anthem, but that probably puts him in the minority of fans at the game since that yell booms around the arena. When I'm listening to away games on radio, that's how I know there's a green and white presence at the enemy arena. I'm not bothered by it but I can certainly understand the opposing viewpoint. But do I think the opposing viewpoint ought to quash those who, for what I'm sure are logical reasons, want to yell "Home of the Sioux"? No. Likewise, to those who don't want to yell that, I don't see anyone forcing those words from you.
Security at the front door apologized for the scrutiny to which they subjected the signs while security in the student section came over to see what we'd come up with this week. The officer there was very complimentary about the clever nature of the signs and the work/thought that goes into them. One problem with the censorship is that there are no standards in place at all. What one officer will let go, another will forbid. Not the first time this has happened. During the SCSU series, the "Fix the Huskies" sign with a picture of a puppy with a band aid between his highlegs was approved one night and disapproved the next. Roger Thomas & Kupchella keep saying they want to students to be clever, rather than profane but the students with the signs are getting limited Dak time and don't get on TV much lately, either. That doesn't look like positive reinforcement to me.
I think there are numerous factors combining to deflate fan ethusiasm in the new Ralph, some of which you touched on. I am just about the only fan in my section who is on her feet at a time other than right after the Sioux score. My optometrist, who sits in the row behind me, told me, "You're the first one to cheer in our section" and I thought, "and the last one and sometimes the only one." There are definitely people in the arena whose purpose is to run down a business deal, rather than to get involved in the game. I don't want to underestimate the impact of the new policies on the students. Their standing doesn't intimidate anyone; it just presents the image that they are involved in the game but they block the view of the suite holders so they were told to sit instead. On Friday night, everyone in the arena got the anti-swearing policy statement containing the draconian threat of invalidating the offender's ticket for the season. So the students didn't swear this weekend or do much of anything else. Roger Thomas commented that this was an improvement but I can't go along with that. We've already posted threads here containing alternative chants and catcalls that don't rely upon profanity for their "punch." But it's up to the students to adopt them. Until the students fill the no- swearing void with something else, there isn't going to be much noise in the arena. BTW, one of my signs got censored at the front door because of this heightened sensitivity about inappropriate fan behavior. In order to get the sign approved I had to change "Welcome to the Ralph: Home of Banners, Not Manners" to simply "Welcome to the Ralph, Home of Banners." I saw, however, that a student had sneaked in a sign that said "We Swear Because We Care" which I thought was a lot cheekier than the sign I had.
Does anyone here in GF tape the games off channel 23? Did anyone else suffer technical difficulties on Friday night's broadcast? When I rewound the tape, the video was impossibly fuzzy and the audio seemed to be from channel 3 instead of 23. No problems with taping Saturday's game, however. Just wondering whether it was my screwup or if everyone else experienced the same problem. Also, did anyone catch Zach's remarks on the post-game with Hennen Saturday night? He seemed very upset by the crackdown on student fan activity, from standing to swearing. I believe he even called the policies "stupid," adding that the Ralph is a college hockey rink, not a museum and that college kids should be allowed to have fun there. He said the players need to feed off fan energy but couldn't find much sustenance this weekend. I thought the atmosphere was fine Friday night but there was definitely no energy in the arena after the first period on Saturday.
I'm acknowledging Tupa's polite decline of the Kickin' Butt from 2nd Place in the National Polls hat since he/she will not be in attendance tonight. Did not hear from SiouxHockeyFan5 regarding his/her seat number. Accordingly, all hats--except for the one intended for jerseychaser1--will be available behind the penalty box before warmups. If you want one, get over there and ask nicely.
Again, not sure it's the hat alone that's gonna push you over the top in the jackass category.
Tupa: I can leave one of the hats on your seat, assuming you're in with the crowd, rather than the media. You can always check your seat before you go upstairs. I should have made my rounds by warmups. Do you prefer a plainer or more embellished one? After Diggler threw down the challenge that he wants a hat that makes him look REAL moronic, I went back through the collection and added some "frills" to some of them (some little plastic hockey players, a net, a trophy, stuff like that). I think they turned out pretty well but I'm a little concerned about the effect of the cold weather on the hot glue that's holding most of the decorations. So don't leave the hat in your car. SiouxHockeyFan5: You can e-mail me your seat number and I'll leave a hat for you. Plain or fancy? Otherwise, the whole lot will be left with the Kids Behind the Penalty Box. I actually made 15 or 16 "Kickin' Butt from 2nd Place in the National Polls" Hats but my shopping bag isn't big enough to hold them all. If there's a big demand for 'em, I can bring the leftovers or even make a few others and bring them to Saturday night's game. They don't take any time at all to make, except for letting the 3D paint on the hatbands dry. So, if you don't get one tonight, you could check with the usual suspects (Forecheck, NorthStar, Redwing) on Saturday. Jerseychaser1: If I have to leave my seat, I will leave your hat behind in a plastic bag with your name on it.
Am I the only person who's never heard of this song, "Dear Liza, There's a Hole in My Bucket"? What is that, a kiddie song like "Froggy Went A-courtin'"?
Yes, in the first, buried post, I indicated that I call them "rally hats" for lack of a better phrase. I can change it to "kickin' butt from 2nd place in the national polls hats" but that isn't as easy to say. jerseychaser: No charge, at all.
Diggler, for some reason I think you probably don't need a hat to project that image.
Since this topic got buried underneath some trash talking from Wisconsin fans and replies from Sioux fans, I once again announce the availability of homemade rally hats to be given away in sec. 108 (behind the penalty box, opponent's side), starting during warmups Friday night. There are about a dozen, all of them different. While you're there, you could even take a sign to hoist; it wouldn't kill you. Jerseychaser: I sent you an e-mail, giving you my seat number so you can pick a hat up from me.
beersong has a point (OMG, what am I saying?!). The question is whether the students want some chants or catcalls that are uniquely their own or do they want the fogies to join in? I think they can have both. Keeping it simple and recognizable is more effective for us fogies. Making it unique and edgy without stepping over the line probably works better for the students.
Of course, not, NorthStar. I know Katie always has her eye on you.
Sing-song chant ideas, al la Wisconsin's "1-2-3-4, we want more": "First goal, first goal, puts you in a deep hole" "It's 2-1 and we're not done" "1-2-3 how simple can it be?" "We've got four Show [opposing goalie's name] the door" Whatever is shouted after the opposing player intro, has to be short and punchy because Hennen barrels right through their lineup. "Sieve" after the goalie's name, great. How about "Sieve Helper" after the D-men, make it sound like an analog to "Hamburger Helper". For the wingers, a derisive "Mighty Wingman," sung like the line in the beer commercial.
I'm not sure how many signs I've finished--somewhere in the neighborhood of 12 or 14. I think NorthStar would like more for the penalty box than I have to give him so if readers could review the foregoing suggestions and post which ideas they like best for the box, you'd make NorthStar happy and maybe also fulfill part of your community service obligation. Assume that I have inserted an appropriate smilie here. Students, you'd help us out a lot if you'd agree to hoist a sign and maybe get your pretty face on the Daktronic. You can retrieve one from Forecheck, Redwing or NorthStar in section 108, right behind the penalty box (opponent's side) Friday night during warm-ups. I'll also leave the much maligned rally hats with them as well--another way to distinguish yourself from the crowd and catch Katie O'Keefe's eye.
Yeah, I still can't figure out the quote command.. jk said: Perhaps we need a liaison in the Athletic Department and at the REA to help make some of these things happen. I extend my thanks to YaneA as well for her efforts this year. Maybe she could be retained by RT as the Assistant Athletic Director for Hockey Crowd Improvement. YaneA replies: I accept! It's gotta pay better than my current state job!
Roger Thomas' letter is great! Personally, I'm a fan of free speech but even I get turned off by too much indiscriminate, pointless vulgarity. This season, I've spent countless hours making up signs for hockey games because my hope is having funny, creative posters would be one way our student fans could distinguish themselves. This week, I also took the time (I can't say "went to the trouble" because it's no trouble at all) of making a bunch of rally hats, which as one of the Badger faithful correctly surmised, are "real pretty." I'll give these away to the students Friday night. We can start another thread of suggestions for inventive, clean chants and cheers and pour all the creativity we collectively possess into it. But if the students don't want to adopt any of the ideas, the effort goes to waste. Already the student section has some completely acceptable chants, "Goalie/Sieve" and "You Got Lucky" come immediately to mind. Not a big fan of the "What's That Spell" stuff because after the first 40 times you hear it, it tends to lose it's magic, but maybe that's just me. And, that variety of chant is open to criticism for being sexualized. I've suggested before, but the cadence of it needs some work, that for opposing player intros, we chant, "Who's he? A fine fellow I'm sure." It's unexpected and, just a wee bit sarcastic. Or, you could repeat the player's name with just a little bit of derision in your voice or make some play on his name: "At defense, Joey Crabb. Crowd: Hi, JO-WEEE" or "For the Tigers in Goal, Matt Zaba. Crowd: Zaba-Daba-DO!" You'd have to work this out before hand but, hey, the rosters are free for the taking on USCHO. When our own players are introduced, what I do is yell out the players name with the same inflection Hennen uses, followed by, a "Let's go, Bo," for example. Before the puck drops, I yell, "Light 'em up." If we've fallen behind, "Take Back the Ice!" With a lead to start the third, "Shut the door." None of these are particularly brilliant, all are clean to the point of reverence and if 11,500 people were chanting them instead of just me, it could be a beautiful thing. I don't think it takes very many people to get a chant started. Two hockey parents who sit in my section are the ones who usually start the "Let's go Sioux" cheer that, like the wave, picks up steam around the arena.
For the Box: A sign, divided in two One side labelled "Cupid" with arrow pointing to a Valentine's Day Cherub Other side labelled "Stupid" with arrow pointing to Tiger in the box It would be great if on Saturday, the Ralph plays a fake penalty box scene, something like this. Two Tigers in the Box. One pulls out a folded, handmade lacy red heart and hands it to the other. They embrace. Or for Friday the 13th, they could show the Tigers having to walk under a ladder to hit the ice.
I stole this from an Eddie Money song for Penalty Box: "Worse Things Have Been Done By Better Men" [Letterman could get away with this but we probably can't] "Bigger Boob Than Janet Jackson" [is this tamer?] "Another Boob Exposed! Call the FCC" [in the crowd--and, no, I'm not letting Kupchella's criticism go] "Expect Respect"
Redwing: Something ike this, maybe? "Tony the Tiger on CC, 'They're Grrr-adually Improving'"
"Boston: It's a Marathon" "Tigers: Can You Feel the Love?" [Echoing and perhaps making light of Kupchella 's Criticism & edited to make clear reference is to student-fans & not team]: "We Are The Clueless Led by the Classless"
I am rolling on the sign-making and have also decided to make what I call rally hats in honor of the Sioux' appearance on CSTV. I've got about 10 finished so far (materials for 15) and will offer first choice to my sign-holding buddies in sec. 108. I'm offering this unique headgear to Sioux fans, students or otherwise, who will be at Friday night's game. I will even take special orders and work something up for a fan who has a favorite player. If you want a hat, e-mail me your seat number and I'll get one to you. If you're a manly man and would prefer one without frills, let me know that, too. All absolutely free so don't be shy. I promise I won't try to invite you to a Tupperware party. Seeing that sea of red in the Kohl Center Friday night got me to thinking that Sioux fans ought to do more to show their team spirit. So this is my small contribution to hoped-for hoopla. Each hat is different--they're green, white or black. Some have just generic hooray for the Sioux-type messages, others turn the Eyes to the Prize of the Frozen Four. Here's a sample of what's in my inventory: A checkered derby with a Mapquest printout of the most-direct route from Grand Forks to Boston on the top. The hatband says, "The Road to Boston: We'll Drive" and two streamers down the back say, "Slower Traffic...Stay Home" A black tophat. Hatband says "Dressed for Success" illustrated with a Sioux Jersey and further decorated with a green sequin bowtie. A white pith helmet covered in dense foliage with a pair of animal-like eyes peeking through. Says, "Welcome to the Jungle. Go Sioux" A green top hat. Hatband says, "Skate for Eight" decorated with a jumbo NCAA Frozen Four championship trophy. A black fedora. Says, "Matt Pack Fan--Greene, Jones, Smaby"
Forecheck: With the three-day Presidents' Day weekend, what are the chances the Ralph has a sell-out? Have you selected your heart-on piece of beef?
UMDogz: When the Sioux get down there later this month, will Duluth be playing with a full DECC? Get it?