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Everything posted by YaneA
Thanks, forecheck. I think it's a hilarious idea, too, so maybe it's enough that you and I and others here got a giggle out of it. We don't want to offend families and start that whole "why must students be so profane" debate again. I've got an idea for a sign contrasting the ECAC and the WCHA. Something like this: "ECAC: [picture of an intravenous therapy needle in an arm] The I.V. League" * *Get it? "I.V. League" = "Ivy League" Like Yale's gonna need a transfusion after our boys get through with them? The arm could even have a heart-shaped tattoo with the word "Mumsy" in it. I'll keep working... And I'll post a separate thread asking if anyone's got a picture of our Welcome Matt that they would lend us. Does anyone here think that the Ralph or our own Athletic Department, which must have tons of such pictures, would help us in this venture? Thanks sosiouxme for the Yale mat picture. It's exactly what I had in mind.
Well, I said the "Who's Your Daddy" idea wasn't for the PG-13 set! But, one of you asked for the details, assuring me that students were at least NC17 in their thinking. Wonder if PCM has a Matt Greene smackdown photo. I don't have access to any fancy computer or printing equipment so I appreciate the offer, soSIOUXme as I am willing to piece together these ideas into posters. I think it would be great if, week in and week out, the fans would come up with some new ideas for roughing up the opposition from the stands. I noticed on Yale's dog-tag website that most of the Yalies like playing at Lynah--that's Cornell, right?--because the fans there are so over the top. Within reason--if THAT condition isn't setting us up to fail--there no reason why our student section couldn't be intimidating. C'mon, you guys. Let's hear some ideas. You don't want to be out-done by someone almost as old as Cher, do you? Damn Yale. They claim various years of the university's "founding," starting with 1701. I'll have to use the "Two source rule" here and try to nail it down. We wouldn't want to be inaccurate.
A couple of ideas...They're a little visual but I hope I can do them justice without the graphics 1. One sign, split in two. On one side, the heading "BEANIE" with a picture beneath of a Yale freshman beanie. On the other side, the heading "WEENIE" with a picture of a Yale player singled out for harassment. Viewing their anecdotes on www.yale.edu/athletic/Showcase/Mhockey/dog_tags.htm might help choose the target. My vote goes to Callahan who, in high school, undressed after the second period of a game, thinking it was over or Craig who, in his first ever hockey game, had three breakaways including one on his own net. His goalie made the save. 2. Two signs, displayed next to each other. On the first, the heading: "YOUR WELCOME MAT(T)" and a picture of a door mat with Yale's Block "Y" or Bulldog logo in the center. On the other sign, the heading "OURS" with a pic of Matt Greene laying the smackdown on someone. Can even show the relative dimensions of the two Matts. THEIRS: 18" X 24". OURS: 6'3" X 224 lbs. 3. If you remember from last season's broadcast of the road game, the Yale arena is nicknamed "The Whale" because it has a humpback-shaped roof. Hence, the sign "WHALE ON YALE" which also rhymes. Still thinking about an appropriate illustration. 4. Fourth sign reads: "YALE UNIVERSITY FOUNDED 1701 SWEPT 2003" OR, to play off the perception of our lesser academic achievement: "YALE UNIVERSITY FOUNDED 1701 LOSTED 2003" For the not-too-timid readers of this thread.. My "WHO'S YOUR DADDY" idea involved that phrase on a sign illustrated with masked, grinning, swimming spermatoazoa, the lead swimmer about to fertilize an egg.
The first game of the series is Halloween night. THAT circumstance has to inspire something! I had an idea that tickled me involving a twist on the ever popular "Who's Your Daddy?" but then I thought, "No way this is going to be okay with the PG-13 crowd." So, I quickly bagged it. We gotta do something with their goalie's uncle's invention (the Flowbee hair cutting tool). Check out www.flowbee.com if you are unfamiliar with this waste of a U.S. patent (pending). If the Flowbee has "950 max watts of suction," maybe goalie Cohen has "950 max watts of suck-tion" Thanks NorthStar for putting up the topic. I'll keep working on some ideas and hope others will chime in here as inspiration strikes them.
Is there a way we can break up this thread so that that suggestions for the harassment of Yale that have already been posted here can appear under an appropriate topic title?
I'm a season ticket holder and sit in sec. 114. The two seats next to me are held by a law firm down in Fargo and each week different people are sitting there. Sometimes they don't arrive until the second period and last year, when Gov. Hoeven was here, the rent-a-spectators were so busy brown-nosing with him that they didn't get into the seats next to me until halfway through the third period, bumping out a friend of mine who'd come down from the upper bowl. My point is: when should REA decide a season ticket holder isn't coming to the game since some of these people show up whenever they feel like it? About the sit-on-your-hands crowd, I just don't get it. My seats cost me a significant chunk o' change, I love Sioux Hockey and, by all that's holy, I AM going to get involved in a game.
Diggler: Classic! Float like a butterfly, sting like a hockey play-by-play man.
How 'bout this? We get a picture of Beckett and one of Hennessey and superimpose them on the bodies of boxers with gloves raised. Heading: "Tonight's Undercard" or "Grudge Match" or "I went to a Hockey Game & a Fight Broke Out." Or sumpin' like that.
UND Fan: If your normal source is your Dad, Henry, that's the source for my request.
Does anyone have the game on tape? I taped it for a friend in the Cities and mailed it off yesterday but now another acquaintance would like a tape from which he can make a duplicate. Can anyone help us out?
Anyone see "American Psycho"? "INTO THAT WHOLE YALE THING" Patrick Bateman: He was into that whole Yale thing. Donald Kimball: Yale thing? Patrick Bateman: Yeah, Yale thing. Donald Kimball: What whole Yale thing? Patrick Bateman: Well, he was probably a closet homosexual who did a lot of cocaine. That whole Yale thing. Or, check out www.yale.edu/athletic/Showcase/Mhockey/dog_tags.htm There's some funny stuff about the players there that could be exploited by a ruthless student section like ours. I especially like the little known fact that goalie Peter Cohen's uncle invented the "Floby [i think that's spelled "Flowbee"] hair cutting tool."
"I'm with Stupid -->" High-lari-i-ous, Forecheck. I'd be willing to make signs again. Let's all put our twisted evil minds to it and come up with three or four great ones. We could play off the high price of an Ivy League education: "2:00 for Hooking $35,600 for tuition" * *Edited for inflation
Forecheck: I saw you holding up the "Eaves-dropping" signs both games. Funny how Anderson played into our hands by calling our D-men for that, huh? What was the deal with the Flutie in the stands? I couldn't see it from where I was sitting. I meant to hand you some cash when I dropped the signs off Friday night. I'll pay you if you drop by my office.
Smaby, the newbie, it is.
Two "Eaves-dropper" posters are done: 1 for Greene, 1 for Schneider. I have one posterboard left. Who among the other Sioux D-men is most likely to put the Eaves Bros. on their collective, or individual, behinds?
Hey, PCM: Let me in on the plan. I'm almost out the door to shop for posterboard. My printer is throwing toner around like a drunken sailor so I may have to resort to magic marker. Bad penmanship is the curse of the ccomputer age. Forecheck: How much would help you out? $10?
Forecheck: If you go the poster route with Flutie, I'm still willing to pitch in to defray costs. I think this would be hilarious even if it's just an inside joke for a few 100,000 people. When I got home from Providence and watched the tape, I couldn't believe how the broadcast treated UND as an afterthought and made The Flaky One the sideshow. Plus, I'm a Miami Hurricanes fan and have hated Flutie ever since the football gods answered his Hail Mary. Boy, can I carry a grudge! I can also print up the "2:00 for Eaves-dropping" signs and bring them to you at the Ralph. Are you and your friends still behind the penalty box?
The sign should read something like this [substitute Schneider, Smaby, etc]: GREENE: 2 minutes for Eaves-dropping On second thought, maybe we don't want to give the refs any suggestions for new penalities to call on Matt.
While we're giving the students their marching orders, how 'bout they make a sign referring to our D-men as "Eaves-droppers"?
Forecheck: You must know some students who work at liquor stores or video rental places. They always have lifesize cutouts of somebody on display. Down load a gigundo copy of Flutie's face (doesn't he have an autism website or one for Flutie Flakes?--which would be a good name for the students sitting with the cutout) and paste it over the model. If you can do this, I'll donate toward any costs.
Assuming Zach plays in the BC series, will be take his old teammates, the Eaves brothers, to dinner or will he taken 'em to school? Who comes out ahead in any match-up?
I'm one of the lucky ones who lives in Grand Forks [wait! there's more to the claim of luck!] and holds a season ticket to Sioux Hockey at the Ralph. I tape all the games on WDAZ or the Sioux Sports Channel but I'd love it if the proposed package included some away games. I'd probably still mute the TV and listen to Tim Hennessey's play-by-play but it would be great to have some pictures to go with his colorful words. Any chance of adding feeds from TV coverage of away games?
What have you guys heard about the availability of general admission tickets this season? I have friends from out of town who will come up for most home games if I can score them tickets. Last year, I bought unsold student tickets on Thursdays before the home series but I guess those won't be available with the new seating policy. Has anyone heard whether returned tickets from the away team, SRO in the Club or upper bowl GA tix will be sold?
Avoid the parking hassle and take the shuttle from the lot opposite Memorial Stadium.
Man, jaded crowd! Cut the bear some slack. Though he didn't do much last night, I liked the idea of the polar bear. Why not reserve judgment until we see how it plays out. Wonder if he'll skate? I doubt the marketing people at the Ralph were aiming to impress 20-year-old college kids or rile up Mackenzie or else they would have brought in Spoonie Love [gratuitous "Crank Yankers" reference]. I'm sure, like everything else, it's all about the Benjamins. Since he's going to be the arena's mascot and not the hockey team's, he needs to have broader appeal for marketing purposes. The bear will be considered a success if kids embrace him and adults tolerate him.