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Everything posted by YaneA
Wantaugh: I also figure, if you've seen "Slap Shot" often enough that you get the Eddie Shore reference, you've been desensitized and can't possibly be offended. If you don't get the reference, then you won't be offended, either, 'cause ignorance is bliss. Would it be wrong to label the Treasonous Trio "Enemy Combatants"?
How 'bout: Potulny Bros.: Transfer Now! 1-800-CALL-UND Tutors are standing by
kr: I like the pronunciation guide! I can work with that idea. Thanks for the input. Does anyone have a media guide? What title do they give to the section of the book on pronunciation? How 'bout we call the list "Diction for Dummies" Everyone will know we mean the Wooger
Two Gophs in the box [what else?]: DUMB AND DUMBER-er
Help me with this one: 3 Simple Rules for Beating the Gophers: 1. Show Up 2. Put on Skates 3. Pick up Stick or should we go with just the first as "One Simple Rule"?
or the D-men are "Licensed to Kill Gophers by the United Nations" a la Carl in "Caddyshack"? daiges: I like the dorm room reference! Funny. Will use it to replace the "Mariucci looks sick" sign Sioux Illustrated; Gophers Humiliated!
I will change it to "clutch & grab for CHAMPIONSHIP." I can probably commit to doing 15-20 signs but I'll have to start tonight. Could we come up with a consensus "must have" list by this afternoon? We can add to it throughout the week. The neighbor kids said they'd help me out again. Let's hear some of your ideas. This is your chance to spew some anti-Gopher venom.
By any chance did Hennessy comment on the "Tom Beckett: I'm calling you out" sign?
I agree, jo, but I know some hockey players' Moms and I don't think THEY would find it funny. Better we censor ourselves than have security do it.
Thanks to the students (forecheck, redwing, you-kno-who-you-are) who held up the signs at the Yale series. The neighbor kids were thrilled to see the signs they worked on appear on the Daktronic. I've posted my ideas for the Minne series. Let's hear yours.
Here are the ideas I've come up with for signs for the Minnesota series. Tell me which ones you would like to see at the game or, if you think they're lame, post your own suggestions. GOPHER IDEAS: CAPTIONS for Gopher in Box: Couldn
I saw that, too, but I interpreted it as being Ralph-positive rather than Ralph-negative.
"I got 2:00 for hooking but Mom got 5 years". forecheck said: I literally busted out laughing when I read this! yaneA responded: I've got that sign made up but I'm savin' it for the Gophers. I'm thinking of doing a "thought bubble" series for them. Re: the Zach/Edge sign: I completely understand the "protect our own" mentality. Just thought I'd test the sentiment here. Don't worry: Yale will be bashed plenty even if the students don't go after their captain with a sing-songy chant of, "Helle-meyer, Helle-meyer. GO TO Helle-meyer, Helle-meyer..."
Last I heard, David Hoogsteen was playing hockey in Europe.
I am pleased to report that the posters for the Yale series are almost finished. My neighbor is going to bring over the "Welcome Matt" drawing tonight and we'll be done. Just one question: Do we want to do the "Zach: Meet Me at the Edge (Bring Jordan's I.D.)" poster or not? With Diggler's punchline, I think it's pretty funny but will the players, coaches or crowd think so? Last call for fans, not sitting in the student section, who would like a poster to hold up at appropriate times (think: penalties, lots of TV timeouts, your face on the Daktronic). E-mail me with your seat number and I will get a poster to you. My address: yaneusa@netscape.net
Whoa! You don't suppose Matt was "gooning himself up" in order to impress the pros with that comment about putting an opponent out of the game with a big hit just because he can, do you? I can't see those comments, whether honest or hype, playing in "Sioux Illustrated."
I'm quickly running out of posterboard but not steam or ideas. So, I'll make some of them two-sided. I wanted to use as many of your ideas as I could but had to tweak or simplify some to make them work, given my limited materials. Thanks everyone who contributed an idea or an encouraging word. This was a fun project for me. Start thinking about ideas for the Gopher series. For a player in the box: "I got 2:00 for hooking but Mom got 5 years". Or, since KISS will be in town at the Alerus, maybe a thought bubble for a Minnie player in the box could be something like: "Wonder what Peter Criss is doing right now?" Or quote some stray lyric from a KISS or Aerosmith song illustrated with musical notes, suggesting the player can't get that song out of his head. I also have written a lite parody (that means I didn't change a lot of words) of "Rock & Roll All Nite" which goes a little something like this: You show us everything you
My prayers are with the people of California. How much more can they take? First, Schwarzenegger, now this! But, seriously: stay safe.
The kids pitched in with youthful enthusiasm and we finished 4 posters last night. They turned out pretty good. I think Adam will be able to pull off the Welcome Matt drawing. We're going to make some more posters tonight and I'll keep going until I run out of ideas or materials. Forecheck: can I impose upon you to distribute these posters throughout the student section? Not sure how many I will finally have, could be in the neighborhood of 8 or 10. Our attempt to draw Ghostface (from "Scream") for the "2:00 for Slashing" sign was a bust so whoever is willing to hold up that sign will receive absolutely free an actual Ghostface mask (MSRP $6.99) that smells like vanilla. Would anyone who reads this board but doesn't sit in the student section like a poster to hoist? If so, e-mail me at yaneusa@netscape.net with your seat number and I'll bring a poster to you Friday during warmups.
PCM is right: I'm having trouble enlarging downloaded images without making them look like the people are in the Witness Protection Program. I have gotten the neighbor kids to agree to help me with the posters. I bought some Halloween decorations that will come in handy since I have zero artistic talent. I've got a couple of vampire cutouts that I will use on posters that say: "Ref: That call sucks!" and "Yale sucks more than I do," as a cartoon bubble coming out of Dracula's mouth. On a calendar, I found a picture of two Bulldog puppies looking a tad depressed. On the poster, one of them will be thinking, "So THAT's what 'neutered' looks like!" I've got a jointed skeleton cut out that I will give a goalie stick and twist into a frightened pose with the caption: "Too Late Now to Pull Your Goalie!" We will try to draw a representation of Ghostface from "Scream" to illustrate "2:00 for slashing." One of the kids is working on the "I.V. League" illustration. I'll see if he can draw a picture of Greene taking out an opponent and if it's beyond him, I will contact the people at Sioux Illustrated to see if we can get permission to use a copy of the Greene Welcoming Fulghum picture that's on pg. 17 of the latest issue.
Diggler: Yes!! That's perfect!
Assuming we can laugh at ourselves, should we make a sign that says: "HEY, ZACH: MEET ME AT THE EDGE (BRING I.D.)"
After we're done brainstorming, could someone set up a poll to have readers vote on which posters/ideas, they like best? I'm willing to produce these at my own expense, assuming the expense is not too great. Of course, I wouldn't mind at all if someone else wants to share in the work.
I never got a hockey card! What gives? I do have all the programs from this year (so far) so I'll look and see what's there. Thanks.
Does anyone have an action photo of Matt Green taking out an opponent that we can use for one of our posters (see Yale ideas thread)? I can have it copied, with your permission, and return it pronto. Thanks.