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Everything posted by YaneA

  1. Maybe we should have only two signs: One that says "Go UND" and one addressed to the opponent that says, "If we don't win, we hope you do." That should be bland enough.
  2. Completely unacceptable, this crack down on our signs. I come through the main entrance and have had to have the last two batches (Gophs & Huskies) of signs approved, one by one. The officer who went through the signs with me Friday night saw no problem at all with "Fix the Huskies" and in fact chuckled, especially at the little band-aid between the pup's hind legs. He said he'd rather we not use the "Crop/Crap" sign but said to go ahead with it. I knew this would happen: if we want to continue with this new tradition we need to have one person only turning thumbs up or thumbs down on the signs. I also would like to know where the complaints are coming from. I just can't believe that hockey fans--whatever their ages--are this "sensitive" to word play, especially when it's at the expense of our opponent. I think the signs are much less objectionable than the "who's he" and anti-ref chants, not to mention the "misspelling" series of chants coming from the student section. Any idea who we can talk to about this? Is it a marketing issue or a security issue? Oh, yeah. P.S. "Sioux on Top & Loaded" is okay but "Fix the Huskies" isn't?? I think you can see the problem with censorship in general and the way it's being practiced at the Ralph, in particular. If we're willing to submit our signs for pre-approval in the first place, there's got to be only a single standard, enforced by a single authority.
  3. Just remember, Redwing started this: Horse walks into a bar. Bartender says, "Why the long face?" Underaged horse walks into a bar. Bartender says, "You with Zach?"
  4. I know you guys are right. On Saturday's Yale broadcast, Sweeney was chiding Northstar, "He used that 'just another tool' sign last night." I'm sure, collectively, we have it in us to come up with new classics for each series.
  5. YaneA

    Name that Line

    Aldo rocks--I've got that cassette around here some place! Isn't that the song that begins with a helicopter whirring sound? But, "Fantasy" has a hidden drug message, doesn't it? Sic, you shock me.
  6. I finished all the signs last night. One question: Do we want the leftovers--I mean "classics"-- this weekend or should we use them sparingly so they don't lose their punch? I'm referring to "Kiss Cam," "Zach's Jock" and "Mom got 5 years." These signs are looking a little tattered but I think they still have some life in them.
  7. I'm bumping this up because I still haven't heard whether there's any particular suggestion I ignored that you really want to see made into a sign. I like the "Cha-ching" idea and will make that one. Speak now, or in the next three hours, or forever hold your peace.
  8. YaneA

    Name that Line

    In the poll thread, I suggested "'Ski Patrol," y'know, for Bo-chen-SKI. But I do like the 7-11, open all night theme. I agree that "Brady Bunch" is too wussie-sounding. Just hope the Ralph doesn't decide to sell the "naming rights" to one of its corporate sponsors. We could wind up with the "Cloverdale Bringin' Home the Bacon Line," which, by the way, is STILL better than "Brady Bunch"!
  9. I can't see the Extreme Makeover. All I get at the link is code. Re: Fargo sign. Way ahead of you, siouxbear1. Last night, I crossed out "Fargo" and wrote in "Bisonville." Forecheck brought me last week's posters. So, as leftovers we have the "Couldn't Carry Zach's Jock (or fill it)," "Kiss Cam," "Dumb and Dumber-er," "Likes the way the P.A. guy says, 'rrr-uffing'" and "I got 2:00 for hooking but Mom got 5 years." I also got back the "Crappie/Crappy" sign which can be recycled for later series. New for this series for the box: "Ref: You're not the boss of me!" "Loser with a Capital 'Loo'" "PLAYS WITH DAHL'S team" "Hope Mom Remembers to tape 'Days'" "Sit. Stay. Pout." "Do these pants make my butt look big?" Crowd: "Huskies: Your Certificates of Participation are ready--NCAA" "Rub Their Noses in It!" "Coole Whipped? Easy as pie!" [sorry, couldn't imitate the round lid of the container] "Huksies, You do the math: 7>0" "Choke Collars Available in Slim Regular Husky" "Coole Running...Scared" "We used concrete here, too (we just covered it up)." "[ear of corn] Crop [st. C. logo] Crap" "You can take the boy out of North Dakota but he'll wind up on a lousy hockey team" "Fix the Huskies" "Don't Feed The Penalized Player (he'll only whiff on the shot)" "Sorry you had to drive through Bisonville" and "huSkies Can't Stop Us" I will do one or two more tonight but I need a consensus as to which ones.
  10. soSIOUXme: For a caption, On the Next "Extreme Makeover"...
  11. Homer Simpson's Three Roads to Success, also the Sioux'? "It's the three roads to success: 1. Work 2. Brains 3. Cupcakes"
  12. Tremendous pictures! My neighbor kids are going to be thrilled to see the signs they helped with included in the gallery. Thanks, Kirk. P.S. How Come the Ralph doesn't use these in its Fan Zone?
  13. OK, so we can anticipate that forecheck will bring to the arena the re-usable signs for both crowd and penalty box? If anyone who wants to vote would please do so in the next hour and a half, I can work on the signs tonight and tomorrow post a list of the ones that are completed. I'd also be willing to make any last minute ones which you guys think we must have. I really like the "Can't run with big dogs/pee like a puppy" one. Are we pretty sure that one will get past security's scrutiny?
  14. Northstar: Did you hang on to some of the recyclable penalty box signs from last week? Not sure how many I should make you for this series. So, far I've got four (two signs, two-sided). What number is manageable?
  15. Penalty Box signs: "DO NOT FEED PENALIZED PLAYER (he'd only whiff on the shot)" Hope my Mom remembers to tape "Days"
  16. "Mac or PC? Dumb question: SCSU is totally PC" for Nate Wright & Garrett Larson--wish I'd thought of it for the Potunlys & Irmen last week: "You can take the boy out of North Dakota but if you do, he'll wind up on a lousy hockey team" [perhaps not currently true of the Huskies, but you know their choker history] Post your votes now. I've got only a few more hours to devote to sign-making.
  17. "Coole Running...Scared" is great! Our minds were on the same track, regarding a play on goalie Coole's name. All I came up with was: "Hey #29-- Lost Your Coole?" or "Hot Sioux Shooters Melt Coole, Goalie" or "Coole's Meltdown" with a picture of a melting snowman Top 10 lists are too long to be communicated effectively, unfortunately. A Top 3 list would work, however. I also like the "Concrete here, too" one if I can shorten it up so that it fits on a sign. The "Sorry you had to drive through Fargo" is definitely a must-do. A variation on the "Dog House, Our House" sign. What if, instead of a dog house, the Husky house was illustrated by a glass house, assuming I can find the illustration. That would convey a message about PC. When ref makes bad call, a sign showing a bull with a roll of T.P. headed for an outhouse. You guys get that, right?
  18. "Coole Whipped? Easy as Pie"
  19. or "Husky fans: All that woofing for nothing"
  20. How 'bout a simple allusion to Jan Brady State University? "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!" Most people won't get it, of course, but those who will might like it.
  21. St. Clod There should be something we could do with the similarity between "St. Cloud" and "White Cloud," i.e. the brand of toilet paper. Something like, "You can't play Husky hockey until you fill out the paperwork" with appropriate illustration Or: "Huskies are Paper-trained"
  22. Northstar: Thanks for the offer but I'm okay on the costs. Forecheck: Some of the signs are adaptable. For example, the "Looking for this?" with the goalie jock illustration. We'll just add the names of future opposing goaltenders. I could reuse the posterboard. If you could bring the bag of old signs to me sometime, that'd be great. If you guys could start letting me know which of the suggestions already posted you like, I could use my day off productively and get crankin'.
  23. I suggest "The 'Ski Patrol"
  24. "Huskies: Your Certificates of Participation are ready. --NCAA"
  25. YaneA

    REA Atmosphere

    Especially Friday night, I was ashamed to be an old person (well, "middle-aged," assuming I live to 102). What is with the crowd on my side of the lower bowl (I sit in sec. 114)? Polite applause for a Sioux goal, will stand and applaud a tying or go-ahead goal but nothing, zilch, zippo out of them when needed to get the Sioux back into the game or to encourage a Sioux rush not ending in a goal. The crowd at the new Ralph was its most dynamic during the final two games of the playoff with Denver last year even though the house wasn't full. That showed me that they CAN get into it but how do we make that kind of loud fan support the rule rather than the exception?
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