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  1. Wow, all I suggested to you to support your claim was to provide some facts to ALL the cheating that NDSU has done. Instead of providing facts you go all ahole on me.
  2. So, you have no proof. Nice try UND-FB- FAN.
  3. What are ALL these rules that NDSU broke? If you are going make this statement that NDSU broke rules you need to back it up with facts. Not just by saying they are not public knowledge or published. Imo, It would help your statement.
  4. So, your saying if a UND player from the portal (ex: running back) is running fifty yards for a touchdown against NDSU, SDSU, etc.. you would not be cheering for him to score?
  5. Curious to know if you were cheering for Denver to win? Wondering if the conference alliance is more important than a rival winning a championship.
  6. The "fans" wanted him gone?. Are you implying the whole Gopher fan base wanted him gone or a few idiots on Gopher Puck Live?
  7. You"re right, Minnesota has some idiot fans.
  8. OMG, All I did was call out GF for his/her comment labeling all fans in the cities as wanting an all metro tourney when it was only some posters posting it. It's no different when other fan bases say UND fans are classless. Sure some UND fans are classless but don't generalize that the entire fan base is classless. Every fanbase has their bad fans.
  9. Just admit it was the wrong chose of words. Nothing personal.
  10. Yes Bud, I have heard of it. Maybe next time you post something don't generalize an entire hockey community on "some" posters comments.
  11. Like I said Pal, I'm sure there were "some" people in the cities that made that comment about an all metro tourney but your statement was "ALL".
  12. You make a comment stating "everyone in the cities bragging about an all metro tourney" but you you live in Dickinson, seven and a half hours away from the cities. Sounds like you made this statement up about what people in the cities are saying. Sure, they might have been some people commenting about an all metro tourney but "everyone" as you stated?
  13. GF- What part of the Twin Cities do you live in?
  14. I have 2 tickets for sale for the North Dakota - Minnesota hockey game on Friday, Oct 20th. Seats are in section 310 on the isle. Make offer.
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