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Everything posted by UNDlaw80

  1. This is because it’s the Republicans who are fishing for fraud. So of course every anomaly they bring to the public conversation will reflect their objective. The Democrats are not doing the same. That said, there have been plenty of instances of lost ballots, recounts, etc. that actually increased Biden’s lead.
  2. I’m skimming through it now. And wow, just wow.
  3. Powell's allegations won't affect the election in the short term; at least if she files what she's claiming she will. A criminal investigation will ensue and that will take forever. State authorities will investigate, the DA will then decide if evidence is sufficient to prosecute, etc., etc., etc. It's a good PR move if the intent is to have a long-term cloud over the election's legitimacy. Then again, her allegations are so outrageous even Trump's team distanced themselves from her. We'll see.
  4. Flynn's discretions with Kislyak also forced the Trump admin to publicly lie about his actions. He resigned only after info surfaced that he lied to Pence. The more I look into it, I do think his prosecution was steeped in pollical sleaze, but Flynn is also every bit political sleaze himself. 'Swamp' I think the Right refers to it as.
  5. Low scale fraud happens every election. But Trump has yet to present anything to the court resembling the fraud his side is publicly accusing entities of. Yet you people are still jumping up and down yelling "iFRAUD! If it looks like a skunk" Get real. BTW, just a heads up. the aliens are landing in Fargo at 3am tonight. It said so on twitter. I heard they have more info on Hunter Biden.
  6. Of course not everybody believes what I think. It's quite evident not everybody believes or inquires into the actual facts brought into court. But who needs that when Hugo Chavez is stealing our election, dead people are voting en masse, more votes than there are registered voters appear in every democratic state, and satanic pedophiles run our shadow government.
  7. So what. That said, if a perjury trap was used it's a completely different ballgame. But I'm not overly knowledgeable of the particulars.
  8. You're proving my point. Quit thinking that everybody acts or thinks like you. Not everybody adheres strictly to a 'team'. And yes, I;ve criticized Democrats quite often.
  9. Or you could have said you're gonna believe your worldview regardless of what evidence repeatedly points to in a court of law. But that's the problem with this country. Both sides are so entrenched, common sense and facts no longer exist.
  10. Regardless of whether charging him was politically motivated, Flynn pled guilty. Admitted and acknowledged his illegal conduct. Pardoning him pure 'swamp'.
  11. Well sure. The GOP is stonewalling everything to keep votes uncertified. is it legal? Sure. But it's thoroughly dishonest in terms of honoring the will of the voter. Either way, the chances of flipping electoral votes is almost non-existent. But that's what the GOP has been reduced to.
  12. You can yell 'fraud' or 'coincidence' until you're blue in the face. Prove it. That's the problem with you people.... Your arguments and accusations have been laughed out of court, repeatedly, by both D and R judges of every kind.
  13. What's fishy about it? Trump improved in big cities compared to 2016, but the increase was rather negligible. Trump lost because of high turnout in metropolitan areas. Red/rural America didn't have the manpower to keep up, so to speak. Everything fits with the statistic that Biden won less counties but obtained more votes. This isn't rocket science here.
  14. Rudy needs a cake named after him
  15. Yea no. Even if convicted of tax fraud or rape, no way an ex-president spends a night in jail.
  16. It's the Manhattan DA that's looking into Trump. I suppose Biden's DOJ could intervene to a degree, but ultimately this is out of Biden's hands. And this has nothing to do with Trump's conduct as President. The criminal probe is in regards to Trump's business dealings before his Presidency, which has always been shady. He's sued others, and has been sued a gazillion times over. This is actually par-for-the-course.
  17. No, I said a real attempt. Any person with a pulse knows a few hundred miles of wall along our expansive southern border isn't stopping a darn thing. It's for show, even for the drug war. Most drugs enter via existing ports of entry, or are flown in. Cmon, what has Trump enacted that seriously limits the amount of people entering illegally?
  18. Ok I'll bite. If I'm 'fake news' tell me what has Trump done to seriously stop the flow of illegal immigrants across the border? Like a real attempt to alter the situation, not low hanging fruit stuff.
  19. C’mon, Trump changed nothing in terms of illegal immigration. He whipped the followers into a frenzy, but then targeted legal immigration to placate his base (DACA, travel bans, refugees, green card status, etc.). Then ICE would arrest some hapless illegals here and there for show. Yea great. Trump never, nor will anyone, change the issue at its core base. Undocumented workers are too valuable a commodity for fueling the economy. Despite Trump's rhetoric, that his base ate like candy, he's every bit 'the swamp' as the next guy.
  20. We are in amazing times. Elements of the GOP are now publicly ostracizing their own members for carrying out their election duties as they deem appropriate. If you're not on board with the plan to overturn the election?...sorry you’re blacklisted. I mean we're talking about the will of the voter here. Here we have the GOP screaming ‘fraud’, yet they’re the entity bringing countess frivolous lawsuits, espousing ridiculous conspiracies that haven’t once held up in court, and are eating their own members who don’t toe the line.
  21. I have no idea because this scenario is so out of the realm of possibility in modern times. It could only occur in fairy tales. I'd assume, before any legal action occurred, the citizenry would rise up en masse for something so blatant.
  22. You're only missing the conspiracy theorists outing themselves even more. SS could really use a tinfoil hat emoji.
  23. I posted the other day how odd it was she was starting in GA. Looks like she miscalculated. I wonder if McConnell had any input into the decision. The nutcase Trumpsters are blowing up the GOP. Only Trump matters to them. They're becoming a liability now. Trump Supporters in Georgia Threaten to Destroy GOP, Boycott Runoff Elections https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-supporters-in-georgia-threaten-to-destroy-gop-boycott-runoff-elections/ar-BB1beD8b
  24. I don't think she has any negative election goods. But she has no problem with throwing conservatives under the bus who aren't in line with Trump. She's thrown some crazy accusations against GA's governor and the DOJ. That just might be too much for even the Donald. They're pre-emptively distancing themselves from her conspiracies. One thing is for sure, Republican are eating their own. If you're not thoroughly adherent to Trump, you're a target. Trump dominates the GOP through fear.
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