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Posts posted by 1972

  1. 1 minute ago, mikejm said:


    Take a look at Colorado voting, which since 2013 has been entirely by mail. 8.06 million ballots cast statewide and you know how many people have been convicted of voter fraud in that period?


    That's 0.000111687792 percent. Extrapolate that onto the 2016 presidential vote and you'll expect to find 144 fraudulent ballots nationwide.

    Do you really want to hang onto that 'manipulate the election' theory?

    give up, you just are not keeping up with the conversation

    • Upvote 1
  2. Just now, Hayduke1 said:

    BS bizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzon.

    Wear masks.  Everyone

    Social distance. Everyone.

    Avoid large crowds, especially in buildings.  Everyone.

    Was your freaking hands.  Everyone. 

    Do this now.  

    Instead, we see the cult not doing most if not all of these protective measures, causing massive spikes in our country.  All due to the leadership of Herr Twitler.

    Feel proud?  

    well you got 1 out of 4 correct......

  3. 1 hour ago, Redneksioux said:

    ND leads the country in Covid cases per 100,000 residents.



    Let's keep up with the carelessness and maybe we can stay atop. Don't be a close contact though Floppy or you may end up with a class b misdemeanor on your hands for staying wide open and not quarantining. Can we get another tantrum on how this is infringing on your precious civil liberties?





    im gonna say this one more time for the cheap seats....POSITIVES DO NOT MEAN SICK, HOSPITALIZED, DEAD, OR EVEN SYMPTOMS....  what freaking number is gonna make you guys happy? zero?  because if its zero, that will never, i repeat, never, happen.  face it already, the only sure thing in life is that you dont get out of it alive.  been that way forever, and will be that way forever.

    • Upvote 4
  4. 6 minutes ago, Hayduke1 said:

    Well, bizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzon.

    Endangering the health of others through misinformation and lies is a slam dunk malpractice suit. 

    If he is a poser, no problem.  If not, that's his problem.

    nice misinformation yourself there skippy.  endangering whos health?

  5. 18 minutes ago, Hayduke1 said:

    A new sick and bizarre conspiracy theory for the cult to lap up and regurgitate.  


    Alex Jones Just Claimed That Democrats Let RBG Die as a 'Satanic' 'Blood Sacrifice' and Yeah, It's a Lot

    Contradicting his own claims that Ginsburg had been dead for weeks, Jones said:

    Look, the really sick math is [Democrats] had her on life support, they could keep her alive with adrenaline and growth hormone and blood transfusions, and it was her wish to go ahead and die to get the vote out as a blood sacrifice because her main mission was to get abortion. Blood sacrifice that [Senator Chuck] Schumer talked about, if you want a war, quit letting us have the blood of the babies, we need that satanic energy."


    dang, you almost went a whole day without posting some nonsensical bullcrap.....try again tommorow

    • Upvote 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, Hayduke1 said:


    Yet, you don't understand population density and equate it to showing a GOP majority.

    Nothing knuckle dragging moronic in that line if thought.


    wow, you either are that dumb, or you are trolling, either way, get some help.  you cant even help yourself, you often even are arguing against your own points, and yet...you cant see it.  seeriously...get help

  7. 3 minutes ago, Hayduke1 said:

    I see.

    So, in your mind a Wyoming citizen is worth 7 votes and a California citizen is worth 3 votes.  

    Total votes shouldn't matter because not all voters should be treated equally.

    And this system will hold up in a representational democracy forever and ever without any unrest even if the minority stays in power and jams their agenda down the majority's throat.

    Yeah.  Thats gonna work forever. 

    you still fail to see that, overall, the democratic party is a very small portion of the country...very small.  a democratic strong hold should NOT have more say than a whole state, let alone multiple states.  that is how equal representation works.  quit being dumb

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Hayduke1 said:

    Mob rule if each voter had equal representation in our country?

    It would be in control of all citizens equally.  You have a problem with that? 

    This from the fear of Antifa folks?  

    That's beyond bizarre. 


    the thing that you are puposfully overlooking is that all national elections would be controlled by california and new york....sounds really fair to the rest of the country

    • Like 1
  9. 1 minute ago, petey23 said:

    So the "reporters" and "journalists" on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC to name a few are in your mind cult members? 

    I guess I never considered that but they do use the exact same terminology and buzz words...almost like they all get the same script sometimes.

    there is those pesky facts again

  10. 3 minutes ago, NoiseInsideMyHead said:

    A positive test means that the criteria defined by the testing protocol have been satisfied. Nothing more, nothing less.

    Things a positive, qualitative test does NOT mean:

    - correlation with sickness

    - correlation with any particular symptom

    - correlation with infectiousness/contagiousness

    - whether one is on the up-swing, peak, or down-swing of infection

    - depending on sensitivity, whether there is any active infection present at all

    - depending on specificity, whether a particular organism is present

    - location, manner, or time of transmission

    - infallibility (the test, methodology, and human participants can each introduce error)

    - controls were properly followed

    exactly, its a snapshot in time...thats it

  11. 3 minutes ago, Hayduke1 said:

    And now, North and South Dakota lead the nation in Covid-19 outbreaks per capita. 

    see, its repeating stuff like this that makes you look stupid...positives do NOT mean hospitilization or for that matter, sick.   we have more positives because we tested a record 10k+ people, witch, in it self, means nothing!

    • Upvote 1
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  12. 10 minutes ago, Hayduke1 said:

    Well, gooney bird.  Of course they think they can.  Most of the positions they have taken are supported by over half of the country.  Things are heading in that direction.  Like it or not. 

    Now, go back to your bunker and take a nap.  Dream of water cannons and rubber bullets.  

    you are living in an alternate universe if you think that half of the country thinks like OAC....Hell, half of NEW YORK dosn't think like that overpriced bartender

  13. from the CDC web site

    smoke particles are HUGE compared to a COVID virus....the hypocracy is unreal

    Cloth masks will not protect you from wildfire smoke.

    Cloth masks that are used to slow the spread of COVID-19 by blocking respiratory droplets offer little protection against wildfire smoke. They do not catch small, harmful particles in smoke that can harm your health.

    Although N95 respirators do provide protection from wildfire smoke, they might be in short supply as frontline healthcare workers use them during the pandemic.

    • Upvote 2
  14. 16 minutes ago, Goon said:

    From the racing world. This would be great news. 


    as much as i understand the money he will earn in nascar is gonna be unreal, i am also a bit saddened to not see him running on the dirt tracks all over the country.  he is an incredible talent that comes along once in a lifetime. was  truly great to see him run in both Grand Forks and fargo in person.  memories for a lifetime.  what he has done for short track racing this year is wonderful.  a bright spot in a very trying year, for me.

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