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Posts posted by 1972

  1. Just now, The Sicatoka said:

    It'll make me sad. 

    I've seen it in my family, my parents.
    What I see in this video is a spouse covering and helping a spouse with early to mid stage dementia. 

    Heck, I unwittingly helped my mom out at times (with a word, a day, an event recall) before I realized the real issue. 

    oh that is for sure.  i myself had a grandmother, and my wifes grandmother go thru the exact same thing....it truly hurts to watch it happen, knowing that there is nothing any body can do to help.  im afraid my father may well end up the same as his mom did.  i watch him closely for warning signs.

  2. 3 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:


    BS.  There's nothing mysterious about it.   Everybody knew the Red vote would come in first, followed by the blue voted based on how Biden/Trump told their constituency to vote.  

    One tell-tale sign the Dems aren’t pulling shenanigans is the Senate and House vote.  I think it’s obvious that many Americans favor conservative policy yet can’t stand Trump.  If Trump loses, it’s his own fault for, well, being Trump.     

    stop it already...MSNBC, CNN, ect. would be completely freaking out if the reverse happened, and you know it

    • Upvote 2
  3. 3 minutes ago, SiouxFan100 said:

    The postal service backdating ballots is obviously wrong. Not saying if this is true - needs to looked into. I would think everyone would agree.

    Not counting legally cast votes that met state guidelines is wrong. I think we all should agree.

    nobody, i believe is arguing that....but anything dated after nov. 3 needs to be thrown out. period.   if american idol can count 100million votes before 12pm eastern when they vote, im sure the presidential vote can be expected to be simmilar

    • Like 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, SiouxBoys said:

    NC has announced they won't update their total vote count until..........NOVEMBER 12TH.

    yup, this whole thing is a full blown gong show.  i have been watching house numbers, and there is a bunch of races at 100% votes in, with pretty substantial leads by reps, but they refuse to call them...WTF?

  5. 1 minute ago, yzerman19 said:

    The most interesting thing to me is that the attacks on Trump are almost exclusively on the man rather than on the policies he supports and executed.  It’s the dumbing down and sound byte cycle.  Easier to like or dislike a human than to study policy.

    So little on the Platinum plan, so little on mid_east peace, so little on bringing the troops home...economy now ignored due to Covid. 

    the biggest black eye from public perception was the child separations at the border, which by the way, Trump pivoted on after he saw the impact, which is actually the act of a good leader.  Create a policy with good intention, then if you see negative consequences, pivot. 

    regarding Covid, it’s really unrealistic to expect the POTUS to contain a virus outbreak in a free society.  Viruses do not understand executive orders nor do they recognize lines drawn on maps.  It’s really quite ridiculous.  

    and thats the real irony in all this...they cant beat rump on his policies, so go with "orange man" bad at all costs....

    • Upvote 2
  6. 28 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    doesn't believe in masks, washing hands, staying 6' apart

    i dont belive masks work or are even useful for people with no symptoms, but i sure as hell believe in washing your hands,(and i do it on a regular basis), and i much prefer people stay 6' away from me in general.   and i will vote trump....again

    • Upvote 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    ND's spread still making national news.  Worst per capita as compared to any nation on earth.
    Now USA has topped the #'s

    The Washington Post
    America hits highest daily number of coronavirus cases since pandemic began

    And yet, flu deaths are almost non-existent....strange

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    Far from reaching, take the blinders off.

    Shows the kind of friends in the T Circle. 
    Giuliani a class act in your book? 
    Personal attorney of out P? 
    In the mix with Russian campaign interference?
    2 weeks before election?

    Again...you are really reaching....again.

  9. 7 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

    Joe Biden: (15:32)

    So 50k or 500k? 
    This time Mister Biden's gaf took him ... wrong. His own plan calls for 500k charging stations.

    Now that that is cleared up, how does he plan to power those charging stations

    Solar? Wind? I look out my window to a cloudy windless day. Those will not be viable until we have (as I've harped time and again) at-scale battery technology. 

    Those will have to be baseline load as they need to be ready and available quite literally at the flip of a switch. Welcome to fossil or nuclear. That's baseline.

    But the rest of the secret they don't tell you: A level 2 (L2) or level 3 (L3) charging station is some heavy, large scale power company equipment (cables, transformers). Think of the difference in supplying power to your home versus a welding shop or small factory*. So the power company has a huge infrastructure investment (for the large equipment) to sell 20-30 kWh once in a while. (Average home uses 30 kWh per day; that's about half charge of a Tesla.) Normally equipment sized like that has continuous duty load (selling at least 2 to 3 hundred kWh per day, like a welding shop). Not at L2 or L3 chargers.

    Power company pays the big infrastructure investment to sell very little electricity. Who do you think makes up the difference? 

    Oh, and building those larger cables and transformers? It takes a lot of energy. 


    *The energy delivery is in minutes, not hours, so the cables and transformers have to be upsized to carry the high currents. 

    very well stated

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