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Posts posted by 1972

  1. 25 minutes ago, Old Fella said:


    I was a personal friend of Senator Burdick/visited with him in Washington and here in ND,  Visited with the Senator shortly before he died.  What who said in your post is shameless and an outright lie.

    Would have expected better of you.

    might want to go back and see who actually said that old timer...oxbow said nothing other than posting a meme

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  2. 8 minutes ago, TheFlop said:

    It is not dismissing, it is taking an entire picture view of the situation, something that the "if it saves just one life" crowd has never done throughout all of this.  With few exceptions, most people don't want to die or see someone die.  However some of those exceptions can occur in LTC when people's quality of life is already shot and they give up......or when you see how much pain and suffering someone is in you may wish for them to die.  With the average age of a Covid death being right around the expected life expectancy of a person that dies without Covid, it is not unreasonable to say that if not Covid the reality is something else had a very good chance of doing them in.  People don't live forever.  Now if Covid was killing off massive numbers of 40-50 year old people that is an entirely different beast, but that's not what is happening.  The safety of the elderly and vulnerable should be BALANCED with the what is best for the younger and healthy.  The Covid response in this nation has to this point been an all or nothing let's do whatever it takes to save one 90 year old person that is close to dying anyways which is ridiculous.  

    this^^^^^^^  150 million times, this^^^^.  this is what the medical community will not come to grips with.  and i understand this.  their job is to basicly help you live as long as possible, so they take it personally when they are getting beat, as most people would. i really wish they would take a step back and look at it from a 30000 foot level.   help the vulnerable, but do not hinder the younger, healthier crowd.

  3. 7 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    The real crack is the cult supporting these activites.

    Oh, you mean like the Dems. Cult supporting, burning, rioting, targeting of police, and openly calling for their supporters to " get in their face and tell them they not welcome here"?  I see the similarities....

  4. 8 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:

    Trump claiming the election was stolen from him without presenting a shred of evidence is a completely different ballgame.

    there seems to be evidence that is coming in, and all anybody wants to say is"move on".  come on man, atleast have the balls to say"hey, this is very concerning, we should look in to it "

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  5. 1 minute ago, UNDlaw80 said:


    Rhetoric is rhetoric.  Both sides pull the same ****.  Surely you can see beyond that.  

    The difference is Russian interference was 100% true.  Thoroughly validated by Rep-led Senate intelligence committee.   Trump has yet to provide any evidence, anywhere, the election was stolen from him.  Trump is getting thoroughly laughed out of court.    


    may have been true, but was proven that Trump didnt collude with them....the same level of scrutinity should be applied in this case as well, and as history shows, we should assume that Biden had his hands all over it(i personally dont believe that biden had anything to do with it, but the DNC may have)

  6. Just now, The Sicatoka said:

    If this is true and prove conclusively this is high treason. And there is one punishment for that. 

    I was just going to edit my response and add this exactly.  If found to be true, the orchestrates of this need to be punished to the fullest allowed for treason, and I mean all of them, and, if any political party national board is behind any of this, that party needs to be immediately disbanned, all assests of said party need to be confiscated, and all members of said party, holding any rank, should be removed from said rank.  And that's just the beginning

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  7. 7 minutes ago, SiouxFan100 said:

    Wouldn’t it be something if Trump’s lawyer is right and there has been massive fraud. Now that would be some beef.

    in case that happens, I apologize in advance.

    im glad to hear some one on the oppisite side say that.....if true, this should be universaly condemed, and those responsible should be locked away for eternity

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  8. 21 minutes ago, Nodak78 said:



    This is a very, very serious allegation to make, and no experienced lawyer would make it lightly.  Sidney Powell has put her entire reputation on the line in this battle, and she has a history of taking on huge battles and winning.  The following comes from John Nolte

    Sidney Powell is no joke. She served as a federal prosecutor for ten years and earned a national reputation as the attorney who swooped in, convinced Ret. Gen. Michael Flynn to withdraw his guilty pleas, and successfully pressured the Justice Department to drop its charges. She was a stalwart and regular presence in exposing the Russia Collusion Hoax, and by my count, everything she said was going to happen did happen.

    But of course this is the biggest battle that Powell has ever faced by far.

    Either she will win and become a legend, or she will lose and her reputation will be completely and utterly destroyed.

    The stakes could not be much higher for her personally, but she seems quite confident of victory.

    In fact, here are 12 quotes from Powell that show why she is so convinced that Trump will end up in the White House for a second term…

    #1 Powell: “There has been a massive and coordinated effort to steal this election from we the people of the United States of America, to delegitimize and destroy votes for Donald Trump, to manufacture votes for Joe Biden.”

    #2 Powell: “First of all, I never say anything I can’t prove… and President Trump won by not just hundreds of thousands of votes, but by millions of votes that were shifted by this software that was designed expressly for that purpose. We have sworn witness testimony of why the software was designed. It was designed to rig elections.”

    #3 Powell: “They also used an algorithm to calculate the votes they would need to flip, and they used computers to flip those votes from…Trump to Biden.”

    #4 Powell: “They had the algorithms. They had the paper ballots waiting to be inserted if and when needed. And notably, President Trump’s vote in the blue states went up enormously. That’s when they had to stop the vote count. They had to go in and replace votes for Biden and take away Trump votes.”

    #5 Powell: “They can watch the voting real time. They can run a computer algorithm on it as needed to either flip votes, take votes out or alter the votes to make a candidate win… It’s massive criminal voter fraud, writ large across at least 29 states… It’s obvious the algorithm and the statistics that our experts are tracking out are batches of votes and when the votes changed. It’s going to blow the mind of everyone in this country when we can get it all together and can explain it with the affidavits and the experts that have come forward.”

    #6 Powell: “Even their own manual explains how votes can be wiped away. They can put — it’s like drag-and-drop — Trump votes to a separate folder and then delete that folder.”

    #7 Powell: “In fact, we have got math in Michigan and Pennsylvania, I think it is, that, all of a sudden, hundreds of thousands of votes at a 67 percent ratio for Biden, 23 percent for Trump were uploaded multiple times into the system.”

    #8 Powell: “They did this on purpose, it was calculated, they’ve done it before. We have evidence from 2016 in California, we have so much evidence I feel like it’s coming in through a firehose.”

    #9 Powell: “It’s absolutely brazen how people bought the system, and why they bought the system.”

    #10 Powell: “In fact, every state that bought Dominion, for sure, should have a criminal investigation or at least a serious investigation of the federal — of the officers in the states who bought the software. We have even got evidence of some kickbacks, essentially.”

    #11 Powell: “…aware of substantial sums of money being given to family members of state officials who bought this software.”

    #12 Powell: “We’re getting ready to overturn election results in multiple states.”

    That's a hell of alot to digest.  If even half of what she claims is true, both sides of the aisle better be madder than hell!  This goes against the very foundation this nation was built on

  9. 6 minutes ago, Kermit's Luck said:

    Never said that. He’s certainly a symptom of a bigger problem, but not the cause. And unfortunately, he has stoked the flames of division more than I ever thought an American president would do. 

    i will agree with that....to a point.  it still seemed as though a lot of people just belived every thing the media told them, and that if they didnt agree with what they were saying...they were the crazy ones.  Trump let those people see that there was alot of other people feeling the same way as they did, and they could do something about it.

  10. 1 minute ago, Kermit's Luck said:

    I’m pretty sure she was referencing the white supremacy groups that were (and still are) rabid Trump supporters. But if you think that one comment from a losing candidate is equally divisive as all of Trump’s rhetoric (or perhaps created ALL of the divide in this country), that’s your opinion but it’s far fetched at best. 

    and if you think that Trump created ALL the divide in this country, you are either living in a cave, to young to know different, or just nieve

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  11. 1 minute ago, jdub27 said:

    I never claimed he started it, I stated he has made it an up-front, central part of his political strategy. I don't care where you are on the political spectrum, if you can't see Trump thrives off divisiveness and openly creating an "us vs. them" mentality more than any other politician in my lifetime, I don't know what to tell you. Is it prevalent with politicians of both parties? Absolutely. Does Trump openly take it further than anyone else? Without question.

    It is a strategy that worked for him in 2016 when he had the perfect villian in Hillary. It mostly worked during his 4 years as president to keep his base engergized but it absolutely is what failed him to get re-elected. If he had toned down his rhetoric and at least pretended that he could work with others, he would have won and probably by a fair amount. None of this should be any sort of shocking revelation.

    is it possible that people were/are tired of the road that the left has been leading us down, really unchecked by anyone in the media or in gov,for over a decade?  do you think that it is possible people needed someone to stand up for them and give them a voice?  most of the country( yes, MOST) does not like what the far left thinks or does, and are tired of media not taking them to task on it.  the strategy of cops are bad, and you deserve to get everything free, and you should shut down any sort of speech or idea you dont like, has finally had people telling govt. "enough".... most people prefer law and order over chaos.  and that is what trump has been saying.  follow the laws of the land.

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  12. 11 minutes ago, jdub27 said:

    I agree. But the trade-off was letting Trump's brand of conservatism and strategy of divsion set the party back much further with another 4 years. 

    what is the "stategy of division"?  because he didnt want the crazies tearing up cities? this division you speak of started long before trump even decided to run for president.  it is a very weak argument that has little to no proof

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  13. 7 minutes ago, NDSU grad said:

    Just wanted to follow up on this.  9 new hospital admissions yesterday.  This is the lowest number of daily admissions since September 18.  This is despite no significant decrease in daily cases.  Like I said yesterday hopefully this trend continues.

    that seems to be the trend that was/is happening in europe

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