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Posts posted by 1972

  1. 6 minutes ago, bison73 said:

    I live 35 miles north of Brainerd. Ive had to go  NW up to Clearbrook 3 times in the last month. Have been to Brainerd numerous times in the last month as well. From here to Bemidji

    it is over whelmingly Trump signs. Especially in the rural areas. Brainerd area Much more Trump as well.

    man i love the Brainerd area.....would love live there, but not the way the state is going at this point

  2. 1 hour ago, UNDlaw80 said:

    This is interesting.  FOX News apparently obtained and released some of Hunter's emails from his laptop.  

    Anybody else notice something fishy about this picture?   



    You do realize that that is a screenshot.....of a text sent on a MTS network, of wich the Ukraine is part of.....I'd say that ain't to good for dementia joe

  3. 3 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    Trump struggles to lift glass of water during ‘60 Minutes’ interview

    For the second time in a few months, Trump struggled to lift a glass of water during his contentious interview with Lesley Stahl.

    Midway through the 38-minute sit-down, the president picked up a glass of water with his right hand. Instead of simply sipping the water, Trump needed his left hand to hold the glass steady and bring it to his lips to drink.

    The interview took place Tuesday and Trump posted a White House tape of it on Facebook Thursday.

    Donald Trump wearing a suit and tie talking on a cell phone: President Donald Trump takes a drink of water as he speaks about his administration's National Security Strategy at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, DC, December 18, 2017.

    whoo, is this ground breaking journalism......:lol::lol::lol:

  4. 31 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

    Cumulative? That makes zero sense.

    Someone show me a study that could ever be designed that could control the parameters to measure this properly? Viral load in the air, viral load actually breathed into nasal passages, viral load accumulation, swabs at different time intervals to see if the virus that was breathed in stays in or is breathed out. Etc.

    Trust the science right? Well, let’s see this science of viral load accumulation over a 24 hour period. It would be an impossible study to design.

    just one more example of why none of this makes sense, and i am not buying any of it anymore.

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  5. 12 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

    Using your line of logic here, when will this ever not be the case? Covid is endemic, every expert agrees for the most part. Vaccines aren't foolproof and this one will be no exception, in fact it is likely to not be nearly as effective as influenza given the lack of research and rushing it to market. So when in your scenario of kids being superspreaders will life be back to normal?

    thats when i ask people" what is the end game?"   no on has an answer.   AND THATS THE PROBLEM!  There has to be an end game.   but once you assign a dollar amount to a disease, it looses all validity

  6. 1 minute ago, The Sicatoka said:


    Strangely enough, the shape of the "tests done per day" curve is much the same. 

    A single number does not tell the whole story. 

    and when can we get past the "cases equal doom and gloom" schtik....more test= more cases, dosent even mean people are even sick, or showing signs of being sick....this is the part that needs to stop if we are going to get back on track.

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  7. 13 minutes ago, Goon said:

    The daily numbers. 


    something that i just noticed(maybe others have, and im late to the party).....we have tested almost 10k more people in the county than the official population, but only 36% of the population?   are people just going and getting tested every day for the hell of it?

  8. 32 minutes ago, 90siouxfan said:

    I wish the ignore feature also ignored response to the character being ignored.  As is, I find ignoring a poster that elicits responses to break up the continuity of thread even more than the multiple storylines facet.  It is just as easy to scroll on by a poster that has shown no tact or maturity. 

    i actually didnt realize there was an ignore option...i found it now.  thanks for the heads up

  9. 1 minute ago, Hayduke1 said:

    And you do?


    You're a relic. An idiot who proclaims his love of Dear Leader over our country.  You are a pathetic piece of garbage that will be tossed overboard to make room for real Americans. 

    You're too stupid to even understand what is going on in America.  Or too set in your pathetic narcissistic ideology, fed to you by Faux News and other illegitimate "news" sources.

    The thing about dweebs like you is that you are sealed up in an area that tolerates mysogony, bigotry, racism and hatred of anything different than your narrow view of the world that you actually believe your BS.  And when confronted on this, you get soooo freaking butthurt that your little circle jerk has been inundated with "radical leftists" that you cry and cry and cry.

    Tough $hit.  Get used to it, cultist. 


    Enjoy your cult while it lasts dumbass. 

    thanks for proving my point...i knew you could do it

    • Upvote 1
  10. 13 hours ago, Hayduke1 said:


    Such denial, bizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzon.

    Here is one for you.


    All cults have something in common. They strip away freedom of thought and realign ideas with those of the leader. The author discusses his original way of conceptualizing cults, called the BITE model-the acronym for controlled Behavior, Information, Thought, and Emotion. Even more revelatory was his discussion of how hypnotic techniques such as repetition, subliminal messages, programming amnesia, and even guided meditation can be so effective in swaying followers.

    read what you wrote again, and see if that applies more to the left or the right...idiot

    • Upvote 1
  11. 20 minutes ago, Hayduke1 said:

    That willingness to go herd immunity quickly is why you are a narcissist, bizzzzzzzzzzzzzon. 

    You interpreted herd immunity espoused by the WHO as a means to rapidly get over the pandemic.  That isn't what real health experts want. 

    That is a pretty self centered cultist attitude.  Big surprise. 

    Wear a mask. Avoid large crowds.  Soclal distance.  Wash your hands.  Quit listening to the soon to be late Rush Limbaugh.

    And Go Sioux!

    alright heyduke, here is a little test, try to follow...i am going to put up two statements, and you tell me wich one is the narcissist

    1) "you have to wear a mask so I am safe."

    2) "The sooner we acchive herd ammunity, the sooner we can get thru this virus"

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