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Posts posted by 1972

  1. 8 minutes ago, Kermit's Luck said:

    Agreed (the states will certify etc in time and be bound by law to send electors representing the vote in each state), but at what cost? Increasing divisiveness when we sorely need the opposite? Undermining faith in the government and our democratic election process? Totally self-serving dick move. I can’t believe the grownups in the GOP are still catering to this wannabe autocrat. 

    And yet I'm sure you were fine with3 plus years of every Democrat crying about the 2016 election results and throwing everything at the wall to try to get something to stick.

    • Upvote 1
  2. 38 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    Surely not the Medical Field and science.
    There are those who fight the Wear masks, Wash hands, social distancing, and etc. recommendations.
    Some just say wearing masks in addressing this, I like to use just wash hands some times when addressing these measures - gets posters to open their minds a little, maybe blinders slip down a little. 

    hell, it worked perfect in europe, so trust the science.... ask germany, the UK, spain, italy, ect. how well the masks and lock downs worked...hint:  it didnt

  3. 8 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:

    At today's 'Million MAGA March" in DC.   These nutcases are no different than Antifa.  Only difference is, unlike these inbreds at a pro-Trump rally, you're unlikely to find Antifa at pro-Biden events.  


    And how was this any different from anything at any ANTIFA gathering?   I guess they aren't burning down anything at this one.  

    • Upvote 3
  4. 3 minutes ago, NoiseInsideMyHead said:

    When the numbers don’t appreciably change in a month, how many kids’ lives are we going to ruin then?  And in whose name?  Teachers?  The 80+ set?  The whiny doctors and nurses who, need I remind you, literally CHOSE a career working with and around sick people?  As in, that’s EXACTLY what they voluntarily went to school and dedicated their lives to?

    A North Dakota winter with no outlet for its youth and adolescents to burn off energy is something I’m not sure I want to experience.  What will have to happen?  Stress?  Confusion and anger?  Plummeting grades?  Social disengagement?  Disciplinary and behavioral issues?  Mental illness?  

    Reams have been written on the positives and benefits of youth athletics, extracurricular activities, clubs, etc.  I guess that science just doesn’t matter anymore.  Kinda like statistics. 

    Regardless of whether you believe that our children are basically impervious to COVID, I assure you that they are disproportionately suffering at the hands of the supposed grownups.  And that may be the biggest tragedy of all.

    The rah rah, feel-good, ‘do it for others’ act has worn thin.  A long cold winter looms with only deepening despair on the horizon.  We will reap what we sow.

    And let's not forget about the adults that enjoy the sports, or getting together with family you only see but maybe twice a year, all this is starting to crack some of  the strongest around us.  I'm usually a pretty up beat guy, but this is really starting to wear on me.  

  5. 42 minutes ago, TheFlop said:

    Ladies and gentlemen.....pandora's box.  What's next?  If this is in the name of public safety perhaps venues should also require alcohol and drug tests for those on their way out of the arena after the show?  Or is that different?


    dang...i liked going to concerts....oh well

  6. 2 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    You do realize T (with lies) was the instigator in getting the cults to fight the system against using PPE apporpriately, social distancing, proper hygiene, and etc.

    yes, because i wait every day by the tv to get my directions for the day from trump on how i should feel, or act....SMH.  get over it already. 

    • Like 1
  7. 29 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    If that is your real question? You are part of the problem. There's a lot more to this than just slapping on a mask.

    Well then, what is it?  Seems to me that NO BODY has the answer.....so the question remains, why do people think masks are the answer?

  8. 30 minutes ago, Hayduke1 said:

    Record breaking Covid-19 spikes in the United States, and the cult doesn't give a $hit. Proving once again you are worthless human beings.  Just like Dear Leader.

    And you probably thought you were irrelevant because of North Dakota ties.  You know, the self loathing you all experience.  Packing a gun to feel like you'll be a hero someday.  The big man. LMFAO.  You'll probably shoot yourselves instead. 

    Naw, it's not North Dakota. Plenty of decent people come from North Dakota.  You're just not among them

    Now, enjoy your last weeks of Dear Leader worship, Trumptards.  The Rona is waiting for you dumb $hits.



    White House chief of staff Mark Meadows contracted coronavirus earlier this week after Election Day, according to a person familiar with the matter.

    You still don't get that cases don't mean crap...deaths are still trending down ward, and most cases are mild, if any ...get out of your basement, go out side,(it's supposed to be nice this weekend) and realize the sky isn't falling, and people aren't dropping dead on the streets.   Idiot

    • Upvote 2
  9. 54 minutes ago, Hayduke1 said:


    And you wonder why you are called a Trumptard.  LMFAO

    This doesn't have a thing to do with Trump, or any candidate, for that matter.  I voted for the previous administration, thinking it was a better choice( and that proved to be wrong), and if you said your crap to me back then, I would have still left you lying on the floor wondering what happened....sometimes an jerk needs to be knocked out to help him understand that there is consiquences for running your mouth.  And that has nothing to do with Trump...that's on you "son"

    • Upvote 1
  10. Hey heyduke, the presidential election is always a popularity contest, and almost half the voters liked him over Biden.....but I thought there was a blue wave coming?  What happened?  Most likely won't control the Senate, and halve lost/ are loosing a ton of seats in the house....your right, the people have spoken, and the majority reject the crazy ass ideas and demener of the left...get used to it, cause there will be even greater turn over in 2022 after they remove Biden and put Harris in.  Now grow the hell up, and try to actually do something for society instead of living off the government and being a keyboard warrior, because I am positive you couldn't back up the trash you talk in person, but I sure the hell can...

    • Upvote 1
  11. 1 minute ago, Cratter said:

    Couldnt believe this graphic when I saw it with all the media talking about how bad ND is.

    But Cratter, North Dakota leads the nation in new coronavirus cases per capita!

    Well they also lead the nation in testing per capita!


    and yet, almost zero flu cases...weird


    • Upvote 1
  12. 7 minutes ago, Wilbur said:

    Just barely.  Born in 89, makes me feel old....:huh:

    I have a hunch that her as a candidate would get all sorts of backlash from people like Jamele Hill, Rev Al, Whoopi, and Maxine assuring African American constituents that she's not really black.  

    the ironic part is, these are same people that claim Harris IS black

  13. 3 minutes ago, UNDBIZ said:

    It's almost like it was established we were going to let politics and most personal attacks go in this thread after multiple complaints about the threads being locked in March.

    some personal attacks are fine, that happens sometimes in debates, but this has gotten WAY out of hand with a few(heyduke)

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