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Posts posted by 1972

  1. 21 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:


    You can yell 'fraud' or 'coincidence' until you're blue in the face.    Prove it.    That's the problem with you people....  Your arguments and accusations have  been laughed out of court, repeatedly, by both D and R judges of every kind.   




    If it smells like a skunk looks, like a skunk, walks like a skunk....I'm going to assume it's a skunk

  2. Just now, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    This shows how you stretched your intelligence.

    really?  this is the same schiff that made up a story about what trump might have meant on a phone call? what he may have been trying to do? he read a hypothetical in to record, and presented it as fact.  be better

  3. 7 hours ago, gfNDfan said:

    Yes - seems like that "YOUNG ADULT" has done nothing but look after his own future job/career prospects since then.  SUPER - I'm so happy! 

    I just wish some NHL team would serve him up a sh*t sandwich and laugh while he spewed it out and wiped it off his face as he realized the pro team he "thought" he signed with was really making fun of him at his expense and had no plan to let this POS play for them as no pro team should.  

    Then he (and you) might have an idea how his victim felt.

    BTW - ever wonder how his victim is doing or if he might have committed suicide?  I'm guessing not. 



    from the way you post on here, i have a feeling that you probably have done, or do, your fair share of bullying...and have no remorse for doing so

    • Upvote 2
  4. Just now, Kermit's Luck said:

    No one is scared by the total number of positives in ND. There aren’t enough people in ND for that number to be soooo scary. It absolutely is the daily positivity rates and the per capita rates that have people concerned. 

    And to the guy upthread talking about all the asymptomatic 5 - 39 year olds being incentivized to get tested and increasing the case numbers - do you have any data for that or did you pull it out of the air? And what incentives are you talking about? Is the incentive to know if you’re positive for the highly contagious virus overloading our hospital systems and causing many fatalities, or is there something more sinister at play here? WTAF

    There is so much wrong with this, I don't have time to explain it all

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  5. 9 minutes ago, Old Fella said:

    Again have not seen that #..

    We are now averaging nearly 2000 deaths per day   There are now 88 days til Biden is sworn in.  @ 2,000 per day would be 166,000.  However that # could decrease pending the vacine.  IMO with Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Eve celebrations the 2,000 # may increase.

    Where are you getting 2k deaths per day?   CDC. Site claims roughly 950 yesterday

  6. 4 minutes ago, NDSU grad said:

    Your prediction about bars, restaurants, etc. will only come to fruition if we continually to quarantine healthy people. This virus will flame out like all other viruses do. My only concern is how we as a society react when it does. 
    For example, the CDC issues travel guidances for countries based on COVID levels. Level 1 is a daily case rate of 5/100,000; this would equate to 38 daily cases or less in North Dakota. The CDC recommends masks and distancing at this level. We’ll have levels in this range forever, so what’s the end game?

    this is the question no one, and i mean NO ONE, will answere...and it pisses me off!

    • Like 1
  7. 8 minutes ago, Old Fella said:

    US covid sgges o far today.

    64,000 new cases/994 deaths.  Once again well on the way to over 100,000 new cases and 2,000 deaths.  Our country cannot sustain these daily #'s  

    Unless there are some significant behaverable changes we will not have to worry about a lock down.  It will take care of itself.  Bars, resturants, grocery etc.

    will find in nearly impossible to find workers.  Our hospitals, now near or at capcity will be unable to serve all.

    It is now esstimated there will be 50 million new cases by February

    wait, i thought we were going to have another 200k deaths by the first of the year?

  8. 15 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    So washing hands is not suggested to those who already had the virus?

    dang, you are sure positive that nobody washes their hands.  it is your first go to all the time.  most, and i feel pretty comfortable saying this, most people wash their hand quit frequently throughout the day, no matter what is going on in the world

  9. 1 minute ago, UNDlaw80 said:


    Overturning the election will be too much.   Too many states he has to legally flip.  That isn't possible in any capasity.    

    Trump is fishing for any type of fraud.  Even the smallest example whereby he can point to it and say "See I told you the election was a scam!"   And if he can't find it he'll attempt to manufacture it.    

    Claiming victory in defeat is Trump's hallmark calling card going back to the 80's.  It's what he does.    

    so, what if, hypothecly, the dominion voting turns  out to be actually changing votes in multiple states, and they can prove it....then is it too much to overturn, or what do you think may happen in that instance?(serious question)

    • Upvote 2
  10. 4 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:

    Trump is 2-32 in actual litigation thus far.  And one of his victories has been overturned.   And he's getting dropped by attorneys left and right.

    But the big one is coming!  It's just around the corner!  Biggest fraud ever!  Just you wait!    Hugo Chavez!!!!!!!

    You people are nuts.  


    but, all he needs is 1 to be the one that sets the wheels in motion.  not saying it will happen, but if it does...look out

  11. 4 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

    From the category of summer can't  get here soon enough........the Minneapolis Park and Recreation  Board recently voted that anyone can go topless in the city's parks without being cited and ticketed. 

    why do i have a feeling that this isnt going to be a cool as i would hope it would be

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