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Posts posted by 1972

  1. 31 minutes ago, Sweethockey said:

    I too am offended by anybody kneeling during the playing of our National Anthem. Like what was said by dmksioux, On their own time...have at it, not when they are part of a team representing UND.

    As herb Brooks once said" the name on the front is a hell of a lot more important than the name on the back!"

    • Upvote 3
  2. 3 minutes ago, fightingsioux4life said:

    If this is the case, it is bad for the game in general. :sad:

    unfortunetly, this the case with a great majority of the kids that have lower/ middle income families.  you have to be extra special to even get consideration at the higher levels, and that comes with a very great price and much  sacrafice by families

  3. 2 minutes ago, Big Green said:

    Both are disrespectful.  I’m against both.  It’s embarrassing that our fan base still yells Sioux at the end of National Anthem 

    To be fair, the ndsu fans do the same, the KC cheifs fans do similar, the NY jets fans do as well.. sure there is a bunch of others I have missed

  4. 1 hour ago, Oxbow6 said:

    Has anyone looked at Wentz's supporting cast on offense this season? Not sure the Eagles would  be at 2 TD favorite over his HS alma mater right now.

    You're not wrong, but Wentz isn't doing anything to help the situation, either

  5. 2 minutes ago, JohnboyND7 said:

    I dont see why he would benefit from being on the bench for full seasons. 

    I think he needs an off-season more than just about anyone in the league, but I dont see some significant benefit from sitting on the bench during prime years.  Not sure what he'd learn from a veteran being in front of him. I dont think there has ever been a knock on his preparation or work ethic or anything like that.

    Still has a strong arm, moves around well enough. Just a bad bad year over in Philly that can't get over soon enough. I can't imagine him going anywhere, would be bizarre for Philly to cut him and they arent going to be high enough in the draft to get one of the franchise dudes, and even if they did, they still have a ton of huge issues on that team that aren't fixed by replacing him. 

    Alot of truth to that....I have watched the last couple games for Carson, and it seems like he thinks he has to do everything all the time, Wich is causing him to make some very freshman-like mistakes...trying to gun it down the field into double/triple coverage, missing easy check downs to TE and RB for easy first down pick ups, throwing off of his back foot, panicking in the pocket, bailingvtoo soon to the run, holding on to the ball to long.....the kid just looks lost, like he is completely fooled by every defense he sees.   

  6. 2 minutes ago, SIOUXFAN97 said:

    that was a lot of money for a guy that couldn't stay on the field....they'll traded him to somewhere like jax or denver

    Yeah I looked at that as well...still kills Philly with the cap.  I had thought about where a trade may make sense, and as much as I hate it, the Steelers may be a good fit, if Ben plays for a couple more years, and Wentz would be willing to sit and learn...but alot of things would have to happen for that to work

  7. 3 hours ago, SIOUXFAN97 said:

    sounds like the wentz era in philly ends tonight

    I looked into the contract situation for Philly in regards to Wentz..... essentially, they are screwed.  If they cut him in the next 2 years, the cap hit is around $77mil....they have no choice but to keep him.  I think Wentz can be a good qb in the NFL, but he needs to go somewhere and sit behind a quality veteren for a year or two to learn

  8. 50 minutes ago, Goon said:

    This came across my Twitter feed today. Apparently, published this story and then deleted it. Why? 


    I'll tell ya why...it goes against the narrative they are trying to pound into us....that study pretty much confirms what most of us have been saying all along ..the god damn media is playing this bull$%!# virus up!  Sorry for the language, but this !@#$ needs to stop, and it needs to stop last week!  People need to get back to work, businesses need to be open, kids need to be in school, games need to be played, and all the Karen's of the world need to shut up and let us live our lives!

    • Like 2
  9. 8 minutes ago, JohnboyND7 said:

    The guy who lied about how his wife died so he could score political points for decades is going to bring respect back to the WH?

    The guy who lied about his grades in law school? We talking about the same guy? 

    The guy who got busted for plagiarism during an earlier run at the White House? That guy? 

    the guy and his family, who are still under investigation in the dealings in ukrain?  that guy?

    • Upvote 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:


    You're proving my point.  Quit thinking that everybody acts or thinks like you.  Not everybody adheres strictly to a 'team'.      

    And yes, I;ve criticized Democrats quite often.  

    maybe you should take your own advice...not everybody thinks like you, either

  11. Just now, UNDlaw80 said:


    Or you could have said you're gonna believe your worldview regardless of what evidence repeatedly points to in a court of law.  

    But that's the problem with this country.  Both sides are so entrenched, common sense and facts no longer exist.   

    stop already.  you and i both know if the shoe was on the other foot you would be screaming your head off and blowing up this board at every chance, claiming fraud, voter surpresion, loaded ballets, ect.  so don't act all high and mighty

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