It will be interesting to see how the Gophers respond. Wounded aminals are dangerous. Kessel is coming off the worst game and series of his carear where he disappeared and went so far as to hurt his team with bad penalties. You didn't really hear his name outside of the last 10 minutes in game 1.
Briggs and Frazee both suck and I hope this continues. I don't think that Harrington is going to bail them out any time soon. The Gopher scorign still is centered on one line. Hopfully the Sioux can get Toews, Zajac, Sparky, Smaby, and Jones out against the top line as all of those players can play great defense. Lines 2-4 it would appear the Sioux have a strong edge. Stay out of the box as Minnesota has a great power play, though the smaller ice may hurt that. Sparky's play should be on the video monitor when Harrington is announced.
Finally if you are fortunate enought to be at the games. Be loud for the whole game, if Minnesota is controling the puck, be lounder, and if Minnesota scores be louder yet. Don't let the place turn in to Mariucci where good plays or a goal silences the crowd.
Finally if someone tells you to sit down and shut up. Find them after the game and go Commadore on them.