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Everything posted by northernraider

  1. Ouch..that's less then 3/4th capacity
  2. Wrong direction for their goal of 20,000
  3. Love the family plan Buy a 4 pack at $10 less and include a couple free food items. Popcorn or coke since they have high margins
  4. Agree 100%. The talent pool isn't deep, but we have gotten great Canadian Players. This is where UND should dominate in recruiting. I'm perfectly ok with UND being a CFL farm system
  5. Santiago released again from Winnipeg https://www.google.com/amp/s/globalnews.ca/news/5856995/winnipeg-blue-bombers-sign-release-running-back/amp/
  6. 1) do we know the addresses of all ex felons, besides sex offenders? 2) I'm sure the neighbors know 3) Do apartments list felons?
  7. It might be a generational thing but glad programs are now online only. I would say a lot of the printed ones go unsold or tossed in the trash after the game. Seems a lot of waste in paper, ink, and trash space. Also saving the school money on the unsold programs
  8. I'm not native to North Dakota so not familiar with all the history between UND and NDSU. As I understand it, during D2 days both teams were competitive, often switching dominance every few of years. However since the move up to FCS, NDSU has basically become king. My question is how did this happen? Was it because NDSU went D1 first? Did Mussman hold us back? Focus on football over hockey at UND? None or all the above?
  9. Ha..I'm 4 pounders in, spelling isn't my strong point
  10. Cliche, but next weeks game might be determine rest of the season. SHSU is a quality opponent, but not near NDSU level. We loose that one, start the coaching search.
  11. Seasons still early and still on the Bubba train, but unless there are playoffs this year I'm done. This game felt uninspired with too many technical mistakes
  12. What makes me mad is we can beat NDSU in every sport but football and MooU will still say they have a better athletic department.
  13. Lance is a hell of a QB..how did he drop to FCS?
  14. Ya this game wasn't interesting at all after the first 3 scores. Since then, UND has been anemic and NDSU just controlling the clock.
  15. We are a long way from beating NDSU.
  16. I was wondering if they used the 2018 playbook
  17. Anyone feel UND lost their spark early? Seems a lot if going through the motions right now
  18. NDSU does a great job of making that first person miss.
  19. Good defensive stance after a boneheaded INT. Take the sack next time zimm
  20. I like Bubba as a person but sometimes he seems very unenergetic at interviews.
  21. The KVLY/NDSU advertising people definitely know their audience Non P.C. sidenote: Can always use more Beth Hoole
  22. No idea what to think about that half. UND was mostly dominated, but showed some flashes of winning.
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