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Everything posted by AlphaMikeFoxtrot

  1. Doesn't bode well for the college hockey season.
  2. If everyone with student loans gets 50k in relief, there needs to be something for everyone else. Rewarding bad fiscal decisions is absurd.
  3. December to remember. Bury Denver and Duluth to leave no doubt.
  4. Not exactly a trustworthy source, but if that 60% is true, you gotta respect the hustle. Haha. Looking forward to TAN: Trump American Network launching on YouTubeTV.
  5. The press conference he held at the adult bookstore today didn't get enough attention.
  6. True, and those laborers work very hard, be it the owners or the hired help. Although family farms are numbered fewer and fewer compared to corporate farms, which makes it harder to relate to and sympathize with farmers.
  7. Let's not pretend farmers aren't replaceable by robots in the near future.
  8. North Dakota takes a $#!+-ton of farming subsidies. Did you intentionally omit that....?
  9. There's no shame in pimpin' the system, no matter your race, social class or gender.
  10. Bowling Green/NTDP game is canceled "out of an abundance of caution".
  11. For reference, the chorus of that song includes the line "some of those who work forces are the same that burn crosses". This was the logical endgame when the tea party formed.
  12. When was Alex Jones ever correct previously?
  13. This is the closest we will get to a concession speech.
  14. Pretty sure his big bang theory speech disqualifies him from any serious consideration.
  15. We've won a battle against Populism, but the war rages on. Beating back the Populist Left is next on the agenda.
  16. If the outlet you were watching/following didn't mention that mail in ballots were the majority of uncounted votes at that point, they did you a disservice. I went to bed expecting a shift, albeit it not as drastic as I woke up to at ~8 am Pacific.
  17. But isn't it all fake news anyways? You believe it when it matches your beliefs and question it when it doesn't. Not sure what you're referring to in your second paragraph, seems like an attempt to include a reference to a broad and commonly misused term.
  18. I think things changed, but based on local elections rather than national. Running against a pro-Antifa nut job for mayor made him apprehensive about being too heavy handed before. Now that he won that he's less worried about cracking down.
  19. Has he ever addressed the trillions of dollars written off by the Pentagon? Honest question; I treat his words like white noise and watch actions instead as much as possible.
  20. Bumper sticker activism is for losers, regardless of the message.
  21. Taxes suck, let's cut our runaway funding to the military to lower them. The rogue candidate would have my vote if he did that.
  22. Marijuana and decriminalization had a good night. Cheers to that. Also, it looks like cowardly populists calling themselves the silent majority are still a meaningful segment of the population. Lame.
  23. Not sure where to put this, but US-born MJ players are getting burned. Too bad NCAA is so unreasonable about their amateur status, even after moving to full COL scholarships.
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