Well, heck if we're all puttin' out our dee-mands, here's mind:
Every educational institution receiving Federal funds must abide by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.
No campus speech codes.
You have to be careful with that. Do it wrong and you start your NCAA eligibility clock.
Recent article on Wilkie: http://www.theushlhockeyleague.com/news.php?news_id=2359
You can't fill a void with a nothing.
We had a Ferrari.
It was declared illegal for the road.
Worse? We're stuck with no car until 1/1/15.
But, please, when we can have one, no Yugo or Ford Fiesta.
Silly me.
I forgot that when UND dropped "that" moniker it was given power to solve everything from world hunger to simple, chronic halitosis.
Clearly, UND should've foreseen non-UND students creating t-shirts with a non-UND logo attending a non-UND event at a non-UND facility and headed it off.
Someone please send the "Fighting Whities" logo (from U of Northern Colorado intramurals) to these fine folks so they have the next windmill to tilt at in their crusade again mascotizing people.
Boston is on pace to run the Original Six...
Toronto (I believe a Boston win put them out of playoff contention.)
New York Rangers
If (big IF) that's true the poetic justice and irony is just rich:
- Kupchella, the man they hated, let them speak freely, but let everyone else speak also
- Kelley, the man they idolize, got them what they wanted, then gagged them
Too good.
Ed Schafer for UND president. Why?
Because over two years ago he realized that as long as there was no moniker things like this would keep sprouting up: You can't fill a void with a nothing.
It's time to Ride On.