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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. Jim Dahl's analysis is out and available for the scenarios to make the 2015 NCAA mens ice hockey tournament. http://collegehockeyranked.com/2015/03/16/a-look-at-all-the-remaining-tournament-possibilities/
  2. Mafia uses this as a drinking game: Every time there's a reference, an homage, to Michael Jackson --> everyone drinks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDl9ZMfj6aE
  3. I know I'm putting the little red dot squarely in the middle of my chest; however, just because you can coach men does not mean you can coach women, and conversely, just because you can coach women does not mean you can coach men.
  4. Yeah, like Indiana Purdue Fort Wayne and Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis. No Googling: What's the best academic program at either?
  5. So, .... normal script.
  6. Brad E. Schlossman @SchlossmanGF It is confirmed now: Mark MacMillan is out for the rest of the season.
  7. Thanks, but please note I stand by my prior statements and positions: Get that offensive line to start this fall where they ended last season and then get better from there.
  8. Found on Craig's List ... no, not that Craig's List ... "9. Boeser" (1 and 2 are McDavid and Eichel) http://www.tsn.ca/craig-s-list-mcdavid-stands-alone-1.227769
  9. OK, assuming you folks are right and there are seven or eight "big mean uglies" up front that enjoy pushing defenses down the field, do we have TE/FB support to go really, really ugly with a 22 or 13 package and just plain tip the hand to the defense that run is coming and still get four yards. I know the XBox crowd loves "chuck the pigskin"; personally, I enjoy four yards, a cloud of dust, and seeing one of their defenders going off holding a shoulder. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
  10. That's the one from Fox.
  11. I recognize Mafia, Blackheart, and Oxbow on the guitars; any truth to the rumor claiming that is Sioux-cia whacking the skins behind them?
  12. Yo Mafya ... Y not ask if you have any Lynyrd Skynyrd ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvWADo6KPzA
  13. North Dakota: We're kind of a big deal. PS ... UND's always had a large endowment.
  14. I'm really not sure when's the last time I've followed a series on a "major" network (ABC, CBS, NBC). There are a couple I watch but I don't fret if I miss an episode or two (or that get deleted before watching if I need space on the DVR). My DVR says the series I'm watching/recording are on TNT, USA, CW, and Fox.
  15. Mathews' agent probably has a call in to the 214 area code. Meanwhile, I wonder if Jerry Jones has one to the 612.
  16. The way Chip is accumulating backs, is he looking to run "the Oregon tempo" in the NFL?
  17. Find the magic words and win. Maybe a link to the State flag of Minnesota will be another good word find.
  18. Heck, why not be the North Dakota Lone Stars and pretend to be Texas (the Lone Star State).
  19. Eagles coming to Grand Forks. Which thread am I in again? ....
  20. (since my last went so well ... ) Allow me to put on one of my Blue Jackets and think about life further. As a random musing, I hope to never be stranded in the ocean, a lone Islander, during massive storms like Hurricanes. I suspect all the Predators of land and sea, like Panthers, Coyotes, and Sharks, come out before and after, and those can be real Devils. Then again, having a clear view of the Stars wouldn't be so bad. Hopefully I'd have some Sabres with me for chopping up Ducks for supper. I think a nice Maple Leaf salad would go with it. Is there such a thing as ocean Rangers who would look for stranded folks? They'd probably fly helocopters, Blackhawks, or small planes with Red Wings.
  21. "UND women have received verbals from Finnish Olympians Anna Kilponen (D) and Vilma Tanskanen (F) for next season." -- via The Schloss, not to be confused with The Virg.
  22. Ron White would like to speak with you at the 0:40 mark.
  23. ... or team intro music possibilities ...
  24. You're either onto something ... or on something.
  25. Dallas has said they'll match any offer Murray sees. Murray's out there looking to see who has money and will waste the time to put together an offer (that'll just get matched-plus by Dallas). Murray needs to remember, also, that Dallas has arguably the best offensive line in the game. (And now I need to shower because I said nice things about the Cowboys.)
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