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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. My .... mind's ... eye ... gone .... .... ... blind.
  2. Look at states controlled by Democrat governors. There's the model of what ... the Harris administration with Joe Biden ... would do.
  3. Virus spreads. Water wet. There are so many more people around the US Capitol on any given day, and yet no reports. Might it be lack of protocols and testing. NBC Washington says ... yes. Say ... what? As I've said, the Speaker is responsible for operations of the Capitol. The Speaker should explain this. No testing == no positives.
  4. Some players wear that "neck collar". I wonder if you could create a gaiter that is Kevlar-infused that could serve the dual role of mask and neck protector. I probably just gave away my million dollar idea.
  5. The President is magic. Doctors and nurses are magic. The can make a virus and its effects just, POOF!, go away.
  6. Didn't I say a while back I believe this virus is picking off the low hanging fruit (the elderly, the already sick).
  7. Scott Adams has been vigilantly debunking that hoax for years. https://www.scottadamssays.com/2019/04/30/the-fine-people-hoax-funnel/
  8. I believe the young lady has the same co-morbidity concern that many express about the President. She may have it moreso than the President*. *Disclaimer: I ain't one to pick and toss that particular rock.
  9. I had not seen the photo in your link. If the photo is legitimate and they're flying those flags as a protest or rebellion icon, they're no friend of mine.
  10. Different States can't have different standards or laws?
  11. This is the leader of Michigan marauders (click on photo to enlarge) who planned ill for the governor there. It's the same fellow I posted before, but now you get a clearer view of his wall decor. Help me out, that's not a swastika, not a Confederate battle flag, but the symbol used by anarchists, no?
  12. Seems the NYP is unimpressed with Speaker Pelosi's latest tact. https://nypost.com/2020/10/08/nancy-pelosis-latest-coup-coup-nonsense/
  13. Or Pelosi is calling the goalie over to the bench.
  14. Why is Speaker Pelosi talking about Amendment 25 (again) tomorrow? Shouldn’t she be planning Mr Biden’s victory party? Someone sure they are winning wouldn’t be thinking about how to remove a President... or should Mr Biden be nervous.
  15. It’s the law of the land at this time. I don’t have like or agree with it.
  16. Those Michigan "kidnappers"? Anachists (note flag in background) and anti-Trump. Don't believe me. In their own words ...
  17. The USA Today headline and "fact check" is misleading. In the story is "the money quote". " ... did not involve human stem cells ... "
  18. I’d say you need to read the following from USA Today: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/10/08/fact-check-trumps-antibody-therapy-not-made-fetal-stem-cells/5901542002/
  19. As a moderator who can see email and IP addresses, I can neither confirm nor deny.
  20. My question last night the moderators didn't use: Sen. Harris, do you continue your views of the Knights of Columbus as you did during a Senate hearing as a "religious test" and in direct conflict to Article VI, and did you gain that view of Catholicism from your fellow Californian Sen. Feinstein and her questioning of Amy Coney Barrett during the 2017 hearings to appoint Judge Barrett to the Seventh Circuit. I remind you your running-mate, former Vice President Biden, considers himself a Catholic before you answer, as does House Speaker Pelosi.
  21. You have to ... vote Biden President so that you can find out what is in him, away from the fog of the controversy. Gold star and smile face if you get the reference.
  22. My guesses: Jacob Markstrom --> to MIN Anton Khudobin --> stays in DAL Thomas Greiss --> to CGY Corey Crawford --> to DET Henrik Lundqvis --> to WAS Braden Holtby --> to VAN Marc-Andre Fleury --> back to PIT Matt Murray <-- already with OTT Darcy Kuemper --> stay in ARI Tuukka Rask --> stay in BOS
  23. Facts not in evidence. We could bet they don't like brunette, right-handed, female Michigan State graduates born in Lansing.
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