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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. @Hayduke1 -- 2022 is coming, as is 2024.
  2. I'm still processing this: First group of polls close, including Florida (not the panhandle portion). I see the numbers. I'm not the most political but I know the panhandle is red. I said from literally the "eastern" Florida data that Trump won Florida. I beat the professionals by ... four hours? ... on my call.
  3. Twenty years after being the punchline, Florida is the standard bearer.
  4. I heard the only demographic Trump did worse in 2020 with was ... white males.
  5. Food for thought: Flip a coin and odds of it coming up heads is 1/2 (or 0.5). Flip two coins and odds of both coming up heads is 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.25. Flip three it's 0.5 * 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.125 = (0.5)^3 which is said as "half raised to the third power" Flip 100,000 coins and the odds of all heads is (0.5)^100000 = 0.000000000000000000000000000000 MSFT Excel still calculates it as zero when you tell it to show 30 decimal places. Flip 100,000 coins you're going to get a tails because the odds of all 100,000 heads is zero. Now you can say voting isn't a coin flip. I agree. But account for the smart-alecs that write in a vote for Donald Duck (as some here have admitted). Not one smart-alec in 100,000? All 100,000 voted "heads". Um, ... oh-kay ...
  6. I've got the over-and-under on when we know at December 12.
  7. The "blue wave" ... waived good-bye.
  8. Looking at https://www.health.nd.gov/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/north-dakota-coronavirus-cases I need to move to Billings or Slope County. They gotz none da Covidz out there! Three Questions: Why get tested*? Who enforces quarantine? Why would you talk to an anonymous "contact tracer"? *They don't do anything for you but say "treat as flu" if you come back positive. (Honestly, they should at least recommend a finger tip pulse Ox monitor and twice daily checks.)
  9. ... versus Toobin zoomin'. Isn't the < ahem > "impact" on the person the same thing only different?
  10. When people see what they bought (compared to what they were sold) it'll be fun.
  11. I do believe they have "day of" voter registration, so using the updated "registered voters" number in comparisons would be good. That said, how many new registrants did they have that day? And don't they have to verify the registrant and quarantine the ballot until they do?
  12. Count every vote that is in accordance with that locality's laws. What I don't understand is PA law is written down: " ... by 8 pm election night." How can the PA Supreme Court interpret (re-write) that any other way?
  13. < joke here about government employees >
  14. Dump the money the Ds spend in SC/KY/IA/ME instead into (a) WI/MI and (b) NC/GA and (a) Biden would already be declared and (b) you'd have foundation to turn NC/GA both blue going forward.
  15. < whispering > Kristi Noem < /whispering >
  16. There's too much guttural reaction in a large segment (of both parties) to the name "Trump". The Trump kids better figure that out and stay away from politics.
  17. One party blew nearly $100 million in each of SC and KY on Senate races ... and didn't get their desired outcome.
  18. Biden's plan was vote early by mail. Trump went with an election day ground game in person. Trump's only hope is the rural NV counties didn't report last night.
  19. I believe Texas will be a Presidential battleground in 2024.
  20. The dependable Brits have it.
  21. Heck, they don't need PA either.
  22. ... and Kamala smiles ...
  23. Interesting Tweet from Secretary Clinton (or should it be Senator Clinton) from about noon today.
  24. "Blackheart swings and crushes this one toward South America. Tomlinson is gonna need a Visa to catch this one, it is out of here, and there is nothing left but a vapor trail."
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