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Do you care if UND ever plays NDSU again?


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The CWS is a big event, but NDSU won't get there anytime soon. I think I saw where the Bison lost 14-2 to Kansas State recently. K-State will probably finish last in the Big XII. More times than not UND has a chance at the Frozen Four. College hockey is big in the upper plains, northeast, and in the crappy city of Denver. Otherwise, baseball is the bigger college sport. Personally, I'd rather win in the less popular sport than field a poor team in a more popular sport.

Guess I was talking as a baseball fan vs hockey fan, not NDSU/UND. Sat thru 6 hockey games last weekend, looking forward to the baseball season now.

Good to see another UNO fan. :)

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I've been to 8 college baseball World Series. The college World Series takes up two weeks on ESPN.

I'll take the CWS over the many college hockey tourney's and Stanley Cup finals I've been to.

By reading this it is obvious to me why you have bison in your name :lol: you don't get it :)

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By reading this it is obvious to me why you have bison in your name :lol: you don't get it :)

As quick as I am to call out the troublemakers or poseurs when I spot them, I'd be remiss not to defend a good member who's being judged on his primary allegiance. Click his name and browse BisonMav's last 30 posts or so before you lump him in with the Bison trolls who have been torturing us lately. He's a longtime member, is generally a polite contributor, and is no stranger to hockey.

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As quick as I am to call out the troublemakers or poseurs when I spot them, I'd be remiss not to defend a good member who's being judged on his primary allegiance. Click his name and browse BisonMav's last 30 posts or so before you lump him in with the Bison trolls who have been torturing us lately. He's a longtime member, is generally a polite contributor, and is no stranger to hockey.

It's late and I don't feel like reading 30 more posts...is he the one who ususally brings up Norval Baptie?

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Cute story. Nice try at being witty. Hopefully next time you won't be put in a "Box"! :lol:

Hey, I was just showing how ignorant some people really are. :) Thanks for adding to the conversation. Maybe when there's actually some kind of athletic event going on down south, you won't have to troll a Sioux message board for entertainment purposes.

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In theory, if the Sioux hockey team got to the Frozen Four and the Sioux basketball team made the field of 64 in the same year... the hockey team would still be the lead story in the papers and on the news.

Being a perennial contender for the national championship in NCAA hockey year in and year out > getting destroyed in the opening round of the NCAA basketball tournament once or twice every 10 years.

Take this silly bounceyball propaganda to Bisonville where it belongs. :)

Exactly.... That is your "theory". If the Sioux Men's basketball made it to the NCAA tournament it would certainly be bigger news than the Sioux hockey team. Sioux Hockey fans would be happy that they made it to the Frozen Four but everyone else in the state who (read as majority of the state) would be far more interested in the basketball team.

I know that you dislike basketball and you think that hockey is king (and it may be for you) but for the rest of the state and nation that is not the case.

I know that this has been hashed over and over again but in the end I can pretty much guarantee that there were more North Dakotans watching (or following) the NCAA tournament than the Frozen Four.

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Hey, I was just showing how ignorant some people really are. :) Thanks for adding to the conversation. Maybe when there's actually some kind of athletic event going on down south, you won't have to troll a Sioux message board for entertainment purposes.

I got your point about being ignorant. Unfortunately, you were the one without a clue. I like following this board because the comedic qualities of this board are outstanding. You can troll Bisonville if you want to. Maybe you can talk up your games next year versus Mesa or Mayville State.

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What's left on the schedule this academic year for NDSU's marquee sports?

I see UND's mens hockey team in the WCHA Final Five and having locked up another NCAA tournament appearance.

I see UND's mens and womens swimming and diving teams headed to Buffalo to another run at a national title.

I see UND's womens BB team headed to the Elite Eight.

Busy, busy, busy.

And I seem to see NDSU fans with a lot of free time (assumably) because they're hangin' around the board of a lowly DII.

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What's left on the schedule this academic year for NDSU's marquee sports?

I see UND's mens hockey team in the WCHA Final Five and having locked up another NCAA tournament appearance.

I see UND's mens and womens swimming and diving teams headed to Buffalo to another run at a national title.

I see UND's womens BB team headed to the Elite Eight.

Busy, busy, busy.

And I seem to see NDSU fans with a lot of free time (assumably) because they're hangin' around the board of a lowly DII.

Your point?:) Since when is Men's and Women's swimming "marquee". The only sport that we have going on right now with national championship implications is wrestling. NDSU is sending 3 to the national tournament.

Bisonville is slow on sports.... All we can talk about is our upcoming Mid-Con and Gateway schedules..... Meanwhile your "marquee sports" (outside of hockey) are competing for d2 crowns. Congrats!

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My point is drawn from the same source as yours when you invoke "Mesa" and "Mayville State".

Make sure to post pictures of the rebar sticking through the concrete at Indiana State's crumbling football stadium.

PS - "Since when is Men's and Women's swimming "marquee"." --> 20 of 22 mens and 25 of 27 womens NCC titles and top five finishes at nationals puts them up on the marquee for "best supporting" after (7 DI titles) hockey, football, and basketball.

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Here's a great story for everyone early on a Monday morning.

Since Mr. HockeyMom and I don't get FSSN, we went up to a local watering hole Saturday night to watch the game. When we got there, the tv wasn't on the channel, so I asked the bartender to turn the channel to the game to which he did. One of the wisest Bison fans ever, saw that they had changed the channel, and looked over at us and yelled, "Division I Wannabes!" To which Mr. HockeyMom started to laugh and replied, "Good one ______!" And we both started to laugh pretty hard.

I guess having 7 Division I titles still makes us wannabes. And to stress a point, there is no -AA after our Division I program.

I know UND has 7 DI titles, but does anyone know what the title count is between UND and NDSU in sports they competed with each other in ( Football,wrestling, b-ball,ect).

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I know UND has 7 DI titles, but does anyone know what the title count is between UND and NDSU in sports they competed with each other in ( Football,wrestling, b-ball,ect).

Uh, those were in Division II and any good NDSU fan knows they just don't matter any more.

All that matters is Division I.

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My point is drawn from the same source as yours when you invoke "Mesa" and "Mayville State".

Make sure to post pictures of the rebar sticking through the concrete at Indiana State's crumbling football stadium.

PS - "Since when is Men's and Women's swimming "marquee"." --> 20 of 22 mens and 25 of 27 womens NCC titles and top five finishes at nationals puts them up on the marquee for "best supporting" after (7 DI titles) hockey, football, and basketball.

I was making reference to teams you play. You made reference to sports NDSU isn't involved with. Apples to Oranges if you ask me.

I'll make sure to take pictures at Indiana State. I will also take some at the Metrodome. Make sure and send me one from Crookston.

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What's funny is all those wonderful places, and grand and glorious visions, and yet you have to come here, to be with us, to get any recognition at all.

Meanwhile we're busy preparing to go to St. Paul and Buffalo and (hockey gods willing) St. Louis.

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What's funny is all those wonderful places, and grand and glorious visions, and yet you have to come here, to be with us, to get any recognition at all.

Meanwhile we're busy preparing to go to St. Paul and Buffalo and (hockey gods willing) St. Louis.

Maybe this is part of his community service obligation... :)

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Good then hockey is the only sport you consider important for the next 2 years. Good to know! :)

One thing about the transition to D1(except hockey) for us Sioux fans is that we still do have hockey for post season play. The hockey season is as long as the football & basketball schedule combined. Obviously Bison Dan you have no love for hockey, but there are a lot of people around here(SiouxSports.com) that do. No hockey isn't the only sport I consider important, I think the other Sioux sports will be just fine in time, especially football when we do play NDSU again.

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I would be happy to start playing the Bison again. With records like these, who wouldn't??


62-45-3 in favor of the Sioux

Men's Basketball

158-128 in favor of the Sioux

Women's Basketball

40-33 in favor of the Sioux


89-60 in favor of the Sioux

Time to pull out an oldie but a goodie from the archives regarding the "rivalry"

I remember the last few games in "the rivalry as well"!!, led me to post this on bisonville in April 2004...some of my best work I think!:lol:

Part 1


In Attendance;

Gene Taylor, Lynn Dorn, President Chapman, Coach Miles, Coach Bohl, Coach Ruley, Coach McLeod.

Gene Taylor "I called you all here to discuss the upcoming seasons and our pending move to Division 1!!! We need to shed as positive a light on this as possible, there are plenty of naysayers out their who would like to believe that our move to Division 1 is not a good one. They say that the funds won't be there, they say the talent won't be there, they say the facilities are not all up to par, they say the fan support won't be there, and they also say that we haven't really done jack in D2 over the last few years and that we are arrogant for making this move. That is why we are having this discussion today and why it is imperative that your teams accomplish 3 little things this season. Number 3, you must qualify for postseason play in D2 so that we can show everyone that we really are too good for this level, Number 2, at least one of you better bring home a National Title so we can show our D2 brethern that we are doing them a favor by moving so they won't have to deal with our imagined sheer dominance of this division, and most importantly, and I cannot stress the importance of this enough...since we will not be playing UND anymore in most sports, it it incredibly important that we defeat the Sioux in our final games in these rivalry games....NO EXCEPTIONS!!! We will revisit this discusion or mandate if you want to call it that in May. That is all. Good Luck and remember Bison Pride!!!"

Part 2

Late May

In attendance;

Gene Taylor, Lynn Dorn, and President Chapman seated on one side of a large table with a 4th unidentified person sitting in a large black chair with his back to the table. Also present on the other side of the table Coach Ruley, Coach Bohl, Coach Mcleod, and Coach Miles.

GT: "We are here to revisit our discussions from August. If you all remember I set very achievable goals for you all back then. So lets review. Coach Miles, how did we do on our goals this season?

CM: "Well we did not make the NCAA postseason, we did not even sniff a national title, and we lost to the Sioux in the final game of the rivalry."

GT loosens his tie: "Well I hope it gets better from there." "Coach Bohl can you recap the season for me?"

CB: "We beat Montana!!!"

GT: " Was that one of our goals? I don't seem to remember that one. Anything else?"

CB: "We freakin beat Montana!!!!!"

GT: "Do I have to remind you of our MANDATES for a successful season?"

CB: "Well we did not make the playoffs, we did not even get a sniff of postseason and we lost to the Sioux. But did I mention that we beat Montana?"

GT is now obviously upset, his face is getting red and he undoes one of his shirt buttons, " Coach Ruley, you have always carried this athletic program, please tell me something pleasing to my ears."

CR: "WE did make the NCAA postseason!!, we really did not get anywhere near a national title and we beat the Sioux twice!!"

GT: "Well that is a little better, but we of course did not really have anywhere to go but up though, did we? So we beat the Sioux both times we played them this year, that is great!"

CR: "Yes Sir"

CB: "But Mister Taylor they played the Sioux more than twice this year."

CR: "Shut up baldy"

GT: "Amy is this true"

CR: "Well, yeah I guess so"

GT: "But we beat them the last time we played them, ...right?"

CR: "Not exactly, they beat us for the NCC Title on our home court, but as I told anyone who would listen, that was a meaningless game. Really, I mean sure it was the last time we would play them in Fargo on our home court, but it really did not matter."

GT: "OK, OK, so you beat them 2 out of 3 times then, only losing a meaningless NCC title tilt on our home court?

CR: "Yep, we beat them 2 out of 3 times."

Lynn Dorn: "Mister Taylor, they played 4 times"

CR: "et tu Lynn"

GT: "I want the truth"

President Chapman "under his breath" "you can't handle the truth"

GT: "What?"

PC: "Nothing"

CR: "Well OK we lost one more time which I guess was the last game we played the Sioux, the last time we played in D2, and it ended our season, but it really was not that important of a game"

GT: "This is unfu#$ingbelievable". Coach Mcleod can you save the day?

CM: "We might make the postseason, a national title is pretty unrealistic, and we did lose our final game at home to the Sioux."

GT: "Well, you played them 4 times right? So I assume you won the first 3 and they got lucky and stole one from you, it's baseball, it happens"

CM: "Yep, we played them 4 times"

GT: "Good, good, nice job then"

AR: "Not so fast Mitch"

GT: "Am I missing something?"

A long pause

GT: "Coach Mcleod? Do you have s#!t in your ears"

CM: "No sir. We actually lost all 4 games to the Sioux this season"

GT: "Well thats just fu#$ing great, just Fu$%ing great"

The coaches in unison: "We tried, they are just too good, at least we won't have to play them anymore!!"

GT: "People, I really did not want it to come to this, but I don't know where to go from here, as a wise man once said "You can't make chicken out of chicken soup" I would now like to turn this meeting over to......"

The chair that had been facing away from the table turns around to reveal......................................... Donald Trump!!!! Someone is going to get Fired over this.

BRILLIANT ! :lol::)

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I got your point about being ignorant. Unfortunately, you were the one without a clue. I like following this board because the comedic qualities of this board are outstanding. You can troll Bisonville if you want to. Maybe you can talk up your games next year versus Mesa or Mayville State.

I have no clue......ok, whatever you say. :) I'm pretty sure that there is one team in North Dakota that was Division I first, and it wasn't NDSU.

As far as trolling Bisonville, in the words of Weird Al, I'd rather lick all the toilets in Grand Central Station with my tongue.

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