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Waiting for Milwaukee


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I'm gonna throw together a Frozen Four mix CD today for the drive there.

Anyone have any suggestions on songs that should be on it?

I have all of the warm-up songs somewhere on my hard drive, I just need to locate them.

Splice in the WCHC 10-minute highlight piece every so often. A great mood setting piece.

And by the way, I dream Sioux hockey. Last dream was Sioux 5-2 over BC.

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This might potentially be the longest week EVER... I can't wait until I'm done with classes on Wed and can hope in my car and drive to Madison. Lucky for me I am in the first car (leave GF around 4:00) because the second half of our group isn't leaving GF until 11:00PM on Wed night...

Can't wait to be in Milwaukee!!!


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Does anyone know if there will be any WCHA or NCAA season or tourney highlight programs anytime this week leading up to the Frozen Four? I'd hope FSN or ESPN would put something together to try to build some excitement leading up to the games on Thursday.

Even any internet shows leading up to the games... anything ... please ... the next three days are just gonna drag ... :lol:

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I've been out of work for a couple of weeks due to knee surgery, so I have been climbing the walls trying to occupy my mind with something other than thoughts of the Frozen Four. It's been the longest, slowest week of my life. Well except for that week I spent in Arkansas with my wife's Grandma, who doesn't have cable. Arrggghhhh!!!

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Oh man I am so glad to hear I am not the only Fighting Sioux Hockey addict. I too dream hockey. It usually starts a week or two before the WCHA tourney and lasts a few weeks after the season is over. I am only working 2 days this week, good thing cuz I really don't think reading and posting on here counts as work.

See you in Milwaukee!

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