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UW's Brian Elliott hurt


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I realize it's only one game, but DU now holds the comparison on us. They are quite a ways down in the PWR, but if they keep beating good teams I'd expect them to start climbing in a hurry.

We've got them head to head, so we control that portion of our destiny.

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I thought it was very interesting that the BADgers number one goalie goes down and they lose their next home game 1-0.

There's a couple ways to take that. A) Sconnie is a fundamentally sound team that had their confidence shaken when there was uncertainty (in their minds) between the pipes. B) Their offensive output this year has been a byproduct of a confidence that they could take chances with Elliot in net.


C) We are getting close to February/March and the BADgers feel the end is near. ???

Great post. We'll see tonight and next weekend how Wisco bounces back, if at all. I think losing Elliott may expose them so I will choose A, B, and C. :lol:

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My wife is a BADger alum so there's been a lot of noise in our house this year. I took note a while back that Wisconsin was winning an awful lot of one-goal games. I looked up their schedule and going into this weekend, they had won 7 such games and lost only 1. Not to take anything away from Wisconsin this year, but a bad bounce here and some puck luck lost there and all of a sudden the big Red bus doesn't look so shiny.

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