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I was very afraid that this game would get ugly. Lee's hit from behind early (questionable no-call), then Smaby's big hit on Trotter (correct no-call). Couple the big hits with all the trash talk by both teams in the newspapers and I could see this thing turning into a big ole fist fight.

Maybe it was seeing how badly Trotter was injured (like JPar said postgame) but the raw emotion ebbed a bit from both teams. I am very disappointed in the Sioux's lack of discipline when they had two separate chances to put Denver away on the 5-minute majors. They took stupid penalties that were correctly called, but clearly unnecessary in the flow of the game. And I am having a hard time believing Gwozdecky is such a classy coach (seems like everyone says the same thing of him) when his team continues to play the clutch, grab and hit-from-behind game.

I think Hakstol and Smaby both deserve a great deal of praise for getting the team under control emotionally. Aside from 15 minutes or so of the second period, I felt the Sioux played with a lot of poise. It is becoming more and more difficult to believe that this is such a young team.

I was a student when Rube Bjorkman brought in a similarly-big freshman class in 1973; there were four or five Minnesota All-State players, IIRC. A lot of talent on paper that just never jelled on the ice. Clearly Hakstol is a coach more adept at integrating great young talent into a WCHA team. He showed me last night just what a good coach he is.

As I noted earlier, Saturday's game will be a very good indicator of how good this team might be: if they can come out and establish their game early again and finish the sweep, we might be on the cusp of something pretty special. Regardless of Denver's losses, this is the two-time defending national champ. This is a team that knows how to win very tough games. Beating Denver is a very big accomplishment. The Sioux's youth, however, makes me wonder if they can find the energy and motivation to seal the deal. I hope the Ralph is rockin' tonight. And I hope the kids show me what they're made of, not just how talented they are. This is easily the most talented team to play in this building.

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Last night gives us a benchmark about where this team is right now, and they are way ahead of where I thought we'd be this early. (I thought we'd get killed before Christmas and hopefully come around by March...)

Several freshmen are clearly able to play at this elevated level already, including Lee and Chorney on D ... their skill level is outstanding. Jones and Finley are a little further away from full-speed just yet, but for most 5x5 situations they can hold their own. Coming into the season, "D" was the big BIG question about this team, and barring some unforseen issue, looks to be answered favorably. I do expect some bumps, and we gave DU the puck a few times last night on unforced turnovers but that should decrease as the team plays together more.

Up front, Toews is something really REALLY special too, a phenom. On the goal, he was looking pass, acting pass, then whipped a "no-look" wrister at Fisher who wasn't really ready. Even so, Fisher gave him just a small upper corner to shoot at and Toews hit it.

Oshie played another strong game, and both Kozek and Watkins had their chances.

I agree with TH's postgame analysis, Chris Porter had an outstanding game last night. He's not only strong enough to keep the puck along the walls, but he seems faster this year, fast enought that he turned DU defense on rushes 3-4 times.

I really don't care for most organized swear-chants, but I enjoyed the student section chanting F&%# You Denver after the major penalties. (OK, just this one time...) The pattern of conduct by DU players is becoming increasingly evident, and burying those b@#$%rds is the best way to get even. I was glad to see our guys keep it clean; that too is a good sign of maturity.

As to the rematch, we need the intensity of last nights first period. And we need to wear DU down with forechecking. I think DU will come out stronger early tonight, and we may need a comeback to win this one.

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I think INCH and USCHO need to revisit their assessment of Top Incoming class. As I have maintained all along this is the greatest freshman class any year any team bar none. As for tonights game, Mannino misses his old D more than Fisher and has looked shakey at times. Given the Pies depleted lineup, if the Sioux can take two of the three periods they should prevail with a score of 5-2.

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But from what I saw the first period might have been the best period of Sioux hockey I've ever seen, or have seen in a long time.

Best period of Sioux hockey was February 15, 1998 against the Gophers. Sioux down 3-0 after two periods, come out and bury 5 goals, while allowing 1 shot for the Rodents! I still have that game on tape, and I still love to watch that period of hockey. It was back in the Woog days, which makes it even sweeter to watch.

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Za-ford's chemistry is fantastic! (e.g. shortie last week and the tic-tac-toe last night)

[Za-ford? That's ridiculous ...but deliciously over the top in Bennifer style--I'll try it out for a while.]

If you are interested I have a chatroom set up for the game HERE.

Thanks for the well-intentioned offer, and thank you to the posters who nonetheless continue to post at SiouxSports.com. A number of us like to log on later and read the in-game message log after the game. I also like how the game thread blends into a post-game discussion.

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I was listening to post-game interviews last night and someone (can't remember who) said that Trotter's cut was very deep down to the tendon -- achilles, I think. Was the cut that far back on his leg?

An excellent site on injuries to the Achilles Tendon. Lots of pictures and you have an option to actually view a recording of the surgury that Trotter could very well go through. Yes, it talks about ruptured Achilles tendons, but in essence, that's what is being talked about with Trotter, only the blade of a skate did it and not some other type of activity.

Assuming that this is a lacerated Achilles Tendon, websites that talk about Achilles tendon injuries (usually only tendenitis and ruptured Achilles Tendon) list 4-6 months for the severe cases of injury to this tendon in terms of athletic activity. It certainly requires surgury for a rupture or in this case, a tear.

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An excellent site on injuries to the Achilles Tendon. Lots of pictures and you have an option to actually view a recording of the surgury that Trotter could very well go through. Yes, it talks about ruptured Achilles tendons, but in essence, that's what is being talked about with Trotter, only the blade of a skate did it and not some other type of activity.

Assuming that this is a lacerated Achilles Tendon, websites that talk about Achilles tendon injuries (usually only tendenitis and ruptured Achilles Tendon) list 4-6 months for the severe cases of injury to this tendon in terms of athletic activity. It certainly requires surgury for a rupture or in this case, a tear.


Just 2 minutes, 7 seconds into the first period, Denver lost freshman forward Brock Trotter to a leg injury he suffered when Matt Smaby checked him behind the net. Denver coach George Gwozdecky described Trotter's injury as a 4-inch gash above his skate. He said it was not a season-threatening injury.

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Gwozdecky confirmed tonight that Trotter was done for the season because of damage to the Achilles tendon, as well as some muscle groups. He said that Trotter won't be able to skate again for 8 months minimum. The DU game notes said Trotter was in surgery for more than two hours last night.

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Gwozdecky confirmed tonight that Trotter was done for the season because of damage to the Achilles tendon, as well as some muscle groups. He said that Trotter won't be able to skate again for 8 months minimum. The DU game notes said Trotter was in surgery for more than two hours last night.

I was hoping Gwozdecky quote in the paper was accurate. I feel bad for the kid.

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That's too bad -- I was also hoping I had heard incorrectly. From what those at the game have said, it makes sense it was the Achilles... Trotter stood up and then went right back down. Mikejm, that was probably the very white and shiny tendon you saw.

Best wishes to young Mr. Trotter for a full recovery!

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I was hoping Gwozdecky quote in the paper was accurate. I feel bad for the kid.

It was an accurate quote of Gwozdecky. He didn't think it was that bad after last night's game. He found out later that the injury was worse than originally expected.

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It was an accurate quote of Gwozdecky. He didn't think it was that bad after last night's game. He found out later that the injury was worse than originally expected.

One good thing about it's happening here, is that we have some pretty good orthopedic surgeons in Grand Forks. Quick intervention will hopefully assure his returning to the ice next year.

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