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Is REA going broke?


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I think his login name explains just about everthing....

Yep, that boy is a hopeless case. I don't even think a rolled up newspaper will help him now. All he ever seems to do is to talk out of the exit end of the digestion track. :D

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Yep, that boy is a hopeless case. I don't even think a rolled up newspaper will help him now. All he ever seems to do is to talk out of the exit end of the digestion track. :D

It is a well known disease that quite a few individuals have south on I29 - oh about 78 miles - called Siouxenvy.

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Bison Sports Center...now there's a venue...you gotta bring your own foam padding or you'll end up with a sores...drink a flat beer and pee in a galvanized trough...very classy...

I, for one, enjoy nothing more than peeing in a trough (except maybe peeing in the old Whitey's urinals that went all the way to the floor)... can't explain why.

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I, for one, enjoy nothing more than peeing in a trough (except maybe peeing in the old Whitey's urinals that went all the way to the floor)... can't explain why.

Go see a game at Fenway sometime then....and you can piss in what equates to a bunch of elogated bathtubs.

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I, for one, enjoy nothing more than peeing in a trough (except maybe peeing in the old Whitey's urinals that went all the way to the floor)... can't explain why.

Your Cletus avatar made that post exponentially funnier. :D

My favorite is the RRV fairgrounds concert area. After a couple 1/2 gallon beers about 75% of the people mistake the floor for the trough. I'd hate to be the poor SOB that has to clean those things the next morning.

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Since when does someone's opinion become fact?

I guess anything that praises UND is fact. :D

speaking of opinion;

1. When it serves their purpose, you've been herein defined by that.

2. Absolutely, wouldn't have it any other way ;)

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I guess anything that praises UND is fact. :D

It is a fact that one of the NHL's top hockey coaches praised the REA. It would be the equivalent of Bill Belichek calling the FargoDome the best football facility in the world. And we all know how likely it is that will happen. ;)

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Since when does someone's opinion become fact?

That would include yours then too. :D

Forgive me for placing a higher value on the opinion of a man at the pinacle of his profession, namely Andy Murray, head coach, Los Angeles Kings, when it comes to judging hockey arenas.

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Spell check automatically corrects Xcel for spelling their name wrong. :D

Don't you just LOVE Microsoft?!?! :angry:

Unfortunatly, I will be unable to compare your arena the the X this year AGAIN...why do poeple have to get married in the fall during hockey season? ;)


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I have never been to the REA, and don't ever plan on going to the REA. If the REA is being compared to the Xcel, it must be a nice modern arena. I am an old school guy that would take Chicago Stadium, Boston Garden, Maple Leaf Gardens, Montreal Forum, over any other arena. I even enjoyed the old Met or Winnipeg Arena. Today my favorite places to watch hockey are the Wakota Arena in South St Paul and the Hastings Arena. Something about the old wooden rafters that make me feel like I am at a real hockey game, and not at a corporate show and tell.

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I have never been to the REA, and don't ever plan on going to the REA. If the REA is being compared to the Xcel, it must be a nice modern arena. I am an old school guy that would take Chicago Stadium, Boston Garden, Maple Leaf Gardens, Montreal Forum, over any other arena. I even enjoyed the old Met or Winnipeg Arena. Today my favorite places to watch hockey are the Wakota Arena in South St Paul and the Hastings Arena. Something about the old wooden rafters that make me feel like I am at a real hockey game, and not at a corporate show and tell.

Ever sat behind a pole in the old Boston Garden? Not fun. About the only seats you could come by during the Celtics Championship years in the mid 80's.

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I have never been to the REA, and don't ever plan on going to the REA. If the REA is being compared to the Xcel, it must be a nice modern arena. I am an old school guy that would take Chicago Stadium, Boston Garden, Maple Leaf Gardens, Montreal Forum, over any other arena. I even enjoyed the old Met or Winnipeg Arena. Today my favorite places to watch hockey are the Wakota Arena in South St Paul and the Hastings Arena. Something about the old wooden rafters that make me feel like I am at a real hockey game, and not at a corporate show and tell.

I agree on the corporate side. Money talks and so it isn't as cut and dry as it used to be. Heck, there's ads on the boards at the local high school arena here in town, though there are noticably less than at the Ralph.

Corporate atmospheres are one thing, but corporate arenas are a reality at most NCAA, semi pro, and pro levels.

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I have never been to the REA, and don't ever plan on going to the REA. If the REA is being compared to the Xcel, it must be a nice modern arena. I am an old school guy that would take Chicago Stadium, Boston Garden, Maple Leaf Gardens, Montreal Forum, over any other arena. I even enjoyed the old Met or Winnipeg Arena. Today my favorite places to watch hockey are the Wakota Arena in South St Paul and the Hastings Arena. Something about the old wooden rafters that make me feel like I am at a real hockey game, and not at a corporate show and tell.

I've been to the REA. It was obnoxiously over done as if its builder was dying.

That a way Ralph, do the exact opposite of what you did to build your fortune.

Not that UND cares about you, they just wanted your money to get their precious figure skaters out of that horrible dump.

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I've been to the REA. It was obnoxiously over done as if its builder was dying.

That a way Ralph, do the exact opposite of what you did to build your fortune.

Not that UND cares about you, they just wanted your money to get their precious figure skaters out of that horrible dump.

The catch is this: Ralph Engelstad, not UND, made every construction decision on the building. If Ralph used his money and his decisions to build a building for a team he used to play for and his zealous love for that team came through in the building, so be it.

If it was at the southwest corner of University and 17th Ave N in Fargo, instead of that half-bricked Morton building that is there, I'm sure it would get a much better rating from you. :D

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... Chicago Stadium, Boston Garden, Maple Leaf Gardens, Montreal Forum, over any other arena. I even enjoyed the old Met or Winnipeg Arena.

What's interesting about that list:

Those are all "parking lots" today (except for Winnipeg Arena which is slated for destruction after True North Centre opens this fall).

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I've been to the REA. It was obnoxiously over done as if its builder was dying.

That a way Ralph, do the exact opposite of what you did to build your fortune.

Not that UND cares about you, they just wanted your money to get their precious figure skaters out of that horrible dump.

I see the Bison folks still have a serious case of Sioux envy. I thought it might end once they made it to the "big-time". Or maybe D1 Midgets isn't as "big-time" as they were led to believe. Why are you concerned with the Sioux and their facilities? You're going to be playing at St. Mary's of Cal and all the rest of those big-time programs. :D

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