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Keith Ballard traded again


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This has to be one of the more intriguing deadline deals so far (from TSN.ca):

The Colorado Avalanche have traded defenceman Derek Morris and prospect Keith Ballard to the Phoenix Coyotes for defenceman Ossi Vaananen and centre Chris Gratton.

For what it's worth, I think Colorado drastically overpaid for Chris Gratton, a guy who has never been able to meet the high expectations. Derek Morris is one of the best all-around young defensemen in the NHL, and I would think Ballard projects to be a very similar player.

Nice deal for Phoenix.

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This has to be one of the more intriguing deadline deals so far (from TSN.ca):

For what it's worth, I think Colorado drastically overpaid for Chris Gratton, a guy who has never been able to meet the high expectations. Derek Morris is one of the best all-around young defensemen in the NHL, and I would think Ballard projects to be a very similar player.

Nice deal for Phoenix.

Perhaps Colorado saw KB's performance last Saturday and decided to get rid of him ??? When M'Zacco stated that Ballard shouldn't go out on the town that night without a security guard you know he had a bad game!

And just so the Gopher fans on this board don't attack me, I will acknowledge that he does have great offensive skills.

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I thought it was rather humorous Monday morning listenting to Dubay wonder out loud just what exactly is it that makes opposing teams hate Ballard so much and what causes them to go out of their way to get a shot in on him.

Hey genius Dubay, just take the blinders off for one period and watch him out on the ice. He's an outstanding talent, no question. Arguably the best defenseman in the conference. But he's certainly no angel out there. And that little swan dive he took on a high-sticking penalty in the third period Saturday? Looked like he had been hit by a sniper from the upper deck. Of course, he was on the ice to start the ensuing power play.

Again, having said that, I think Phoenix will prove in the long run to be the winner's in this deal. I've been watching Derek Morris since he played junior in my home town and he can do it all, much like Ballard.

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I thought it was rather humorous Monday morning listenting to Dubay wonder out loud just what exactly is it that makes opposing teams hate Ballard so much and what causes them to go out of their way to get a shot in on him.

Hey genius Dubay, just take the blinders off for one period and watch him out on the ice. He's an outstanding talent, no question. Arguably the best defenseman in the conference. But he's certainly no angel out there. And that little swan dive he took on a high-sticking penalty in the third period Saturday? Looked like he had been hit by a sniper from the upper deck. Of course, he was on the ice to start the ensuing power play.

Again, having said that, I think Phoenix will prove in the long run to be the winner's in this deal. I've been watching Derek Morris since he played junior in my home town and he can do it all, much like Ballard.

Canuck, I happened to hear that too. I couldn't believe Dubay didn't understand that. I was very impressed when Lucia basically said that Ballard's actions on the ice invite that kind of response from other teams.

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Hey! Gopher players do no wrong! ;) How dare you say he invites trouble...oh...wait...yah, there was that ONE time..... :D I'd rather have Ballard tho then ANY of the goons on JBSU's team that lack tallent, but still seem to draw the ire of opponents.


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They must have seen him play this past weekend.. HA HA Ballard is a great defensman but i would not rather see anyone crumble in a weekend more than him... except the Gopher Loafer, Vanek! Listening to the two idiot commentators Mazzaco and the Wooganator makes me hate the Chokers even more. What a couple of pure homers! If the other teams goalie makes an awesome save, it's "And Vanek couldn't get it up on him!" If the other team shoots it into the chest of Briggs, it's "And briggs makes s spectacular chest save!" What a couple of goons, they make me laugh!

Anyway Ballard is good, too bad the Gophs are gonna get toasted in the NCAA's with the goaltending and defense they have displayed as of late!!

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except the Gopher Loafer, Vanek!

Gopher Loafer :D;) I love it is that your own creation???

That name fits Vanek perfectly. The last Gopher game I had the pleasure of watching was against Denver. If I was Vanek's team I would have been pi$$ed at his lack of effort.

Gopher Loafer...

Someone needs a sign like that at the X (IF MN gets past SCCC)...

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This has to be one of the more intriguing deadline deals so far (from TSN.ca):

For what it's worth, I think Colorado drastically overpaid for Chris Gratton, a guy who has never been able to meet the high expectations. Derek Morris is one of the best all-around young defensemen in the NHL, and I would think Ballard projects to be a very similar player.

Nice deal for Phoenix.

Agree with your summary; but I also want to point out that the Coyotes fall in the "inept" range when it comes to maximizing the talent they have to its fullest potential. Ex: The Coyotes unloaded Daniel Briere to the Sabres in exchange for Gratton. While Briere was in Phoenix he was consistently one of the best players on the ice but, for whatever reason, never saw a whole lot of playing time--always getting sent down to Hershey or wherever the Coyotes' minor league team is, even after he scored 2 or 3 goals in a particular game. Makes me wonder if management had it in for him or just didn't have a lot of confidence in him. We get Gratton & he flops while he's here; same thing with Amonte.

Phoenix is a joke when it comes to its professional teams--I'm becoming convinced it has something to do with the water or heat here because this city is just flat-out unable to produce a winner. Even the smartass sports editor in the local rag here is starting to question Gretzky's emotional commitment to the team because he's rarely at the games & also criticizes some of the management choices he's made.

I agree that Phoenix got the upper hand in this deal but let's see if they can make anything come of it. Hopefully everyone's happy & the deal will be a good fit for those involved. I don't know what Colorado was thinking when they did this--Gratton's a big oaf out there but, because he's leaving Phoenix & no longer subject to our water supply and heat, will probably become a force in Colorado.

Note: The Coyotes have a few former college hockey players on their roster:




Westrum (I think this is "Erik" who used to play for the Gophers)

Ballard (soon)

Jones (soon)

Wyatt Smith (used to play here but maybe he's in the minors now or has been traded)

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I believe Wyatt Smyth has since moved on to the Nashville organization and, yes, that is Erik Westrum. Speaking of Gophers I can't stand...

I also took great pleasure on Saturday watching a Keith Ballard outlet pass result in a broken stick, a turnover and a St. Cloud State goal. Pure, unadulterated, laugh-out-loud comedy.

All kidding aside, I've seen Phoenix scout Shane Churla at several UND games at REA, and also saw him in Mankato when UND played there, so they aren't shy about scouting collegiate players.

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A couple weeks ago you could have said Landon Wilson but he's since been traded to Pittsburgh.

Landon will be missed...he was a fan favorite & a big financial backer for disadvantaged people (I think mentally retarded kids) in the Phoenix community. A class act.

Of all the ex-collegiate players on the Coyotes roster, I like Taffe the best...seems to have a natural instinct for the game, above-average speed & a precision shot. Kolanos, on the other hand, was sent down to the minors for a heart transplant a couple months ago because he was playing uninspired hockey; is back up now & his play seems to have improved as a result.

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Landon will be missed...he was a fan favorite & a big financial backer for disadvantaged people (I think mentally retarded kids) in the Phoenix community. A class act.

Of all the ex-collegiate players on the Coyotes roster, I like Taffe the best...seems to have a natural instinct for the game, above-average speed & a precision shot. Kolanos, on the other hand, was sent down to the minors for a heart transplant a couple months ago because he was playing uninspired hockey; is back up now & his play seems to have improved as a result.

Have you been to the new rink? I was hoping to get over there this spring, but it's looking less and less likely.

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Have you been to the new rink?

Not yet. But when Jones gets here, definitely. It's difficult getting excited about perennial losers. You knew they were doomed when they unloaded Selanne before coming to the desert. And then they release Numminen, a stabilizing force at defense for eons, at the beginning of this season. And to top it off, they fired Bobby Francis a few weeks ago. Sure, give the coach ZERO talent & expect him to work miracles with Jerry's kids; he was the fall guy for some awful trade decisions made by management. I'd get more bang for the buck by flushing my money down the toilet. Things can only get better for them (& it's starting to improve with the acquisition of goalie Brent Johnson from the Blues) but it'll take a few years & they stink right now.

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