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Other than the importance of getting four points next weekend, what are some thoughts about the series?

As for lines, it would seem logical that Bochenski and Parise would be paired up again, but the way Bochenski has been playing with Genoway, how likely is it that Blais will keep BB with Fylling and CG?

Since it will be a short week of practice for the WJ participants, how likely is that DB will put the three returnees on the same line even though they aren't playing together in Finland?

Finally, who do you feel will be sitting for UND?

I hope it is a good weekend of hockey, I hope UND gets the sweep, which won't be as easy as many people think, and I hope the Sioux remember some of the comments Fournier has made about the program in recent articles.

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I like the idea of splitting Money into a line with Genoway and Fylling. The seem to do well and bring a variety of talent to the ice. I think keeping Murray and Parise makes a lot of sense, as they seemed to have started clicking. Maybe putting Lundbohm or Stafford there too.

We need to bag four points in a big way. Not because we're in danger of slipping, but I'm interested in getting the entire team back together and focused on a run into April. Chemistry is important, and I think it's vital to reestablish it across the roster before we move into crucial series in late January and into February.

As far as Fatass Fournier, I'm sure the Big Sioux will be running short of fries and gravy by Saturday, so stock up now, folks. And watch your wallets too. :angry:

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It should be an interesting series and I don't think the Sioux will take UAA lightly. That said, I hope the guys don't give a rats a$$ about Fournier. He's the college hockey equivalent of Jeff Weaver. He's gone now and we are 14-2-1 against a brutal schedule with a great shot at the MacNaughton Cup and bigger glory. They need to keep their eyes on the prize and not worry about settling some perceived old score with an annoying little brother.

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Some of what Fournier has said in the media can't be sitting too well with the UND coaches and players. I don't think the Sioux will have a problem getting motivated for this series. Fournier has seen to that. If the Seawolves get swept (and I think they will), it'd be interesting to know how Fournier's public comments went over with his teammates.

I recall Blais saying on a coaches show earlier this year that the players returning from Finland will probably still be charged up enough to play on Friday. But on Saturday, everything will start to catch up with them.

For that reason, I'd be tempted to keep the top three lines together the way they were for the past four games. That way, if Parise, Murray and Stafford are tiring quickly, they won't have to be on the ice much and they won't slow any other lines down.

I assume that after the way he played at SCSU, Brandt will get the start in goal.

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They need to keep their eyes on the prize and not worry about settling some perceived old score with an annoying little brother.

I agree. Use Fournier's comments as motivation to give UAA a sound butt kicking? Sure. Focus on getting even with him? No.

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Another thing that bodes well for us, besides having the rest of our big guns back, is that UAA has been idle since mid-December. We were kind of rusty kicking around Findlay, and I can't imagine eating caribou hooves and walrus lard over the holidays has done much for the UAA team. Moreover, I'm sure Fatty Fournier had his usual spot reserved at MickeyD's quaffing down Happy Meals. :lol::angry:

That said, this program has always given our best teams fits, and I just hope we approach this series as seriously as we would SCCC, Minnie or Wisco. Hit 'em early, hit 'em hard and send 'em home in a body bag. :lol:

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Tickets are general admision from what I understand. Meaning we have to all wait outside. Me, forecheck and morley have dibs on the seats on the penalty box. So no one better take em or I'll crack their skull. :angry::lol:

I probably won't get there that early. I just want a seat where I usually sit. Or anwhere in section 108 Rows A-G would work too. I have to firm up plans yet. May be coming with a friend.

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I think we have an idea here. A fishing rod/hockey stick with a drumstick.

Won't fly. The REA doesn't want anyone bringing in any food that you didn't buy there. I got lucky last season and they made me throw out my pack of gum and my bottle of water.

I propose modifying it to hanging a Big Mac box from the line instead of a drumstick.

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Why don't you students have your regular seats for this series? Is there some quirk in student season tickets related to school being on a break? I think your ticket book doesn't include the Subway Tourney or the playoffs, right?

Let's start the signs thread. In addition to the Mickey D's allusions, I think we should use the 80s Theme, especially Saturday night. I'll make the signs that you, the fans, want to see as well as bring back some of the golden oldies from earlier this season.

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Of course it's dumb. And it also happens to be the the coldest week of the year. GRRR! Gonna freaking nearly die waiting outside. :angry: Nothing we can do though, so may as well accept it. Being lied to is par for the course.

Playoffs, I can see not being included because that isn't part of UND's season ticket package really, it is the WCHA who is in charge of that. It will be over Spring Break, so many students won't be there anyways. The problem is that we don't get priority on any seats. That is stupid.

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