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Prayers for little Sioux fan


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I didnt know where else to put this so I decided on here. I just wanted to attach a caringbridge website for one of my friends kids. Little Ryker is currently in Meritcare(Sanford) in the PICU. Today is a big day for this little man as they slowly wean him off of the vent. So all your prayers and thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


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I didnt know where else to put this so I decided on here. I just wanted to attach a caringbridge website for one of my friends kids. Little Ryker is currently in Meritcare(Sanford) in the PICU. Today is a big day for this little man as they slowly wean him off of the vent. So all your prayers and thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


I use to work with his dad and have been sending prayers since we found out on Friday night. The whole family is big Sioux fans and he is showing he is a true Sioux with all his fighting.

superbisonfan thanks for posting to this site Ryker needs all the prayers he can get.

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