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2011 schedule concerns

Ole in MSP

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Until we have 11 scheduled dates, any consideration of dropping Sioux Falls is ludicrous. Those suggesting as such can donate the penalty ($50 - $100 K) to the program, and then add another $100 K to schedule another game.

Really? Even if there is a 'better' game and option out there?

Also, do we know for sure that there is a $50-$100K buyout for that contract? If there is, then obviously it would have to be a very compelling game to get out of the contract.

Regardless of what happens, I will still be VERY disappointed if we play SF again. But hey, that's just me. :ohmy:

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Really? Even if there is a 'better' game and option out there?

Also, do we know for sure that there is a $50-$100K buyout for that contract? If there is, then obviously it would have to be a very compelling game to get out of the contract.

Regardless of what happens, I will still be VERY disappointed if we play SF again. But hey, that's just me. :ohmy:

As star said, you don't consider dumping the Sioux Falls game until the rest of the schedule is filled and you have a better option available to fill the date. I don't feel like going back to look, but I'm pretty sure that there was some kind of buyout. And personally I don't have as much of a problem playing them again. I would prefer another FSC game, but if we are having trouble filling the schedule it wouldn't be bad to have a chance to even the slate.

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I may be in the minority on this but I would actually like to see us play them again. Last year's loss was probably one of worst losses in Sioux football history and I think the program needs to avenge that loss by kicking the living !@#$ out of that team. They should have never been on the field with a program of our caliber but our coaches and players took the week off and absolutely embarassed themselves.

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As far as Sioux Falls go, I'm not really on board with the "buy them out or else" crowd. It's quite likely that more often than not in the world of DI FCS football, we will have at least one sub-DI opponent in a given year. I really don't care if it is Sioux Falls, Humboldt State, or Grand Valley............it is just a reality to make the economics of college sports feasible. To me, it is no different than a Texas Tech or Idaho playing North Dakota.

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As far as Sioux Falls go, I'm not really on board with the "buy them out or else" crowd. It's quite likely that more often than not in the world of DI FCS football, we will have at least one sub-DI opponent in a given year. I really don't care if it is Sioux Falls, Humboldt State, or Grand Valley............it is just a reality to make the economics of college sports feasible. To me, it is no different than a Texas Tech or Idaho playing North Dakota.

Unless of course you want to be a playoff team. North Dakota is a counter for TT or Idaho, Sioux Falls is not a counter for ND. A non-counter win vs. someone like Sioux Falls could be the difference between playoffs or staying home on a given year. They are fine for now, but down the road you want to play someone at the DI level.

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Unless of course you want to be a playoff team. North Dakota is a counter for TT or Idaho, Sioux Falls is not a counter for ND. A non-counter win vs. someone like Sioux Falls could be the difference between playoffs or staying home on a given year. They are fine for now, but down the road you want to play someone at the DI level.

Absolutely agree with everything you say.............

Just sayin' I'm not now, nor in the next 5-10 years, going to get bent out of shape about having one DII, DIII, or NAIA on the schedule, because I think that is what it takes to make ends meet. Quite alot of FCS programs use the same model. Especially given the fact that we play in a sparsley "FCS populated" region of the U.S., and have to find 7 non-conference games each year.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would love to see Grand Valley on the schedule. I think they're probably better than at least half the teams in I-AA.

I would love to see a top 10 FCS team either at home or away like a Richmond, or App St, New Hampshire type team. We need to get away from the D2 teams Dave and stay in the FCS if we want to gain both respect among the FCS community and attendance. Do you think the Alerus would be packed to see Grand Valley St?? I doubt it.

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