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Is it time to Fire Hak?


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I think there's a rule someplace that not even the Gophers can host the Regional and the Frozen Four in the same city during the same year.

Well that's ok...if they finish over .500 they are automatically placed in the Frozen Four, right?

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I don't know where you get your info but scoring 13 goals and having 25 points isn't "snakebit" in my book.

While Kristo has one goal for half the season. It is truly sad for a player of his suppose caliber after 15 goals last year.

I don't think its a good idea to call his lack of goals "sad", here's why:

I think the focus should be on points more than goals and Kristo has seven assists, and while that is not an amazing stat it is more solid than the one goal stat.

Consider this:

Fast forward to a what is sure to be a big series next month, the UNO games at the Ralph.

Let's say it's a tie game in the third on Sat night. Now imagine a two on none break away with Kristo and Hextall side-by-side booking down the ice with the puck on Kristo's stick.

So Kristo thinks to himself, hmmmm?? 'I need a fricking goal bad for my stats and here is my chance'. The Goalie is thinking, 'hey it's Kristo with the puck. He is Mr. shooter. there is no way he is going to pass it.'

So what do you think Kristo should do??

Before anyone answers that, I am going to switch the subject of my post to fit that of this thread.

During Hak's tenure as coach of the Sioux, I would say that there have been very impressive teams and play overall. Certainly, four Frozen Four appearances, a McNaughton Cup and a Broadmoor trophy says something.

I personally have a lot of respect for the way Hak gets his teams to play a system that involves defensive accountability and strong physical for-checking.

I am not a Hak hater at all, but I think it is fair to say that every person has their Strong points as well as their week points.

So having said that, I believe a "needs improvement area" for the coaching staff is scoring offense.

For anyone who used to watch the Sioux under Blais and for anyone who watched us play Blais's UNO team last month, or for anyone who watched BC play us over the last five years in the NCAA's, you would have noticed many goals being scored on an open net that resulted from a great pass, often on a rush, usually a two-on-one rush, where the player gets the nice feed to get the open net shot.

If you watch the Sioux over the last few years, with the noted exception of Fratten and his RARE and AMAZING talent to burn a goalie with his accuracy on the run, you will have witnessed a team that shoots first and passes later in most all situations.

I do have a respect for the idea of getting shots on net and going for the rebounds, but on the other hand, I do see times when our players take that shoot first mentality when the pass was there to another player who would have had a better shot (open net, goalie on the move and not square) on the other side of the crease.

That is just what I observe...

So getting back to Kristo, I agree that he needs to score a few more goals, but he is passing it around better that he was last year and I think if he continues to make plays like he did in his feed to Trupp last week then that is nothing but good stuff the Sioux.

And that good stuff can be wrecked really fast by an over focus on individual goals vs team goals when a player like Kristo is staring down a goalie with an open team mate at his side on a breakaway.

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